
Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

author:Apple says entertainment

In this way, the young Wang Xiaochen embarked on the road of sword and horse. Dao Ma Dan not only requires excellent singing skills, but also requires the actor to have superb physical training. Wang Xiaochen's eyes lit up with new sparks, and his singing contained a love for traditional art.

She devoted herself to the study of Peking Opera, and soon showed extraordinary talent in the field of Dao Ma Dan. However, life is always full of surprises. By chance, Wang Xiaochen participated in the entrance examination of the Shanghai Theater Academy.

When she stood in the center of the exam room, her heart was racing, but she didn't know that this step would completely change the trajectory of her life. With years of dance skills and the professionalism of Peking Opera actors, Wang Xiaochen stood out among many outstanding candidates and was successfully admitted to Shanghai Theater Academy.

On the day the admission letter was sent, Wang Xiaochen's mood was complicated and indescribable. She stroked the heavy paper, as if touching the outline of the future. In this way, the former Peking Opera actors embarked on a new journey of film and television performance.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

Since then, Wang Xiaochen's life has turned a new page, and she will bloom her talent on a broader stage. When he first entered the Shanghai Theater Academy, Wang Xiaochen was like a butterfly, carefully exploring this strange and full of opportunities.

Here, she became classmates with Zheng Kai and Chen He, who would become stars in the future. Although they were just ordinary students with dreams at that time, fate had quietly paved the way to stardom for them.

Wang Xiaochen's difference soon became apparent. Her unique dance foundation and solid Peking Opera skills make her stand out in acting classes. The teachers were delighted to discover that this quiet girl had unusual potential, and her ability to understand and interpret the role far exceeded that of her peers.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Wang Xiaochen, who was still on campus, received an invitation from the crew of "Modern Beauty". This is her first step into the film and television industry, although the role is not heavy and there are not many scenes, but for Wang Xiaochen, who has just transformed, it is already a rare opportunity.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

This work made her begin to enter the audience's sight, although she is not remembered much, but her excellent acting skills and appearance have made many directors shine. Then, an even greater opportunity came.

Famous director Li Baotian is looking for a heroine for his new film "Harlequin Dad". Director Li has traveled all over the east, west, north and south, but has never found a suitable candidate. He needed an actor who knew both opera and had excellent acting ability, a requirement that discouraged many people.

In the end, after being introduced, Li Baotian chose Wang Xiaochen to play the role of Zhao Xiaoping. Wang Xiaochen devoted himself to the role and moved the audience with his sincere performance. This role earned her more attention and also gave her a foothold in the entertainment industry.

However, the real turning point was Jin Shanjiao played in "Divine Doctor Xilaile". This role made Wang Xiaochen really popular, and the audience began to remember this rookie actor with a unique charm.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

In this way, Wang Xiaochen transformed from a Peking Opera actor behind the scenes to a cutting-edge actor in front of the screen. She walked steadily and firmly in every step, and proved that her choice was correct with her own strength.

Since then, Wang Xiaochen has started her wonderful acting career, step by step towards a broader stage. With the popularity of "I Love Male Girlfriends", "The Second Child Era" and "Good Time", Wang Xiaochen has gradually become the "Queen of Ratings".

Her acting skills and professionalism have won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders. However, what really made her famous was her excellent performance in the kiss scene. On the set of "Good Time", Wang Xiaochen and Hu Ge partnered to play a couple.

Both of them are veteran actors, and they know that borrowing a position to shoot is a bit perfunctory for the audience. In order to present the most realistic effect, they decided to be genuinely involved. When the director shouted "action", Wang Xiaochen devoted himself to the role, without caring about whether he was panting.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

Her dedication to kiss scenes is not just superficial, but truly integrated into the emotions of the characters. This level of dedication was unexpected by Hu Ge. When the director shouted "cut", Hu Ge's face was already pale, and he even wanted to vomit.

He was surprised to find that he had "lost a mess" in this scene. Despite this, the two completed this kiss scene perfectly, presenting a heart-warming picture to the audience.

And in My! Physical Education Teacher", Wang Xiaochen has taken his professionalism to the extreme. When she and Zhang Jiayi filmed the kiss scene, Zhang Jiayi was surprised by her level of dedication.

Wang Xiaochen's sincere performance not only deeply moved the audience, but also directly kissed Zhang Jiayi's mouth. Afterwards, Zhang Jiayi said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "It's so powerful, I can't stand it."

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

These experiences have earned Wang Xiaochen the reputation of "Sister Kiss Play". The audience was amazed by her professionalism and dedication, and found her kiss scene performance to be both authentic and soulful, without feeling disobedient or offensive.

On the contrary, in many plots, if there is no such excellent kiss scene performance, it will make people feel that something is missing. However, Wang Xiaochen is not complacent. In an interview, she said seriously: "I just want to play every role well, so that the audience can feel the real emotions of the characters."

The kiss scene is also a test of the actor's acting skills, how to kiss really, kiss affectionately, and not disgust the audience, which requires us to continue to practice and improve. It is this respect for the role and dedication to performance that makes Wang Xiaochen stand out in the entertainment industry and become a powerful actor who is respected by the audience and peers.

