
Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

author:Strive for ABC

"Hands-eating" and "hands-not" babies: revealing the four major differences behind the mystery is not only a contest of intelligence

The ancients said: "When a person is born, sex is like a blank piece of paper." "On this blank sheet of paper, each baby has its own unique colors and imprints. There is a common phenomenon that some babies will "eat their hands", while others will "not eat their hands". What are the mysteries and differences between the two? Today, we're going to explore this topic together.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

1. The initial manifestation of intellectual differences

As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." "Babies who eat hands tend to be more familiar with hand movements, which may also be a sign of earlier intellectual development. Studies have found that the baby's flexible hand manipulation and cognitive ability are closely related to his intellectual development. As a result, babies who "eat hands" may exhibit a higher level of intelligence to some extent.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

2. The quiet formation of personality and character

In addition to the difference in intelligence, there are also subtle differences in personality and personality between babies who "eat hands" and "do not eat hands". As the saying goes, "Habit determines fate." Babies who eat hands may be more quiet and introverted, while babies who don't eat hands may be more active. These subtle habitual movements quietly affect the baby's character formation as they grow.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

3. Differences in emotional expression and communication styles

The ancients said: "The heart has a feeling, and the form has moved." "The way babies express and communicate emotionally is also quietly different between the two." Babies who "eat hands" may be more restrained in expressing their emotions, while babies who "don't eat hands" may be more willing to convey emotions through body language and expressions. This difference may be inextricably linked to interpersonal and social skills later in life.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

Fourth, nuances in physical development

It is important to note that "eating hands" and "not eating hands" may also reflect the baby's physical development. "The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon" mentions: "The life of all things in heaven and earth is infinite." This means that the subtleties in the growth of life can affect future development. Babies who eat hands may have subtle differences in physical development from other babies because of the frequent hand movements that promote the development of certain body parts. However, this difference does not represent the level of intelligence or ability, but is only a phenomenon in the process of growth and development.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

At the same time, parents and friends are reminded to pay attention to the healthy and all-round development of their children. Understanding these differences is not about labeling children, but about understanding them better and caring for them. Every child is unique, and there are a variety of unique marks on their path. Let us pay attention to their growth with a peaceful mind and accompany them through every step of life. Waiting for their transformation and growth in love. There's no need to overemphasize the nuances and ignore their own brilliance.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

After all, as the ancients said, "I am born to be useful." "Every baby has its own unique potential and value waiting to be discovered and cherished. In this process of exploration, let us be more patient and caring, so that they can grow and thrive freely in love and care.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences

Parents need to be more attentive to their children's performance, understand their needs and emotions, and correctly guide and support them to a better life path.

Babies who "eat hands" and "don't eat hands" not only have differences in intelligence, but also these 4 differences