
Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

author:Ouchi Entertainment Detective 002
Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

She wanted to end her life with 300 sleeping pills,

After seven days and seven nights of wrestling between the doctor and the Grim Reaper, her life was finally revived.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Gu Yongfei, a CCTV host who shines on the TV screen, her name has been the object of worship of countless viewers.

However, behind the spotlight, her life is not as glamorous as people think.

What brought this goddess to the brink of life?

In the face of life's heavy blows, how did she find the courage to be reborn from despair?

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Gu Yongfei, who was born in an artistic family, has been bathed in the aura of art since he was a child.

Her parents were both heavyweights in the art world, which allowed her to show a unique talent for the performing arts from an early age.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

She ran and jumped in the hutongs of Shanghai, and under the influence of her parents, she developed a strong interest in theater, music, dance and other art forms.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

The study experience at the Shanghai Theatre Academy has laid a solid foundation for her on the road of art.

Here, she not only absorbed a wealth of theatrical knowledge, but also honed her acting skills on stage.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Her teachers described her as "gifted and hardworking", and her classmates called her "the goddess of drama".

However, on the eve of her about to take a leap, a series of life changes put her in an unprecedented predicament.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Gu Yongfei's career seems to be smooth sailing, but there are countless hardships and efforts hidden behind it.

She started from an inconspicuous small role, stepped onto the stage of CCTV step by step, and became a household name.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Her wonderful performance in the Spring Festival Gala made the national audience remember her vividly.

Her hosting style is generous and decent, and her voice is sweet, and she has become an iconic figure of CCTV.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

However, the success of her career did not hide the twists and turns in her personal life.

Gu Yongfei has experienced two failed marriages, which have had a great impact on her personal life.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

The first marriage ended abruptly due to personality incompatibility, and the second marriage ended due to the betrayal of the other party.

She is full of disappointment in love, which makes her lose faith in life for a while.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Gu Yongfei's love life is like a drama, full of twists and turns and pain.

Her first husband was a well-known director, and the two bonded over work, but eventually parted ways due to personality differences.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

After the divorce, Gu Yongfei did not give up her desire for love, and she soon ushered in her second marriage.

However, the marriage did not go her way, and her husband's betrayal left her exhausted, and finally ended in divorce.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Two failed marriages made Gu Yongfei lose confidence in love, but it also allowed her to grow emotionally.

She began to re-examine her life and no longer relied on the love of others to fill the emptiness in her heart.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

The experience, while painful, also laid the groundwork for her later rebirth.

Under the double blow of career and relationship, Gu Yongfei once fell into deep despair.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

On that cold winter night, she made the extreme choice of swallowing 300 sleeping pills.

In this way, she hopes to end her life and get rid of all her suffering.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

However, fate does not seem to have closed the door to her completely.

After seven days and seven nights of life-and-death struggle, she miraculously survived.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

This near-death experience became a turning point in Gu Yongfei's life.

She began to re-examine her life and realized the preciousness and fragility of life.

She no longer runs away from the suffering of reality, but chooses to face the future with optimism and tenacity.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

This experience not only allowed her to regain her courage in life, but also sublimated her spiritually.

After being reborn, Gu Yongfei was like a phoenix nirvana, radiating new vitality.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

She has regained her strength, actively participated in various literary and artistic activities, and inspired countless followers with her story and experience.

Not only does she continue to shine in her career, but she is also actively involved in public welfare to help those who have been in trouble like her.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

In his later years, Gu Yongfei lived very quietly.

At home in Australia, she spends time with her daughter and grandchildren.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Despite her advanced age, she maintained her passion for art.

She often participates in lectures on literature and art, passing on her life wisdom and artistic experience to the younger generation.

Her life was full and meaningful, and she became a role model in the hearts of many.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Gu Yongfei's story is a story of perseverance and rebirth.

She taught us that everyone can have a low point in life,

However, only by continuing to face challenges can we find hope in desperate situations and bloom the brilliance of life.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

Her experience teaches us that no matter how hard life is, never give up easily,

Because at the end of the darkness, it is often the beginning of the light.

Gu Yongfei proved with her life that the real powerhouse,

Never be defeated by difficulties, but keep moving forward in difficulties and meet every dawn of life.

Swallowed 300 sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was rescued for seven days and seven nights, what happened to her, who was hosted by CCTV

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