
[Ou Chongjing: Blind arrogance! Taiwan's defense industry is heavily allocated for mass production, spending money for the United States] Taiwan is now the entire defense industry is in the heat of the day, and this is all due to

author:Europe respects Taiwan

[Ou Chongjing: Blind arrogance! Taiwan's defense industry is heavily allocated for mass production, spending money for the United States]

The entire defense industry in Taiwan is now in the heat of the day, and this is all shouted out by Tsai Ing-wen, Lai Qingde, and Hsiao Meiqin. Among them, there is an alternative chief accountant or general budgeter: Gu Lixiong. Gu Lixiong actually only knows how to manage this money, but he doesn't know how to make it. Manufacturing is completely incompetent, but since he gives money, of course there is a way. After all, the money is in his hands, but how to give it, you have to create it before you can give it.

Now they're going to do a big grant right away, which means they're going to do a lot of mass production. Before this, the Taiwan region had only 30 warships, regardless of whether they were first, second, or third. Now, Ms. Hsiao says that in the next three and a half years, 141 ships will be produced. This also means that in the next three years, 47 ships will have to be produced in a year, which means that a considerable amount of production will have to be produced every month. Even if you produce 36 ships a year, you have to have 3 ships a month. Months had passed since he spoke, but none of them had been built, and they were still under construction, that is, they heard only the sound of stairs and no warships. At this rate, he would never have been able to produce these 141 ships.

As far as the DPP is concerned, he is actually not worried, as long as there are enterprises that can spend money. The key is to spend money, not to get it done. This is because the two sides of the strait will basically never be able to fight a war, and the troops in the Taiwan region will not be able to fight. After all, someone jumped directly into the boat and swam back to shore saying that he retired and he quit. There is also the Fisherman's Wharf in Haiphong, Taiwan, where there is a man in his 60s on the mainland

The captain of the ship drove directly to the Fisherman's Wharf and landed on his own, and the police found him, but it was after the police reported the case.

This also shows from the side that in the future, Taiwan can directly dock without visas or documents, and all ports in Taiwan have at least 230 small ports or large ports of different sizes. If this law and plan continues, the Taiwan region will be tantamount to not having coastal defense in terms of coastal defense, that is to say, it really does not want to fight, and it does not intend to fight.

But no one wants to fight, and they have to spend money, in fact, they want to spend money on the United States. At the same time, since you don't have to produce without war, it's because you don't produce and you don't have money. In other words, production can only cost money, and only when it is spent can it be given to the United States, and the United States will be satisfied. And if the United States is satisfied, perhaps the United States will stop making trouble in the Taiwan Strait. The United States took the money, and it was all right. However, the two sides of the strait are already pursuing peaceful integration, and they have not said that they want to go to war. For example, the Golden Gate looked so dangerous that it didn't end up fighting. Since the United States wants money, Xiao Meiqin will start with these 141 ships, even if the output of each month cannot keep up at all, she will shrink to satisfy the United States.

[Ou Chongjing: Blind arrogance! Taiwan's defense industry is heavily allocated for mass production, spending money for the United States] Taiwan is now the entire defense industry is in the heat of the day, and this is all due to
[Ou Chongjing: Blind arrogance! Taiwan's defense industry is heavily allocated for mass production, spending money for the United States] Taiwan is now the entire defense industry is in the heat of the day, and this is all due to
[Ou Chongjing: Blind arrogance! Taiwan's defense industry is heavily allocated for mass production, spending money for the United States] Taiwan is now the entire defense industry is in the heat of the day, and this is all due to

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