Her title of "First Sister of Kiss Scene" is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a tribute to her professionalism. Although Wang Xiaochen's works have been widely acclaimed, and dramas such as "I Love Male Girlfriends", "The Second Child Era" and "Good Time" have made her the "Queen of Ratings", she herself has always kept a low profile.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

In the flashy and noisy environment of the entertainment industry, Wang Xiaochen is particularly different. She is not keen on variety shows, rarely participates in commercial activities, and does not create topics in order to gain attention.

This attitude made Wang Xiaochen fall into a special situation - "celebrities are not popular". Her work is a household name, but she rarely makes headlines in entertainment news.

Wang Xiaochen doesn't seem to care about this. She is more concerned about how to play every role well and how to go further in her acting career. At a private party, a friend asked her curiously, "Don't you want to be more popular?" Wang Xiaochen smiled and replied with a firm look in his eyes: "I want to be a good actor, not a celebrity."

This sentence shows her understanding and pursuit of acting career. Wang Xiaochen's attitude has caused a lot of repercussions in the industry. Some people praise her professional ethics and think that she is a rare down-to-earth actor; Some people feel that she is too conservative, thinking that in this era of relying on traffic to speak, her approach may miss a lot of opportunities.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

However, Wang Xiaochen always insisted on his choice. In recent works such as "Old Tavern" and "Story in Happiness", Wang Xiaochen still maintains a high level of performance. Her every look and every movement is full of understanding and interpretation of the character.

What the audience sees is not the "star" Wang Xiaochen, but the vivid characters in the play. This is exactly what Wang Xiaochen is pursuing. However, she is not satisfied with the status quo. During breaks on the set, Wang Xiaochen can often be seen sitting alone in the corner, carefully studying the script and thinking about the inner world of the character.

She knows that only by constantly improving herself can she gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry. While Wang Xiaochen may be tempted to gain more recognition from an audience, she chooses to speak with her work rather than marketing herself to gain attention.

This attitude of sticking to her original intention makes people look forward to her future. I believe that in the future, Wang Xiaochen will repay the audience's support with more excellent works and continue her unique acting career.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

The elegance of dance and the charm of Peking Opera were fully reflected in Wang Xiaochen's performance. Whether it is a soft emotional scene or an action scene that requires body language, Wang Xiaochen can always be at ease.

Her performance, like a moving picture, perfectly presents the spirit of oriental art on the screen. This uniqueness makes Wang Xiaochen stand out among many actors.

In the casting process of "Harlequin Dad", director Li Baotian took a fancy to Wang Xiaochen's characteristics of both opera inheritance and modern performance ability, so he finally selected her to play the role of Zhao Xiaoping.

This role not only made Wang Xiaochen get more attention, but also fully demonstrated her unique charm. Wang Xiaochen's dancing skills and Peking Opera singing skills also add a unique charm to her kiss performance.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

She is able to perfectly combine physical elegance with emotional delicacy to present a picture that is both sincere and beautiful. This is also one of the important reasons why she can become the "first sister of the kiss scene".

However, Wang Xiaochen is not satisfied with the status quo. She knows that art is a lifelong pursuit that never ends. Therefore, she often uses her spare time to continue to study dance and opera, and constantly enrich her artistic reserves.

In her opinion, only by constantly improving herself can she maintain her unique charm in the highly competitive entertainment industry. Standing at a new starting point in his career, Wang Xiaochen's eyes still flashed with his love for performance.

She knows very well that the title of "Sister of the Kiss Scene" is just a label, and the real thing is to continuously improve her acting skills and present more excellent works to the audience. In his recent works, "Old Tavern" and "The Story of Happiness", Wang Xiaochen continues to maintain a high level of performance.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

She puts all her heart and soul into each character, striving to perfectly present the inner world of the character. What the audience sees is not Wang Xiaochen under the halo of stars, but the vivid and plump characters in the play.

However, Wang Xiaochen is not satisfied with the status quo. She often used her breaks on the set to delve into the script and think about how to better interpret the role. In her opinion, each role is a new challenge that requires full dedication.

Regarding future planning, Wang Xiaochen once said with a smile in an interview: "I hope to try more different types of roles and constantly break through myself." At the same time, I also want to contribute to the inheritance of traditional culture.

These words not only reflect her love for acting, but also show her sense of social responsibility as an art worker. This former Peking Opera Xiaohuadan, and now a powerful actor, is interpreting the responsibilities and responsibilities of actors in the new era in his own way.

Wang Xiaochen, the first sister of the kiss scene, kissed Hu Ge until she vomited, Zhang Jiayi bluntly said that she couldn't stand it

Every step of her steps is steady and firm, as if telling the world that real success does not lie in how popular she is, but in her persistence and love for art. With the continuous release of new works, people are looking forward to seeing more wonderful performances by Wang Xiaochen.

I believe that in the future, she will continue to shine on the road of acting with her unique charm and bring more excellent works to the audience. Wang Xiaochen's story will continue to inspire more young people with dreams to stick to their original aspirations and move forward bravely on the road of pursuing art.

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