
Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

author:Apple says entertainment

Wei Xue, formerly known as Wei Jieyu, was born in a small town in Guangxi. Since she was a child, she has longed for a prosperous life, and her eyes flashed with a longing for a distant big city. When night falls, Wei Xue will always sit under the old banyan tree in front of her house, looking up at the starry sky, imagining that she will one day be able to leave this seemingly peaceful but suffocating town.

With the determination to change her fate, Wei Xue finally stepped on the train to the big city. When she first arrives in the bustling city, she is shocked by the high-rise buildings and the traffic, but soon realizes that in this world of the jungle, beauty and connections are the most powerful weapons.

Wei Xue quickly found a foothold in the city's glittering nightclubs and bars. Every time she stepped into these places, she was carefully dressed and her eyes revealed a desire for opportunity.

She knew she was walking a tightrope, but she was willing to take the risk in order to escape the shadow of poverty. In the bar, Wei Xue learned how to socialize with people and how to show her most charming side.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

Her goal is clear - to meet rich and powerful men to change the course of her life. Although there are sometimes unpleasant experiences, Wei Xue can always grit her teeth and persevere, because she knows that this may be her only chance.

Over time, Wei Xue gradually mastered the art of surviving in this complex world. Her beauty and intelligence have made her famous in the nightclub circle, and she has also attracted the attention of many rich children.

Wei Xue knew that she was getting closer and closer to her goal. That's when fate gave her an unexpected opportunity. At a chance party, Wei Xue met Chen Ping, the "second generation of coal".

The moment she saw Chen Ping, Wei Xue knew that this was the person she had been waiting for, the person who could completely change her fate. The encounter between Wei Xue and Chen Ping, the "second generation of coal", seems to be the arrangement of fate.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

Chen Ping is young and promising, and as the heir of the Chen family coal mine, his family background is exactly what Wei Xue dreamed of. The two soon fell in love, and Wei Xue felt that she had finally seized the turn of fate.

However, the road to the giants has not been easy. The Chen family is not optimistic about this girl from an ordinary family, believing that she does not have enough background and qualifications to be qualified for the life of a wealthy family.

Faced with the questioning eyes, Wei Xue did not flinch. She secretly made up her mind that she must impress everyone. After marrying into the Chen family, Wei Xue began her "wealthy cultivation".

She struggled to adapt to her new living environment, learned the manners of wealthy families, and even deliberately showed an attitude of not valuing material things. She often said to Chen Ping: "We don't need to live too luxuriously, just be ordinary."

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

This kind of performance made her stand in stark contrast to other wealthy women, and also allowed her to gradually gain a firm foothold in the Chen family. Chen Ping was obedient to Wei Xue and often gave her expensive gifts.

But Wei Xue always acted disapprovingly, and this attitude made the Chen family look up to her with admiration. Gradually, Wei Xue's position in the Chen family began to solidify, and she felt that she had finally taken the first step towards success.

However, the good times were short-lived. As time went on, Wei Xue began to feel restless. She began to frequent bars and nightclubs again, as if she was back to her old life. This behavior quickly aroused the displeasure of the Chen family.

They began to suspect Wei Xue's motives, believing that she was not suitable to remain in the Chen family. In the end, the Chen family decided to give Wei Xue a sum of compensation and dissolve the marriage. When Wei Xue learned of this decision, her heart was mixed.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

On the one hand, she is frustrated by her failures; On the other hand, she saw a new opportunity. At the time of the divorce, Wei Xue received a compensation of 6 million. For her, this money is not only the end of a marriage, but also a new beginning.

The moment she got the check, Wei Xue's eyes flashed with a new light. She knew it was her chance to reinvent herself and start again. Although the first trip to the giants ended in failure, Wei Xue was not defeated.

On the contrary, the experience made her more determined in her goals. She secretly swore that next time, she would succeed. With this determination, Wei Xue began to plan her next move.

With 6 million compensation, Wei Xue resolutely stepped on the plane to South Korea. She chose the top plastic surgery hospital in Seoul and was determined to completely change her image.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

In Wei Xue's view, this is not only a transformation of her appearance, but also the only way for her to a new life. The process of plastic surgery is extremely painful. From a comprehensive facial makeover to body contouring, Wei Xue has undergone surgery after surgery.

Every time she woke up from anesthesia, she could feel intense pain, but she gritted her teeth and persevered. During her recovery, Wei Xue often looked in the mirror and imagined her new appearance, which gave her the motivation to keep going.

When all the gauze was finally removed, a stunning face appeared in the mirror. Wei Xue could barely recognize herself, but her eyes still flashed with familiar ambition.

This new self made Wei Xue see infinite possibilities. After returning to China, Wei Xue began to post photos of her life and daily updates on social media. She carefully designs every photo, every movement, showing her beauty and exquisite lifestyle.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

Soon, her account attracted a large following. People were attracted by her beauty and left messages and likes, and Wei Xue's social media accounts quickly became popular. With the increase in attention, Wei Xue began to receive some business cooperation and advertising invitations.

Her image has been further packaged and promoted, and some people even call her "Little Yang Mi". This title made Wei Xue feel both excited and stressed, and she knew that she was gradually approaching the center of the entertainment industry.

