
Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

author:Spring breeze of freedom

Wei Dongyi's trip to the Forbidden City: a beautiful moment of mathematical genius and family affection

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

On a sunny weekend in June 2024, the Palace Museum in Beijing welcomed a special visitor – Wei Dongyi, the bright star of mathematics. The young man, known for his exceptional talent and low-key approach to life, set foot in this historic palace for the first time in the company of his cousin, showing a different side of his academic studies.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

Wei Dongyi, whose name is well-known in the world of mathematics, has made remarkable achievements in the field of mathematics with his extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts. However, in front of his cousin, the genius mathematician showed childlike innocence and joy. Recently, Wei Dongyi's cousin came to Beijing with her family, and they not only reunited, but also visited the Forbidden City together and enjoyed a rare family time.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

In the Palace Museum, Wei Dongyi seems to have entered a whole new world. He observed every nook and cranny of the palace with curiosity and was full of interest in every artifact. He bent down to carefully observe the exquisite craftsmanship of the white jade cup and white jade pot, as if he could feel the ingenuity of the ancient craftsmen. This concentration and curiosity is in stark contrast to his usual rigor and dedication in mathematical research.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

During his visit to the Forbidden City, Wei Dongyi not only showed a strong interest in things other than mathematics, but also showed his carefulness and thoughtfulness as a younger brother. He walked in front, guiding his cousins and children, and from time to time he turned back to communicate with them. His cousin secretly took a photo of him from behind, and Wei Dongyi in the photo was smiling brightly, completely devoid of the seriousness and indifference of a mathematical genius.

After visiting the Forbidden City, Wei Dongyi and his cousin's family went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Usually, the most common thing we see Wei Dongyi eating is steamed buns, but this time he is obviously quite interested in the food on the table. He and his cousin and children exchanged their thoughts and feelings about each other while eating the food. This relaxed and pleasant atmosphere makes people feel the warmth and beauty of family affection.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

Some netizens met Wei Dongyi and his cousin's family on campus. In order to avoid being recognized and disturbing his cousin's play, Wei Dongyi specially put on a hat and a mask, and put on long-sleeved clothes. His attentiveness and thoughtfulness were once again revealed. This chance encounter also made people see Wei Dongyi's side as an ordinary person, he is not only a mathematical genius, but also a person with emotions and warmth.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

This trip to the Forbidden City was a rare experience for Wei Dongyi. He not only achieved outstanding academic achievements, but also felt the warmth and beauty of family affection in life. This experience made him cherish his time with his family even more, and it also made him more determined in his beliefs and pursuits.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

In this fast-paced, high-stress society, we are often bogged down by all kinds of trivial matters and neglect the time we spend with our families. However, it is these seemingly insignificant moments that make up the most precious memories of our lives. Wei Dongyi's trip to the Forbidden City reminds us that no matter where we are or what kind of situation we are in, we must cherish the time we spend with our families and feel the power and beauty of family affection.

Wei Dongyi accompanied his cousin's family to the Palace Museum, and in front of his cousin, he was happy like a child

At the same time, this incident also shows us another side of Wei Dongyi as a mathematician. He is not only a scholar who focuses on mathematical research, but also a person with emotions and warmth. His diversity and comprehensiveness make us admire and respect him even more.

Finally, let us look forward to Wei Dongyi's more brilliant achievements in his future academic and life, and also look forward to more young people being able to be like him, while pursuing academics, not forgetting their original intentions, cherishing family affection, and enjoying life. At the same time, let us also call on the society to pay attention to the importance of family affection, so that more people can feel the warmth and strength of family.