
In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter



In the early winter of Beijing, the wind is cold. One morning in November 2006, 18-year-old Zhang Qingqing stepped on the bus to her internship as usual. She never imagined that this ordinary trip to work would completely change her life.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

A middle-aged woman wearing a hat and scarf quietly sat down in the seat next to Qingqing. Half an hour later, when the vehicle stopped at a stop, the woman suddenly pulled out a teacup and poured the liquid inside towards Qingqing.

In an instant, a terrible scream pierced the silence of the carriage.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

"Ahh It hurts! Qingqing covered her face and curled up in her seat in pain. The surrounding passengers realized what had happened, and in the chaos, someone shouted, "Call the police!" Call an ambulance! "

Causes of the accident:

The woman who suddenly broke out is named Han Lang and is 42 years old this year. After pouring sulfuric acid, she did not run away, but calmly said to the people who rushed to stop her: "I am not running, I am going to turn myself in." "

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

This scene seems to be the beginning of an absurd drama. However, beneath this absurd façade lies a heartbreaking story.

Let's rewind the clock to a year and a half ago. One afternoon in April 2005, Han Lang's 6-year-old son, Cheng Chengyang, begged his mother to let him go out to play.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

Han Lang felt sorry for his son who had not been accompanied by his father since he was a child, so he agreed. Who knows, this release, I never waited for my son to come back.

That night, Han Lang found his son's body in a dry well at the entrance of the village. The forensic examination showed that Cheng Cheng was strangled to death and thrown into the well. The police quickly zeroed in on the killer: Yan Yan, the 13-year-old son of neighbor Zhang Erqun's family.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

It turned out that Cheng Cheng had an argument with Yan Yan that afternoon. The older Yan Yan grabbed Chengcheng's neck in a fit of rage until the little boy stopped breathing. Afraid that the matter would be revealed, Yan Yan threw Chengcheng's body into a dry well and pressed it with stones.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

The court sentenced Yan Yan to 3 years of custody and reeducation, and at the same time demanded that the Zhang family compensate Han Lang 150,000 yuan. However, instead of compensating, Zhang Erqun preached everywhere in the village: "My son will come out in 3 years, what's the big deal." "

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

This is undoubtedly rubbing salt on Han Lang's wounds. Han Lang, who lost his beloved son, was like a walking corpse.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

She had experienced a failed marriage, and at the age of 22, her parents married a man 15 years older than her for a bride price. Soon after her marriage, she divorced her young Chengcheng and went north to work in the suburbs of Beijing to make a living.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

Long-planned revenge:

Success is all her hope and sustenance. Now, the son is gone, but the perpetrator's family has no remorse, which makes the resentment in Han Lang's heart grow like a weed.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

Half a year has passed, and the Zhang family still has no intention of compensation. Han Lang came to the door many times to ask for compensation, and even only asked for 10,000 yuan for funeral expenses, but he always closed the door. Her boyfriend went to ask for compensation and was beaten by Zhang Erqun.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

In despair, Han Lang finally embarked on a road of no return. She bought 5 catties of concentrated sulfuric acid and decided to let the Zhang family also taste the pain of losing their relatives.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

When she learns that Qingqing, the eldest daughter of the Zhang family, has started working, a terrible plan takes shape in her mind. She followed Qingqing, figured out her route to work, and finally carried out this horrific act of revenge on that winter morning.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

However, the moment the sulfuric acid was spilled, Han Lang suddenly woke up: what did she do? An innocent young girl thus falls victim to two family feuds.

Qingqing was rushed to the hospital with severe burns to 15% of her body, with facial injuries being the most severe. The once young and beautiful girl lost her smile in an instant.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

Remorse after impulsiveness:

In June 2007, the Fangshan District People's Court of Beijing Municipality held a trial of the case. Han Lang walked into the courtroom in prison uniform with tears streaming down his face. She confessed her sins and expressed deep remorse.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

In the courtroom, Zhang Erqun and his wife were grief-stricken, and they questioned why Han Lang wanted to hurt his innocent eldest daughter. Han Lang choked up and replied: "I just want you to feel distressed and let you give your child the money that you are reluctant to pay me for!" "

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

At this moment, the absurdity of the tragedy reaches its peak. The judge sternly pointed out: "Zhang Erqun, you should think carefully about who killed your daughter." If you had fulfilled your obligation to pay compensation, perhaps the tragedy we have today would not have been possible. "

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Source: Sina News

In the end, the court sentenced Han Lang to 13 years in prison for the crimes of endangering public safety and intentional injury.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Source: CCTV


This case has caused widespread discussion in society. One cannot help but ask: if the law is more enforced, if there is a better mechanism for society to mediate conflicts, will such tragedies be avoided?

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

The life of a 6-year-old boy came to an abrupt end, the face of an 18-year-old girl was ruined, and two families were plunged into untold pain. All this stems from a small contradiction, but it escalates because of the dark side of human nature, and finally causes a catastrophe.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

This case is a wake-up call to us: hatred only begets more hatred, and violence will eventually lead to more violence. Only by upholding the rule of law, fostering empathy, and establishing sound social support systems can we avoid similar tragedies repeatedly.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet

In this case, everyone is a victim and also responsible. It reminds us of the need for more reason, compassion, and tolerance in the face of contradictions. Only in this way can we collectively weave a more harmonious and less harmful social network.

In 05, the 6-year-old son was killed, the other party refused to compensate, and the single mother poured sulfuric acid on the enemy's daughter

Originated from the Internet