
In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

author:Nanjing tells stories

In 1975, in Beijing, a wedding with not many guests was underway, and seeing the comrades-in-arms of both parents gathering at the wedding banquet, Chen Xiaolu's eyes couldn't help but burst into tears, presumably the souls of his parents in heaven would also feel comforted.

Chen Xiaolu is the beloved son of Marshal Chen Yi, and the bride he married is Comrade Su Huining, the pearl of General Su Yu.

In 1946, Comrade Chen Yi on the battlefield received the good news that his wife, Comrade Zhang Qian, gave birth smoothly, and his third son was born. Because he was a son again, Comrade Zhang Qian was quite frustrated, but Comrade Chen Yi was happy to have another noble son.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

Because the Shandong Field Army was fighting for the liberation of Shandong Province at that time, Comrade Chen Yi named the child Chen Xiaolu, which means "climbing Mount Tai and Xiaolu". As the youngest son of the family and the glorious second generation of red, Chen Xiaolu is much loved by his family.

Although Comrade Chen Yi spoils children, he is still strict with his children, and Chen Xiaolu has known since he was a child that he cannot reveal the identity of his parents to others, and he cannot be special. He wore the clothes that his brothers had eliminated and took the bus to school.

Throughout his student years, he grew up as happy as ordinary children in Beijing, and his best friend was Su Rongsheng, the eldest son of General Su Yu, whose parents were the best partners in the army, and they were the most iron little brothers.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

Gradually, there is a cute little tail next to him, that is the pearl of Comrade Su Yu's palm, Su Rongsheng's sister Su Huining, she and Chen Xiaolu are of the same age, and the relationship between Chen and Su is close.

When Chen Xiaolu was in high school, he was just in time for the state to cancel the college entrance examination system, which made Chen Xiaolu, who was in the rebellious period, very happy, and followed his classmates to participate in various political movements, but this behavior made Comrade Chen Yi very uneasy.

At that time, Chen Yi's physical condition had deteriorated, and he had retired from the central leadership team to recuperate, and he was recuperating in Taoguang, but his son had repeatedly caused trouble in vain, and the young people did not know the depths, which made the old father very worried.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

In 1968, Premier Zhou found Chen Xiaolu, who was ready to "do a big job", and talked to him seriously, "Now the situation is complicated, and the environment in Beijing is not suitable for your growth, listen to your uncle's words, go to the army, and temper yourself." ”

Chen Xiaolu has respected Uncle Zhou since he was a child, and under the teaching of his father, he also has a correct outlook, and he was already confused about some problems at that time. So on the eve of going to the army, he went to visit his father, who was seriously ill.

Chen Yi was already seriously ill at that time, and seeing that his beloved little son had grown up, he was quite touched, and said solemnly, "Maybe you and my father and son will never have the opportunity to meet again after this parting, I just hope that you will work hard and be a down-to-earth person!" ”

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

Looking at his son who bowed his head and wept, Comrade Chen Yi wanted to say a few more words, but he was afraid that he would lose too many words, so he could only stroke his son's shoulder, and finally said, "Don't be special, work steadfastly, don't be afraid of hardship, don't get involved in outside things!" ”

With his father's earnest entrustment, Chen Xiaolu packed his bags and went to the rice research base of the Shenyang Military Region, where he trained hard and learned to grow rice on the sparsely populated and very desolate saline-alkali land.

However, he is also different from other soldiers, other soldiers have normal allowances, but Chen Xiaolu has no allowances, and during his three years in the Shenyang Military Region, he only had 100 yuan from his mother before leaving, and he did not even have a share of the new military uniform.

In the third year, the regiment commander found that a soldier in the team was always wearing a particularly shabby military uniform, and after an investigation, he found that this soldier was actually Chen Xiaolu, the son of Marshal Chen Yi, and was shocked, so he applied to the organization for a new military uniform.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

In 1970, Chen Xiaolu, who had worked hard in the military region for three years, was finally affirmed and recognized by the military region, and joined the Communist Party of China with honor. But a bad news suddenly came, my father was diagnosed with colon cancer, and his days were numbered.

After receiving the letter from his mother, Chen Xiaolu couldn't help crying bitterly, and his ears seemed to be full of his father's earnest teachings from childhood to adulthood, but after all, he was a soldier, and it was his duty to obey orders, and he couldn't affect his military career because of family affairs.

While Chen Xiaolu was secretly in pain, Comrade Chen Yi used his position for the first time and called the Shenyang Military Region, wanting to apply for a family leave for Chen Xiaolu so that he could take a final look at his son, and the military region that received the news immediately approved it.

Returned to Zhongnanhai again, but his father was already thin and skeletal, looking at his haggard father, Chen Xiaolu's tears rolled down, from the moment he received the notice from the military region, he knew that his father's time was running out, and he just wanted to see him for the last time.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

Chen Yi looked at Yingting's resolute son and smiled with relief, "My little sheep has grown up and become Instructor Chen, Dad is very happy and proud of you." He gently wiped the tears from his son's face, who was just a loving father at this time.

In 1971, Comrade Chen Yi closed his eyes peacefully with his love for the party and the country and his concern for his relatives.

In 1974, Comrade Zhang Qian's condition began to deteriorate, Chen Xiaolu hurried back, the difference is that he brought his fiancée Su Huining to visit his mother together, Zhang Qian held the hands of the two tightly, her eyes were full of relief, and she closed her eyes with a smile.

Chen Xiaolu knew what her mother meant, and she always hoped that she and Huining could get married as soon as possible, but unfortunately the two of them had been busy with work, and now it has become her mother's last regret. The following year, Chen Xiaolu and Su Huining held a simple wedding.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

General Su Yu, as Marshal Chen Yi's best partner and Chen Xiaolu's father-in-law, looked at a pair of beautiful sons and sons-in-law, both happy and sad, his beloved daughter finally met a good couple, but his old partner could no longer see his young son marrying a wife, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

After marriage, Chen Xiaolu has been working in the army, living a long-distance life with his wife until 1991, when the 45-year-old Chen Xiaolu was at least a general, but he still applied for discharge, left the army, and went home to take care of his family.

At that time, China was at a great time for reform and opening up, Chen Xiaolu resolutely devoted himself to the business sea, wanting to make greater contributions to the motherland on this new track, and Comrade Su Huining also gave the greatest understanding and support to her husband's choice.

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years

Chen Xiaolu, who is in business, was the general manager of (Hainan) Yalong Bay Development Co., Ltd. and the chairman of Standard International Investment Management Co., Ltd. He has also made outstanding achievements in many business fields, and he always remembers his father's advice to serve the country.

As he got older, he retired indifferently and took his wife back to his father-in-law to start a leisurely life in his later years.

In 2018, Chen Xiaolu died due to myocardial infarction.



2018-03-01 08:47 The Paper, Chen Xiaolu, the son of Marshal Chen Yi, passed away

In 1975, Chen Yi's son married Su Yu's daughter and became in-laws, but unfortunately Mr. Chen has passed away for 3 years