
Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

author:Popular science in space science


As a very important scientific and technological means, radar technology can observe the movement of the atmosphere and the speed, direction, and position of various objects.

As a common electrical appliance in our daily life, the microwave oven is also a means of using electromagnetic radiation, and radar communicates through electromagnetic waves.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

So compared with radar and microwave ovens, are their electromagnetic wave intensity the same, and how should we judge the degree of damage to the human body caused by radar?

Radiation limits for the human body.

The essence of electromagnetic waves is energy, and in course it is impossible for us to perceive the existence of electromagnetic waves, and electromagnetic waves are also colorless and odorless, so many times, we can even say.

It's really invisible and intangible, but it's because we can't see and can't touch it, so we can't underestimate it, and in daily life, we have a lot of times using electronic devices.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

Mobile phones, TVs, computers, etc., these devices will produce electromagnetic radiation in the process of daily use, and there are various elements in the air around our lives.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

Various electromagnetic waves are also generated, so to a certain extent, electromagnetic radiation is unavoidable.

However, there is actually a certain standard for whether the intensity of electromagnetic radiation causes harm to the human body, for example, in the case of low electromagnetic wave intensity, the human body can bear it.

However, once the intensity of electromagnetic waves exceeds a certain limit, it will cause certain harm to the human body, so the human body also has a certain limit to electromagnetic waves, for ordinary people.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

The limit of electromagnetic waves that can be exposed to every day is about 50 microtesla per day, and the limit of electromagnetic waves that the human body can withstand in a short period of time is also about 100 microtesla.

This is the reason why the electromagnetic waves we are exposed to on a daily basis generally do not harm us, because these strengths are too small.

Of course, these intensities are for the general population, some people will have a more sensitive response to electromagnetic waves, and for such people, the limit of electromagnetic radiation will be smaller.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

At the same time, the size of electromagnetic waves that people can withstand is also related to factors such as age, gender, and physical fitness, but this does not mean that young people can better resist the damage of electromagnetic waves, and the damage of age and electromagnetic waves is not all proportional after all.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

To a certain extent, as people get older, their physical fitness will decline, and their resistance to electromagnetic waves may also decrease, so we still have to try to stay away from strong electromagnetic radiation.

So radar is a tool that uses electromagnetic waves to communicate and irradiate objects, so how big are its electromagnetic waves?

The intensity of the electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves can be used for both communication and irradiation, in fact, because the characteristics of electromagnetic waves are very wonderful, so we can use electromagnetic waves skillfully.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

In the classification of electromagnetic waves, they are divided into different types of electromagnetic waves according to the length of the wavelength, and the electromagnetic waves used by radar are radio frequency electromagnetic waves, which have very long wavelengths, even at the meter level.

Compared with radio frequency electromagnetic waves, microwave electromagnetic waves used in microwave ovens are much shorter, with a wavelength of about 2.5 centimeters, while infrared wavelengths are about a few microns to thousands of microns.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

Of course, compared to the wavelength of these electromagnetic waves, the wavelength of visible light as we know it will be shorter, probably between 400 and 760 nanometers.

The strength of an electromagnetic wave is determined by its power, which refers to the energy per unit of time, and the unit of power is called watts, and the wattage of most microwave ovens is about 800-1000 watts.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

The power of the radar is greater, such as the power of the air-to-ground countermeasure search radar, which can be as high as about 100 kilowatts, of course, this is only the power of some small and medium-sized radars.

Some radars in the Air Force have a much larger power, which can reach the megawatt level, so it can be said that the electromagnetic waves used by radars and microwave ovens are not of the same level.

The impact of radar on the human body.

Since the power of radar is much greater than that of a microwave oven, what happens when a person is illuminated by radar?

There is no doubt that people will definitely be injured to a certain extent when they are illuminated by radar, but how big is this damage and how is it caused?

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

For these problems, we have to understand from the essence of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves are a kind of energy, radio frequency electromagnetic waves through the human body will continue to collide with organic substances in the human body, this collision will produce heat.

The size of the heat is related to the friction between the substances, and because about 70% of the human body is composed of water, the friction between the molecules of water is very large, so the heat generated by this friction will eventually make a large number of water molecules move rapidly and produce heat.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

The production of this kind of heat will make people's body temperature rise rapidly, and if the body temperature is too high, it will cause certain damage to the human brain and various organs.

According to statistics, the body temperature of the human body will exceed 42 degrees Celsius after 5 minutes of radar irradiation, and if the continuous irradiation time reaches half an hour, the cells in the human body will be destroyed.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

Trauma can occur, nausea, dizziness, and even coma can occur, and in severe cases, bleeding from internal organs may occur, leading to death.

And the best way to deal with radar irradiation is to avoid the area where the radar exists, so don't stay in the area where the radar is located for too long!

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?


The harm of electromagnetic waves is far greater than people think, but there are still many people who maintain an indifferent attitude because they do not understand the harm of electromagnetic waves, and this attitude is also very discouraged.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to the radiation generated by electronic devices and try to stay away from electromagnetic radiation, so that we can live and work healthier.

Radar and microwave ovens are both electromagnetic radiation, and if a person is illuminated by an aircraft's radar, it will be roasted?

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