
In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

author:Savage girl

In ancient feudal society, the system of "wife" and "concubine" was a common and complex phenomenon. People are always full of all kinds of speculations and misunderstandings about concubines in ancient times. They are members of the family and have a variety of responsibilities, the most common being to carry on the lineage. In the long course of history, concubines also have a little-known role, which has become a behavior that men despise today.

What duties did the ancient concubines perform?

What about their lives?

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Comparison of wives and concubines

In ancient China, the system of "monogamy and multiple concubines" was widespread. This marriage system reflected the hierarchy of feudal society, and also reflected the economic and cultural background of the society at that time. Under this system, there was a clear difference in the status of the main wife and the concubine.

The choice of the main wife often focuses on the "right family"**, that is, the social status and wealth level of the two families should be comparable. The status of the main wife is noble, and usually comes from a family rank equal to that of the man. This institutional design of marriage not only consolidates the social status of the family, but also ensures the purity of the family lineage. The position of the principal wife in the family is extremely strong, and she has absolute power in family affairs, especially in managing the household chores and educating the children. The marriage ceremony of the main wife is solemn and widely publicized, and has social recognition and legal protection.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

The concubines were mostly lowly maidservants or trafficked women. They usually come from the bottom of society and lack the noble status and background of the main wife. The status of the concubine appears inferior at the beginning of the marriage, with no formal recognition from society and law. Concubinage is mostly unilaterally decided by men, and the ceremony is rudimentary or even non-ceremonial. The power and influence of the concubine in the family is far less than that of the main wife, and she is often in a passive and controlled position.

The design of this marriage system makes the roles and status of the main wife and the concubine in the family in stark contrast. The main wife represents the dignity and authority of the family, while the concubine symbolizes humility and subordination. The relationship between wives and concubines directly affects the identity and status of children, and there is a huge difference in the status of children in the family between children born by concubines and children born by concubines. This difference played an important role in the stability of the family structure and social class in feudal society.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

The wedding ceremony of the main wife is often solemn and widely announced, with social recognition and legal protection. The grandeur of the wedding ceremony reflects the economic strength of the man's family and also symbolizes the solemnity of the marriage. The wedding of the main wife usually includes a series of complicated ceremonies, such as marrying, worshipping heaven and earth, entering the cave room, etc., these ceremonies are not only a witness to the marriage, but also a kind of social and family recognition.

Conquests are mostly unilaterally decided by men, and the rituals are rudimentary or even non-existent. The status of the concubine thus appears inferior at the beginning of the marriage, with no formal recognition from society and law. The ceremony of taking a concubine is often simple and casual, sometimes just the man connecting the concubine into the home, or even holding no ceremony. The status of the concubine is secondary to the family, lacking the dignity and security of a wife.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

In the family, the position of the principal wife is secure, and she has greater power in family affairs, especially in managing household chores and educating children. The power of the wife in the family is not only reflected in the management of daily affairs, but also in the education and upbringing of children. The wife is usually the central figure in the family, and her opinions and decisions are often decisive.

The status of concubines is relatively low, and their power and influence in the family are far less than that of the main wife. The role of concubines in the family is more of obedience and service, and they need to follow the arrangements and instructions of their main wives. The status of concubines often depended on their ability to bear children for the family, especially boys. If the concubines were able to bear boys, their status might improve, but they would still not be comparable to the main wives.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

The relationship between wives and concubines directly affects the identity and status of children, and there is a huge difference in the status of children in the family between children born by concubines and children born by concubines. The children born to the wife are called the children of the first wife, and they have a higher status and inheritance rights in the family. The children born to concubines are called concubine children, and their status and inheritance rights are often restricted. Under this system, the relationship between the main wife and the concubine was fraught with complex and delicate power struggles.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Passing on the family line was an important duty of the ancient family

For wives who have no heirs, concubinage is a common solution. Through concubinage, the family is able to ensure the continuity of the bloodline and the continuity of the family incense. At the time, this behavior was regarded as part of filial piety and was widely recognized by society.

In feudal society, the birth of children, especially boys, was seen as an important task of the family. Men need to take concubines to ensure that they have enough heirs to continue the family incense. If the wife is unable to have children, concubinage becomes an important means to ensure the continuation of the family bloodline. One of the main responsibilities of a concubine in the family is to bear children, especially boys. Their fertility is directly related to their status and treatment in the family.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Concubinage is not only for the purpose of bearing children, but also has a symbolic meaning to ensure the continuation of the family bloodline. Through concubinage, men are able to demonstrate their fertility and the prosperity of their families. This behavior is widely recognized and respected in society as a symbol of men's filial piety and family prosperity.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Concubinage is also a symbol of wealth and status.

