
"World Pot Wrapped Meat Competition" Chef Wang of Baita Market won the award: he is not satisfied with the traditional method, he also has to study more new flavors of pot wrapped meat

"World Pot Wrapped Meat Competition" Chef Wang of Baita Market won the award: he is not satisfied with the traditional method, he also has to study more new flavors of pot wrapped meat

Shenyang Evening News

2024-07-01 09:33The official account of Shenyang Evening News of Shenyang Daily

Rows of stoves are neatly arranged, the stove is blazing, the sound of the collision of spatulas and iron pots comes and goes, and the famous chefs and chefs play a symphony of pot wrapped meat and delicacies. On June 29th, the "World Pot Wrapped Pork Competition" kicked off in Jilin City, with contestants from Beijing, Nanning, Shenzhen, Shenyang and other cities competing with local and foreign players on the same stage to present the rich taste and form of pot wrapped meat. After a wonderful cooking competition, Wang Wei from Shenyang City won the second prize in the public group of the competition. On June 30, reporters from Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao interviewed Wang Wei, who had just returned to Shen, and listened to him tell the story behind the pot meat.

"World Pot Wrapped Meat Competition" Chef Wang of Baita Market won the award: he is not satisfied with the traditional method, he also has to study more new flavors of pot wrapped meat

One car, two people

"Mr. Wang's pot wrapped meat" captured everyone's taste buds

Wang Wei, "post-80s", his hometown Kaiyuan, he has loved to study food since he was a child, and he ran a Chinese restaurant in his hometown after graduation. In order to seek more development space, he moved his family to Shenyang in 2021 and professionally started making pot wrapped meat in the stall of Baita Market. With a small car and two people, "Mr. Wang's Pot Wrapped Meat" has successfully captured the taste buds of a large number of customers, including many foreign tourists.

"Every chef has a different understanding of the meat wrapped in a pot, so the taste is also different. The flavors of my pot meat are mainly divided into old-fashioned sweet and sour, salty and tomato flavors. The meat is freshly lointed on the same day, and the oil is changed every day, and the ingredients and production process can be seen by customers on the spot. There are more than 10 slices in each pot meat, and it basically takes about four minutes to fry one portion. Wang Wei said.

When asked by reporters why they wanted to go to Jilin City to compete, Wang Wei said: "My main focus is repeat customers, everyone usually gets along well, once a customer was waiting for the pot to be out of the pot, he mentioned to me the 'World Pot Meat Competition', I thought at the time, I can compete with the pot meat from all over the world, this opportunity must not be missed, so I signed up for the competition." ”

"World Pot Wrapped Meat Competition" Chef Wang of Baita Market won the award: he is not satisfied with the traditional method, he also has to study more new flavors of pot wrapped meat

Share your life through video

Gain a lot of fan attention within a year

As a "post-80s", Wang Wei also likes to record the bits and pieces of life by shooting videos. From the selection of ingredients to the challenge of the number of sales, from the blogger's visit to the sharing of production methods, from recording the taste of foreign tourists to finding customers who paid and forgot to pick up the food, Wang Wei has gained a large number of fans on the Internet in less than a year.

"This owner is very real, not only the portion is full, but the taste is also great!" "I went to buy it today, it's delicious, and I'm still eating it!" "His pot wrapped meat is really delicious, I've been buying it, it's a must-buy when I go to Baitabao!" "The boss is very kind, and good people have good rewards!" "The second prize, it's amazing, looking at the list of judges, this competition has a high gold content!" "Wait for me, I'm already on my way to Baitabao." For the attention and comments of the majority of netizens, Wang Wei also enthusiastically shared his exclusive production secret. "First of all, the meat must be made of fresh pork loin of the day, cut to the thickness of two one-yuan coins, and the pot wrapped meat paste is divided into dry and wet methods. According to the calculation of three taels of meat, the dry and method requires 300 grams of dry powder, 220 grams of water, and 50 grams of oil, and then grab, and until it is like a creamy texture. When the oil temperature is heated to five or six percent, the meat covered with paste will be fried in turn, and then it can be removed after it is set. Reduce the oil temperature to a constant temperature, and fry again. Subsequently, add minced garlic and shredded carrots to the 100 grams of pot meat gravy for boiling, stir frequently when boiling, and when boiled to a sticky shape, you can add the meat, so as to ensure that the pot meat is sweet and sour, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Wang Wei said.

Participate in the competition with the mentality of learning and learning

Unexpectedly won the second prize in the public group

Pot wrapped meat, formerly known as pot fried meat, was created by Zheng Xingwen, a special chef of Yin Du Xueying, the governor of Harbin Daotaifu, in the late Qing Dynasty. In order to adapt to the taste of foreign guests, the original salty and fresh taste of "charred pork strips" was improved into a sweet and sour dish. As a special dish in Northeast China, pot wrapped meat is widely popular in Northeast China, and after a hundred years of inheritance and evolution, it has gradually become a brand delicacy with regional characteristics, and it is the white moonlight in the hearts of every Northeast person.

It is reported that the competition lasted for two days, divided into professional group and public group, and the jury composed of 17 expert judges reviewed the scene to score the dishes made by the contestants, and the notary office supervised the notarization on the spot. Cut, batter, frying, dressing, pouring the sauce...... According to the rules of the competition system, the contestants need to use the same ingredients to complete the preparation of pot wrapped meat in 25 minutes. The competition works require the taste to be "sweet, sour, salty, and fragrant", the color "yellow and red", the texture "charred on the outside and tender on the inside", and the knife work "thin and uniform".

"To be honest, I did a lot of ideological work before the competition. Because the stall can basically sell about 80 copies every day on weekdays, and more than 100 copies on weekends, it is really busy. However, with the mentality of learning, learning and participating, I decided to participate in the competition, and I am very happy to win the second prize in the public category. Before I went to the competition, I asked customers for leave through my circle of friends and social media, and I started opening as soon as I returned to Shenyang. Wang Wei said.

Work hard and be honest

Keep digging into more ways to make it

Wang Wei sighed that this competition is a big competition of the strength of different flavors of pot-wrapped meat in Heijiliao in the same arena, and the "world's largest pot-wrapped meat" with a diameter of 1.1 meters was really shocking, spicy, curry, durian, mango, cheese and other 12 "fancy" pot-wrapped meat, which also opened up a new boundary of his cognition of pot-wrapped meat.

For the next step, Wang Wei said frankly that now that the children have gone to college, they have also settled in Shenyang, although the pot meat stall he and his lover jointly operate is not large, but the reputation has always been very good, and tourists and netizens from all over the country often come to visit. He felt extremely pleased and happy for everyone's love and recognition.

"To do business is to be a person, to be down-to-earth, and to do your duty is more important than anything else. I will continue to study and research, and strive to make the production method and taste of pot wrapped meat to a new level, and live up to everyone's trust and support for me! Wang Wei said.

Jin Dan, senior reporter of Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao all-media

Edited by Dan Li

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  • "World Pot Wrapped Meat Competition" Chef Wang of Baita Market won the award: he is not satisfied with the traditional method, he also has to study more new flavors of pot wrapped meat
  • "World Pot Wrapped Meat Competition" Chef Wang of Baita Market won the award: he is not satisfied with the traditional method, he also has to study more new flavors of pot wrapped meat

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