
Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

author:Treasure hunting

Do you remember Li Rui, the village chief in Where Did Dad Go? The show runs from the first season to the fifth season, and since it was broadcast, Li Rui has played the role of the village chief in the show. In the show, he has both a sense of humor and affinity, which is deeply loved by children and widely praised by the audience.

On the evening of June 30th, Li Rui rarely posted a photo with his daughter, in which he and his daughter Hop Hop hosted the show together, only to see the subtitles of Changsha Huayi Middle School written on the background screen, which should be to participate in school activities with his daughter, it can be seen that in ordinary life, Li Rui is unconditional support for his daughter.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

Judging from the photo of the two, Li Rui is wearing a black suit, as always dignified and dignified, although he is 51 years old, he looks similar to where his father went, and there is no trace of aging. This time he was on the same stage with his daughter, his joy and pride were about to overflow the screen, and for the first time he hosted on the same stage with his baby, Li Rui's face was full of pride and relief.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

He also posted a single photo of his daughter, in which he jumped and wore a crown, long hair with a shawl, a light green gauze skirt, delicate light makeup, a smile, and a youthful atmosphere between his eyebrows and eyes, with a gentle and beautiful temperament.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that she is a little similar to the appearance of Lan Yingying, a popular flower born in the 90s. The two of them pursed their lips and smiled very similarly.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

However, Li Rui has a different opinion, he once interviewed Chen Qiaoen on the show, looking at Chen Qiaoen's appearance of lifting his skirt and turning in circles, Li Rui said that his daughter jumped and Chen Qiaoen was like, Chen Qiaoen was also a comedian, and called Li Rui Dad, and the variety show effect was full.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen
Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

Not to mention that Li Rui's daughter's appearance when she was a child was indeed similar to Chen Qiaoen, but now that she has grown up, she has lost her baby fat, and she looks a little blue again.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

Jumping Jump's real name is Li Pengxi, and the reason why her nickname is Jumping Jumping is that Li Rui once said in the show that the implication is that her daughter jumped into her father's heart step by step. As a father, in Li Rui's heart, his daughter is a caring little padded jacket, as long as she gets home, Hopping is the one who cares about herself the most, and she will ask if she is tired of working hard, and she will let the longest sofa out for her father to lie down.

Li Rui, the village head, and his daughter hosted on the same stage, jumping and bumping into Lan Yingying, but Li Rui said that he looked like Chen Qiaoen

When he was young, Li Rui felt that happiness was to be famous, that is, to make more money to buy luxury cars, and after having a daughter, Li Rui also made no secret of saying that as long as he had his daughter by his side, he was the happiest, and it seemed that Li Rui, the village head, was also a proper daughter slave.

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