Families who were able to take concubines were usually wealthy families, as it required a lot of financial resources to buy a concubine. The quantity and quality of concubines often reflect a man's financial resources and status. In some places, concubinage has even become a way to show off wealth, and the number of concubines has become one of the criteria for measuring the wealth of the family.

In feudal society, concubinage was a family act and a symbol of social status and wealth. Wealthy families demonstrated their financial and social status by taking concubines. Concubinage requires a lot of financial resources, including the cost of purchasing a concubine, the cost of living in a concubine's room, and the cost of raising children. These costs are unaffordable for the average family and are only affordable for wealthy families.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

The quantity and quality of concubines often reflect a man's financial resources and status. Wealthy families often had multiple concubines who were beautiful and talented, as well as had a certain educational background and cultural accomplishments. Concubinage became a way for wealthy families to flaunt their wealth and status, and through concubinage, men were able to demonstrate their social status and economic power.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

The literati carried out cultural exchanges by opposing the poetry of the concubines, which promoted the development and spread of culture to a certain extent. Concubines often have certain talents, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, they are not only a tool for inheritance in the family, but also an important companion in men's spiritual life. This cultural exchange provided inspiration and material for the creation of literati, and also enriched the connotation of ancient culture.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Concubinage is sometimes done to preserve one's feelings, such as giving a concubine as a gift. This practice is seen as part of friendliness and etiquette in some special circumstances. Concubinage is an individual act that also has a certain political and social significance, reflecting the complex interpersonal relationships and power structures of the society at the time.

By giving concubines as gifts, men are able to show their generosity and friendliness, cementing their relationship with each other. Concubinage was an individual act that also had a certain social and political significance, reflecting the complex interpersonal relationships and power structures of the society at the time. The practice of giving concubines as gifts has a certain universality in feudal society and has become a way to maintain human feelings.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Historically, there have been many examples of concubinage. Qin Shi Huang's mother, Zhao Ji, was originally Lü Buwei's concubine, who was given to Qin Yiren and eventually became Qin Shi Huang's mother. This example shows the impact of concubinage on political status. Wu Sangui's love for Tian Qiwan's concubine Chen Yuanyuan because of his sophistication reflects the importance and complexity of concubines in ancient society.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

The living situation of the concubine's room

The living conditions of the concubines in the families of the illustrious families are better, and they can get certain material rewards in ordinary life. Favored concubines received additional possessions and care, and their living conditions depended in part on their status in the family and the degree to which men favored them.

The living treatment of the concubine includes material rewards as well as spiritual care. The concubines in the homes of prominent families are often able to enjoy certain conveniences and comforts, and their living conditions and treatment are much higher than those in ordinary families. Through concubinage, prominent families were able to show their wealth and status, while also adding harmony and warmth to the family.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Some concubines were able to live in harmony in the family and live a stable life. These concubines were able to gain a certain status and respect in the family through harmony with their wives and other family members. They live a stable life and can enjoy the warmth and love of their families.

In extreme family circumstances, concubines can be persecuted and need to rely on luck and means to survive. The lives of these concubines are full of uncertainty and danger, and they need to rely on their own wisdom and means to protect themselves from persecution and ostracism by their family members.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men


The idea of "male superiority and female inferiority" in ancient feudal society deeply affected the fate of women. The system of wives and concubines is a manifestation of social hierarchy and part of the power structure of the family. Under this system, there is a clear difference in the status and roles of the main wife and the concubine. The main wife has absolute power and status in the family, while the concubine is in a subordinate and subordinate position. Concubinage is a need of the family, a symbol of wealth and status, and also has a certain sense of sophistication and etiquette. The living conditions of concubines in the family vary according to the family environment and the degree of favor of the man, some concubines are able to live in harmony and stability in the family, while others need to rely on wisdom and means to protect themselves from persecution and ostracism.

In addition to passing on the ancestry, the duties of concubines in ancient times also played an important role, but now they are despised by men

Have you ever wondered what life was like for concubines in ancient times?

What role do they play in the family?

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