
After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

Xingzhi family education

2024-07-01 10:09Xingzhi Education official account

In the past few days, the results of the college entrance examination in various provinces have been released one after another.

Tens of millions of candidates have ushered in the dividing line of fate, some are happy, some are sad.

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

The college entrance examination is a watershed moment in life, and from now on, children will embark on a completely different life.

But for the majority of parents, no matter what the results of the college entrance examination are, they must recognize one fact:

The roots of education are in the family; The fruit of education is in the parents.

Parents set an example, children benefit; Parents are strict, children are self-disciplined; Parents are responsible, children excel.

What really widens the gap between children is not IQ, not family background, but these 5 keywords!

1, Autonomy

Self-discipline is the ability to resist external temptations and self-restraint.

Li Bei, a Zhejiang scholar, has been admitted to Zhejiang University twice with excellent results.

For the first time, he was crazy about games, often absent from school for no reason, and was eventually dropped out of school because he failed too many subjects.

He was unwilling and was admitted to Zhejiang University again after repeating.

But this time, he still couldn't resist the temptation of the game, and was once again persuaded to quit because of his addiction to the game.

Clever and talented, he originally had a bright future.

But undisciplined and unrestrained indulgence finally took away his right to choose his life.

There's a good saying:

"Whether a person can succeed or not, self-discipline has twice the impact of intelligence."

Without self-discipline, the so-called talent is vulnerable!

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

Gorky said:

"Even a little restraint on oneself can make a person strong."

Tell your child that even small changes can bring about qualitative changes over time.

2. Efficiency

Benjamin Franklin's "Time is money." I believe everyone is familiar with this sentence.

This sentence contains a very important message, and that is efficiency.

Efficiency refers to the amount of work done per unit of time.

Efficient children are able to complete more learning tasks in the same amount of time, so they have more time to expand their interests and social circles.

For example, some children use methods such as the Pomodoro Technique to improve learning efficiency by arranging time blocks reasonably.

This efficient way of learning allows them to complete their learning tasks faster and have more time for reading, thinking, and other activities.

Therefore, parents should focus on cultivating their children's sense of efficiency and helping them master effective learning methods and time management skills.

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children


"No accumulation of steps, no thousands of miles, no accumulation of small streams, no rivers and seas."

In the same way, learning is also a process of continuous accumulation, so high ambition can not learn the real skills, one step at a time to accumulate and develop, progress can not be one step to the sky, one step at a time to be stable and far-reaching.

Cleverness is cultivated by being good at thinking, erudition is tempered by extensive reading, and knowledge is accumulated bit by bit.

The Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Mei attached great importance to the accumulation of language. Once, when the plum blossoms were in full bloom in February, a villager standing under the plum tree said happily to Yuan Mei: "Look, the plum tree has a flower!" ”

Yuan Mei listened, thought seriously for a few minutes, and thought: "Isn't this poetry?" He silently wrote it down, and later wrote the famous sentence "The moon reflects thousands of words, and the frost is high and the plum is pregnant with a flower".

If you want your child to write well, you can't do without the accumulation of good words and sentences, and celebrity stories; If you want your child to be eloquent, you must insist on reading aloud and accumulate material in storytelling.

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

A lot of practice and accumulation is also one of the effective learning methods.

01Read 10,000 books to increase knowledge

It is not important what you read in primary school, but the accumulation of "quantity", so that children can accumulate words and sentences in reading, exercise their expression and writing skills, absorb more knowledge, and cultivate reading habits.

02 Travel thousands of miles to broaden your horizons

Life is full of learning, and good parents can lead their children to be caring people. For example, when taking children to different regions during travel, parents can do homework with their children in advance to understand local customs, humanities, history, geography and other knowledge.

Tao Yuanming said: "Learning is like a spring sprout, not seeing its increase, but growing day by day." ”

You must know that what children gain in learning every day is to accumulate strength for the big exams in life.

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

4. Persistence

Liu Bingqian, a post-00s girl, was admitted to a junior college with a score of 307 in the college entrance examination five years ago, and successfully counterattacked 211 five years later and became a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy of China University of Political Science and Law.

This is her second postgraduate entrance examination, and during the preparation for the exam, she brushed the past papers 3 times from 2010 to 2023 in English alone, and insisted on memorizing 500 English words every day.

Liu Bingqian said:

"When I learned that I had come second in the first exam, I was relieved of all the pain I had experienced during the graduate school entrance examination."

Patience and perseverance, though painful, can gradually bring you benefits.

As this diagram demonstrates:

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

The 365th power of 1.01 equals about 37.8, while the 365th power of 1.02 equals about 1377.4.

If you take the 0.01 as a few more questions, a few more pages of books to read, and a few more words to memorize every day, these children will inevitably become the leader among their peers under the compound interest of time.

On the road of learning, as long as children continue to work hard and struggle unremittingly, they can overcome all difficulties to reach their destination.

On the road of education, parents can only raise strong-willed children by setting an example and not forgetting their original intentions.

01 Slow is fast

When the child wants to give up, parents should give the child positive feedback and teach the child to disassemble the goal, as long as it does not stop, it doesn't matter if it slows down.

02 upward and downward effect

Parents should set a good example for their children, and when they encounter problems, they must have the determination not to give up until they solve the problem, so as to subtly influence their children.

"Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north and south."

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

Parents must make sure that their children understand:

Success often comes when it is the hardest and most tiring, and with a little more patience and perseverance, you will have fewer regrets and regrets in the future.

5. Dreams

Someone summed up the dream:

The secret and law inherent in dreams is the Law of Attraction.

The things that a person pursues will always be pushed to his side by a mysterious force, which is what we often call his wish come true.

This strange phenomenon can be confirmed by many cases in our lives, such as Ding Junhui.

His family background is very ordinary, and his parents are self-employed in the non-staple food business.

In the third grade, by chance, Ding Junhui's talent for playing billiards was revealed, which surprised and delighted his father.

In order to let Ding Junhui have more room for development, his father moved from Jiangsu to Guangdong, the most advanced city of billiards in China, for which he also owed a debt, and in order to repay the debt, he sold the family's old house and rented an 8-square-meter place in Guangdong.

Ding Junhui did not disappoint his father, his passion for billiards made him train for more than 8 hours a day, and he became the first snooker champion in Asia with his hard work and talent.

After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

Ding Junhui said in an interview:

"If I hadn't had my father's education and unconditional support for my dreams, I wouldn't be where I am today, he not only gave me life, but also used his hands to create a smooth life journey for me."

Only in front of the things that children really love will they not be afraid of hardship, tiredness, and enjoyment.

Forward-looking parents will not set limits for their children, but respect their children's dreams, firmly stand aside with their children, and remove stumbling blocks on the road to their children's dreams.

01Be a protector

When children express their dreams, parents should first do not pour cold water on their children, learn to encourage them with words, and support them with actions.

02Be a guide

The road of dreams is full of uncertainties, and when children are confused, parents need to play the role of "guides" and give advice, such as letting children read more celebrity biographies to regain the strength to move forward from various inspirational stories.

"It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see the mountains at a glance."

Although the road is far, the line is coming; Although it is difficult, it can be done; Although the dream is far away, the pursuit is reachable.

When a man tries to stand on tiptoe close to his dreams, the whole world will make way for him.

To educate children, parents must make good use of the "dream law", and only when children feel motivated and hopeful in life, they are likely to create miracles.

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  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children
  • After seeing the results of the top students and the scumbags, I found that it was these 5 keys that really opened up the gap between children

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