
Wang Xiaofei is so interesting! Fans said let him sing, and the live broadcast room exploded

author:Mushroom heads

Wang Xiaofei's live broadcast anecdote: Fans are patriotic and patriotic, and the strength of the "no talent" anchor

Speaking of which, Wang Xiaofei is really an interesting person. Everyone knows that there is everything on the live broadcast platform now, singing, dancing, chatting, and chatting. But Wang Xiaofei, he just doesn't take the usual path, calling himself a "talented anchor".

Wang Xiaofei is so interesting! Fans said let him sing, and the live broadcast room exploded

Recently, in the live broadcast, fans coaxed him to come to a song. You know what? He said directly: "It's so ugly, I'm really not a talent anchor." As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room exploded, and everyone expressed their disbelief, saying: "If you don't sing, you won't love you!" "Guess how Wang Xiaofei answered? He smiled and said, "My fans, if you love me, you love me, if you don't love me, pull me down, OK?" As soon as these words came out, fans couldn't cry or laugh, and they all said that this anchor was too individual.

Wang Xiaofei is so interesting! Fans said let him sing, and the live broadcast room exploded

But after a while, Wang Xiaofei slapped herself in the face. He cleared his throat and began to sing "My Motherland and Me": "My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment, no matter where I go, a hymn flows out......" Although this singing voice is not professional, but the love for the motherland is warm in people's hearts.

Wang Xiaofei is so interesting! Fans said let him sing, and the live broadcast room exploded

Wang Xiaofei is actually kind and patriotic in her bones. He not only showed his patriotic feelings in the live broadcast, but also worked hard to promote our food culture by founding Ma Liuji. He said: "I want to promote our food to the world, so that more people can understand and fall in love with China." This is not a casual statement, he has been proving his determination with his actions.

Moreover, Wang Xiaofei is still a fan maniac. Although he claims to be a "talented anchor", every live broadcast can bring joy and surprises to everyone. He will not only chat and chat with fans, but also share his life and experience. Sometimes he will engage in small activities and give away benefits, so that fans can feel his sincerity and intentions.

Wang Xiaofei is so interesting! Fans said let him sing, and the live broadcast room exploded

Therefore, Wang Xiaofei, the anchor, although he claims to be "talentless", he is a person with feelings, responsibility, and love. His live broadcast not only makes people happy, but also makes people feel positive energy and patriotism. Who doesn't love such an anchor?

Finally, I want to ask everyone, do you like anchors like Wang Xiaofei? What do you think is most appealing to him? Come and leave a message in the comment area to share your views! Maybe next time the live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei will see your message and interact with you!

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