
Suixi County carried out activities for young scientists to enter the campus

author:Noble maple leaf g7jorW

Suixi County carried out activities for young scientists to enter the campus

In order to further promote the quality and efficiency of the united front work of the Communist Youth League, popularize scientific knowledge, carry forward the spirit of science, and improve the scientific literacy and scientific and technological innovation thinking of young people, on June 25, the Suixi County Party Committee of Huaibei City and the County Association for Science and Technology walked into the Xincheng Experimental School to carry out the activities of young scientists entering the campus, and presented a "popular science feast" integrating science, knowledge, interest and participation for young people, so that young people can feel the charm of science and technology at zero distance.

Suixi County carried out activities for young scientists to enter the campus

At the event site, under the guidance of youth volunteers, the teenagers controlled the "robot dog" to show their skills, it quickly ran to the onlookers, forward or backward, or made or danced, like a real pet dog, attracting the teenagers who watched to applaud and cheer for it. They are full of curiosity about the robot dog, and they all want to reach out and touch the head of the robot dog, shake hands with it, and the interaction is full. The staff of the county association for science and technology popularized scientific knowledge for children and planted the seeds of love for science in the hearts of children.

Suixi County carried out activities for young scientists to enter the campus
Suixi County carried out activities for young scientists to enter the campus

In the next step, the Youth League and County Committee will focus on the key work of united front liaison, and take the "Glimmer" public welfare science and technology light youth lecture hall and young scientists entering the campus as carriers to further stimulate young people's enthusiasm for learning and interest in science and technology, promote the overall improvement of young people's scientific literacy, and create a strong atmosphere of stressing, loving, learning and using science. (Correspondent Ge Chenxi, Anhui Economic News Network All-Media Reporter Zhu Haiyang)

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