However, Wei Xue is not content with just becoming an influencer. Her eyes were further afield, and she knew she needed a bigger stage. While enjoying the dividends brought by the popularity of the Internet, Wei Xue has already begun to plan the next move.

She knew very well that this was just a small turning point in her life plan, and that bigger opportunities were waiting for her to grasp. With the increasing popularity in the entertainment industry, Wei Xue's ambitions have also expanded.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

She set her sights on a higher social class, and Qin Fen, the "Emperor of Shanghai", became her new target. As the second generation of Shanghai's top rich, Qin Fen has a prominent family background and is well-known in the upper class, which is the ideal object in Wei Xue's mind.

In order to get close to Qin Fen, Wei Xue carefully devised a series of strategies. She frequents high-end venues in Shanghai, actively participates in various social events, and strives to meet more powerful and wealthy people.

Her beauty and carefully cultivated temperament soon attracted the attention of many wealthy people, and her goal was always only one - Qin Fen. Wei Xue's efforts were not in vain. At a high-end dinner, she finally had the opportunity to officially get acquainted with Qin Fen.

Wei Xue made full use of her charm and wisdom and quickly attracted Qin Fen's attention. The two began to date frequently, and Wei Xue felt that she was getting closer and closer to her goal. However, Wei Xue knows that in order to truly gain a foothold, it is not enough to rely on feelings alone.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

She needed a stronger security. So, Wei Xue began to plan to conceive Qin Fen's child. However, Qin Fen didn't want children, he was more focused on his career development.

In the face of this obstacle, Wei Xue did not give up. She used various means and finally succeeded in conceiving Qin Fen's child. When Qin Fen learned the news, in the face of the pressure of reality, he proposed 45 million child support.

But for the ambitious Wei Xue, this number is far from enough. She insisted on 900 million in child support, a staggering figure that shocked everyone. In Wei Xue's opinion, only such an amount can completely change her fate and make her a real billionaire.

In the face of Wei Xue's insistence, the Qin family finally agreed to her request in order to calm the matter. When Wei Xue got this huge amount of child support, she felt that she was finally standing at the peak of her life.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

From an ordinary country girl to a billionaire today, Wei Xue has achieved a class leap in her own way. Wei Xue's "success" story quickly spread in major media and social platforms, triggering fierce controversy in public opinion.

For a time, she became the focus of heated public discussion, and people's evaluation of her showed a polarized attitude. Some people believe that Wei Xue's behavior is unscrupulous to obtain wealth, which has seriously corrupted the social atmosphere.

They accused Wei Xue of using beauty and means to cling to the powerful and asking for sky-high alimony through pregnancy, which is not only immoral, but also a distortion of social values.

These critics argue that Wei Xue's story is not to be praised, but rather to be condemned. However, there are also some people who admire Wei Xue's ambition and skill. They see Wei Xue as an inspirational role model who has grown from an ordinary rural girl to a billionaire who has demonstrated strong survival and social resilience.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

These supporters believe that in today's society, Wei Xue's actions are nothing more than a game of rules, and her success is a testament to her ingenuity. The controversy finally attracted the attention of the "national husband" Wang Sicong.

As a public figure, Wang Sicong commented on Weibo, directly denouncing Wei Xue as a "stall". He believes that while Wei Xue did succeed, her methods are in no way worthy of praise.

In Wang Sicong's view, Wei Xue's behavior is a violation of morality and disrespect for social rules. In the face of overwhelming criticism and controversy, Wei Xue appeared unusually calm.

In a rare media interview, she said indifferently: "I don't blindly pursue material things, but want to prove my worth through success." Everyone has the right to pursue a better life, and I just achieved it in my own way.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

Instead of quelling the controversy, Wei Xue's remarks made more people feel uncomfortable. People are beginning to wonder if such success is really worth admiring. Should wealth take precedence over morality? For a time, the discussion about success, morality and personal worth set off a craze in society.

Despite the controversy, Wei Xue doesn't seem to care about the criticism. She continues to live her life of luxury, occasionally posting mansions, famous cars and luxury goods on social media, as if to announce her "success" to the world.

However, under this glamorous surface, whether there is an unknown price hidden, I'm afraid only Wei Xue herself knows. Wei Xue's story provokes deep thinking about wealth, morality, and personal worth.

She went from an ordinary village girl to a billionaire through her own means and ambitions. However, her path to success has been fraught with controversy and questioning, making one wonder: is such success really worth pursuing? Wei Xue's experience teaches us that in the pursuit of success, we cannot ignore moral and social responsibility.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix

Although she achieved the accumulation of wealth, it came at a great moral cost. True success should not only be the accumulation of money, but also the contribution to society and the improvement of personal character.

This story also reflects the distorted understanding of success for some people in today's society. The excessive pursuit of material wealth and the neglect of spiritual values may lead to an overall decline in social morality.

We need to re-examine what true success looks like, and how to pursue personal interests while maintaining social responsibility. Wei Xue's experience may be the envy of some people, but it also warns us to choose our life path carefully.

While pursuing our dreams, we should cherish our own morality, respect others, and abide by social rules. Only in this way can we achieve true success and happiness, and can we contribute to building a healthier and more harmonious society.

Wang Sicong admires the "high-end female player", the mother won 900 million yuan with her son, and the pheasant suddenly turned into a phoenix