
Hansen Chuanxi sold underwear live broadcast, and the professionalism stunned netizens! It's really admirable

author:Mushroom heads

Hansen Chuanxi sold underwear live broadcast, and the professionalism stunned netizens!

Last night, an unusual live broadcast set off a craze on the Internet. The two big boys, Hansen and Chuanxi, actually sold women's underwear in front of the camera, especially the bra series that made people a little shy. At first, I wondered if something had gone wrong. After all, don't there be four beautiful and generous female anchors in their live broadcast room? Wouldn't it be more convenient to let them introduce these intimate clothing?

Hansen Chuanxi sold underwear live broadcast, and the professionalism stunned netizens! It's really admirable

But curiosity still drove the editor to click on the live broadcast, wanting to see how these two young men would "play" with this seemingly "misplaced" delivery. Unexpectedly, I was completely shocked when I saw it!

Hansen and Chuanxi, two boys who may usually be more compatible with sports equipment and outdoor products, are talking about underwear, and they are so professional that they are amazing. They not only explained in detail the material, design, and function of underwear, but also demonstrated how to wear it correctly, and even shared some tips for choosing underwear. This is a layman, he is simply an "expert" in the underwear industry!

Hansen Chuanxi sold underwear live broadcast, and the professionalism stunned netizens! It's really admirable

What I admire even more is that they don't look squirming because they sell women's products, but are generous and full of confidence. This kind of professionalism and this serious attitude towards work are really admirable!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also impressed by their professional performance, and left messages and likes, saying, "I didn't expect boys to be able to understand underwear so well", "Hansen Chuanxi is really hard", "I am convinced of such a live broadcast!" In a short period of time, the number of people in the live broadcast room soared to more than 30,000, which shows the popularity and influence of these two young men!

Hansen Chuanxi sold underwear live broadcast, and the professionalism stunned netizens! It's really admirable

Of course, some netizens ridiculed: "Hansen Chuanxi, did you secretly go to some underwear design class?" Someone else said, "Are you going to sell sanitary napkins next time?" However, these teases are full of kindness and affection, and they also prove that everyone recognizes and supports them.

In fact, this live broadcast is not only a simple activity to bring goods, but also a display and transmission of professionalism. Hansen and Chuanxi use their own practical actions to tell us: no matter what work you do, you must do it with your heart and do your best. This spirit is worth learning and learning from each of us!

Hansen Chuanxi sold underwear live broadcast, and the professionalism stunned netizens! It's really admirable

Finally, I want to say: Hansen Chuanxi, you guys are amazing! Your professionalism deserves a thumbs up from each and every one of us! I hope you will continue to bring us more surprises and touches in the future! At the same time, I also look forward to more young people being able to use their own efforts and talents to create more value for the society like you!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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