
Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy


In the late 16th century, the Spanish Navy was the most powerful navy in the world, calling itself the "Invincible Armada".

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

The bow flag of the Spanish Navy

After several ups and downs, the Spanish Navy is no longer as brave as it once was, but it is also one of the few blue-water navies in the world.

Juan Carlos I-class aircraft carrier

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

1 active ship, full load displacement of 27,000 tons, strictly speaking, this type of ship is a strategic projection ship that integrates the functions of a light aircraft carrier and an amphibious assault ship, which can carry 22 carrier-based aircraft including AV-8B, F-35B fighters, CH-47, S-61, NH-90 helicopters, and can also accommodate 2 air-cushion landing craft, 100 armored vehicles and 900 marines.

Juan Carlos I, port number L61, commissioned on September 30, 2010.

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

Galicia-class landing ships

There are 2 ships in service, with a full load displacement of 14,000 tons, equipped with 2 Mallorca close defense systems, which can carry 6 amphibious landing craft, 600 marines, 30 main battle tanks or 130 armored vehicles, and can also carry 4 EH-101, NH-90 or 6 Bell 212 helicopters.

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

Galicia, board number L51, commissioned on 30 April 1998;

The Castile with board number L52 was commissioned on 26 June 2000.

Álvaro Bazán-class frigates

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

There are 5 ships in service, with a full load displacement of 6,400 tons, and it is the 4th ship in the world and the first ship in Europe equipped with the Aegis system. It is mainly equipped with 1 MK45 127mm naval gun, 1 MK38 cannon, 2 4-pack Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 2 324mm torpedoes, 48 vertical launch systems (launching standard anti-aircraft missiles, Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles), and can carry 1 anti-submarine helicopter.

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

Álvaro Bazán, F101, commissioned on 19 September 2002;

Juan de Bourbon, board number F102, commissioned on December 3, 2003;

Bryce de Resso, F103, commissioned on 6 December 2004;

Méndez Núñez, F104, commissioned on 21 March 2006;

USS Christopher Columbus, board number F105, commissioned on October 23, 2012.

Santa Maria-class frigate

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

There are 6 ships in service, with a full load displacement of 4,100 tons, built on the basis of the American Perry-class frigates, mainly equipped with 1 Otto 76mm naval gun, 1 Mallorca close defense system, 1 MK13 missile launcher (loaded with standard anti-aircraft missiles or Harpoon anti-ship missiles), 1 324mm torpedo, and can carry 1 helicopter.

Santa Maria, F81, commissioned on 12 October 1986;

HMS Victoria, board number F82, commissioned on 11 November 1987;

Numancia, F83, commissioned on 17 November 1989;

Queen Sophia, board number F84, commissioned on October 30, 1990;

F85, imprisoned on May 27, 1994;

Kanari, F86, imprisoned in December 1994.

Meteor-class patrol ship

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

There are 6 ships in service, with a full load displacement of 2,900 tons, which is a modular offshore patrol ship, mainly used to combat piracy and terrorism, equipped with 1 Otto 76mm naval gun, 2 25mm cannons, 2 12.7mm machine guns, and can carry 1 helicopter.

Meteor, P41, commissioned on 28 July 2012;

Luminous Flux, Port No. P42, Served on November 26, 2011;

闪电号,舷号 P43, February 2012 Prison Term;

龙卷风号, broadside No. P44, served on July 19, 2012;

Bold, broadside, p. 45, served July 27, 2018;

Madness, P46, January 21, 2019.

S70-class submarines

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

There are 3 ships in service, built on the basis of the French Agosta class, with an underwater displacement of 1,800 tons, equipped with 4 533mm torpedo tubes, which can arrange mines, launch torpedoes and anti-ship missiles.

Jallane, S71;

Mistral, S73;

Tramuntana, S74.

S80-class submarines

Once Armada: A Glance at the Major Ships of the Spanish Navy

1 ship in active service, designed and manufactured on the basis of the Scorpene-class, with an underwater displacement of 3,000 tons, equipped with 6 533mm torpedo tubes and AIP systems. However, due to design problems, the boat and supporting facilities have been changed in hundreds of places and the cost has soared, and there is no follow-up after one is in service.

Isaac Peral, ship number S81, commissioned on November 30, 2023.

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