
Wary! The three symptoms of diabetic foot in the early stage must be checked once a day if you don't want to have an amputation

author:Dr. Zhang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedics

Diabetes, an increasingly common chronic disease, is quietly threatening the health of many patients. As one of the serious complications of diabetes, diabetic foot is even more painful and even at risk of amputation. But if we can detect it early and take effective measures, we can avoid tragedy. Today, let's take a look at the three early symptoms of diabetic foot and why it is important to check it every day.

Wary! The three symptoms of diabetic foot in the early stage must be checked once a day if you don't want to have an amputation

Symptom 1: Paresthesia in the feet

People with diabetes who often experience numbness, tingling, or a crawling sensation like ants in their feet may be an early sign of diabetic foot. This is due to high blood sugar damaging the nerves, leading to nerve dysfunction. At this time, the foot becomes insensitive to external stimuli and is prone to injury without realizing it.

Symptom 2: Change in skin color of the feet

Observe the skin of the feet and be alarmed if they notice that the color has become dark red, purple, or partially pale. This can be a sign of poor circulation, meaning there is a problem with the blood supply to the feet.

Wary! The three symptoms of diabetic foot in the early stage must be checked once a day if you don't want to have an amputation

Symptom 3: Foot wounds are difficult to heal

Even a small abrasion or blister heals quickly under normal circumstances. However, for diabetic patients, if the wound on the foot does not heal for a long time, or even becomes infected and suppurated, then the possibility of diabetic foot should be highly suspected.

So, why don't you want to have an amputation checked every day?

Daily foot checks can detect potential problems in a timely manner. During the examination, the skin of the feet should be carefully observed for damage, redness, swelling, corns, calluses, etc.; Touch your feet with your hands to see if the temperature is normal; Also check for dryness and odor between your toes.

Wary! The three symptoms of diabetic foot in the early stage must be checked once a day if you don't want to have an amputation

Early detection of the problem can lead to timely measures, such as controlling blood sugar, improving blood circulation, and treating wounds, to minimize the harm of diabetic foot.

In short, diabetic patients must pay attention to the health of their feet, keep these three early symptoms in mind, and insist on checking them every day. Only in this way can you stay away from the nightmare of amputation and maintain a good quality of life.