
In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

author:Think about looking at the past and the present
In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?
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In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

In the midsummer of 2020, a sensational wedding in Fujian Province is being held. The groom, Chen Jinghe, is a leader in China's mining industry; The bride, Qian Bing, is young and beautiful, and is a talented model.

The couple, who have an age difference of 25 years, walked into the marriage hall hand in hand, which immediately sparked heated discussions from all walks of life.

People are speculating: is this a sincere love, or is there something else hidden? Chen's son spoke out against the marriage, arguing that it would damage the family's reputation.

In order to quell the family dispute, Chen Jinghe had to take extraordinary measures to bring the value of 3. 1.4 billion yuan of shares were transferred to his son.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

Will this marriage, which spans the age gap, stand the test of time? How to balance the balance of love and money? Let's focus on this high-profile marriage story together.

In 1957, Chen Jinghe was born in a family of ordinary teachers in Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province. Although this mountainous area is rich in natural resources, it is barren due to underdevelopment.

As a young man, Chen Jinghe often followed his parents to search for strange rocks by the stream, and his parents took the opportunity to teach him geological knowledge, and these childhood experiences laid the foundation for his later career.

Chen Jinghe showed extraordinary talent during his studies, especially in geography. However, when he graduated from high school in 1975, he had to work in a tile factory first because the college entrance examination system had not yet been restored.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

However, Chen Jinghe did not give up studying, and still worked tirelessly to study geological knowledge in his spare time.

In 1977, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination system shook Yongding District like a spring thunder. Chen Jinghe seized this rare opportunity and was admitted to Fuzhou University with excellent results, majoring in geology.

During his university years, he eagerly acquired professional knowledge and laid a solid foundation for his future career.

After graduating from university in 1982, Chen Jinghe joined the Fujian Geological Brigade of Western Fujian. With solid professional skills and perseverance, he discovered a huge gold mine in the Purple Mountain.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

This discovery not only earned him accolades, but also turned his career around.

Subsequently, Chen Jinghe began to get involved in mining operations. He took over a loss-making mining company with an annual revenue of only 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and in the face of difficulties, he decisively decided to try the unprecedented mining method of accumulation.

Although this bold decision was questioned, it was a great success in the end, bringing the company a profit of more than 100 million yuan.

In 1993, Chen Jinghe changed the company's name to Shanghang Zijin Mining Corporation, opening a new chapter in the development of the company. Under his leadership, the company continues to innovate technology and expand its scale.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

After 2000, Chen Jinghe led employees to develop mines all over the country, which further expanded the company's scale.

In 2003, with the efforts of Chen Jinghe, Zijin Mining was successfully listed in Hong Kong. In 2008, the company returned to the A-share market. In just over 20 years, this small company, which initially had an annual income of only 30,000 yuan, has grown into a mining giant with assets of 150 billion yuan.

Chen Jinghe's success is not only reflected in the development of the enterprise, but also in the accumulation of huge wealth as a result. From a poor teenager with geological dreams to a mining magnate known as the "Golden King of China", Chen Jinghe's life experience is legendary.

His success stems from perseverance and unremitting efforts to his dreams. As a child, his curiosity to find strange rocks by the stream turned into a persistent pursuit of mineral resources as an adult.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

His courage and innovative spirit in the face of difficulties allowed him to find opportunities in the midst of crises. It is this never-say-die spirit that pushes Chen Jinghe step by step to the pinnacle of success.

Chen Jinghe's story is not only a personal history of struggle, but also a microcosm of China's mining development. His success confirms the old adage: "Opportunity always favors those who are prepared."

"For everyone with a dream, Chen Jinghe's experience is undoubtedly a booster, inspiring people to work hard for their dreams.

Behind Chen Jinghe's brilliant career, there is a woman who silently supports him - his first wife Lai Jinlian. The fate of the two began in high school, and at that young and ignorant age, they sprouted pure love.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

Although Lai Jinlian was not admitted to the ideal university, she always encouraged Chen Jinghe to pursue his dreams. In 1982, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand and began a life journey of common struggle.

After marriage, Lai Jinlian faced the test of multiple roles. On the one hand, she has to take care of the family and take care of the housework; On the other hand, she also has to take care of her elderly in-laws and fulfill her daughter-in-law's filial piety.

What's even more commendable is that in order to fully support her husband's career, she resolutely served as the team doctor of the geological survey team and ran around with her husband in a difficult working environment.

In the days when Chen Jinghe struggled for his career, Lai Jinlian played the role of a strong backing. Not only does she have to raise her children alone, but she also has to silently endure the loneliness of her husband's long-term absence.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

Even so, she never complained and always supported her husband's work with a positive and optimistic attitude.

However, fate is always full of drama. In 2015, Lai Jinlian, who had always been healthy, was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Chen Jinghe suddenly realize that he had been devoted to his career for many years and neglected to care about his wife.

In 2019, Lai Jinlian finally passed away, ending their 37-year marriage. Chen Jinghe was grief-stricken and repeatedly published affectionate memorial articles on social media to express his longing for his wife.

He promised to always remember his wife and look forward to continuing the relationship in the next life. This unforgettable love has touched countless netizens.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

Lai Jinlian's departure is not only a huge personal loss for Chen Jinghe, but also marks the end of an era. She witnessed the whole process of her husband's growth from an ordinary geologist to a mining giant, and paid unimaginable hardships.

Her life is the epitome of the silent dedication of traditional Chinese women, and it is also an indispensable help for Chen Jinghe's success.

Lai Jinlian's story allows us to see the true meaning of love and marriage. She used her actions to interpret what it means to share adversity and mutual affection, and her dedication has achieved a good story, and also painted a strong stroke of Chen Jinghe's legendary life.

Chen Jinghe, who lost his beloved, fell into deep grief for a while, but fate seemed to give him a second chance. At a banquet, through a friend's introduction, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe met 38-year-old model Qian Bing.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

This encounter became another turning point in Chen Jinghe's life.

When they first met, Chen Jinghe was attracted by Qian Bing's talent and temperament. Despite the 25-year age difference, the two surprisingly have a lot in common. When Chen Jinghe was at his most vulnerable, Qian Bing gave him warmth and comfort, as if a ray of sunshine dispelled the haze in his heart.

With the increase in contact, Chen Jinghe gradually developed a good impression of this young woman. He once commented on Qian Bing from the perspective of an investor, calling her a "gold mine" waiting to be discovered.

This metaphor not only reflects Chen Jinghe's appreciation of Qian Bing, but also hints at his expectations for this relationship.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

After only a year of acquaintance, Chen Jinghe made a surprising decision: to marry Qian Bing. In July 2020, on the festive day of National Day, the two held a grand wedding.

At the wedding scene, the newlyweds looked at each other affectionately and made a vow of "love each other sincerely forever", and the scene was warm and touching.

This wedding is not only a union of two people, but also a show of courage. The bride, Qian Bing, asked a thought-provoking question at the wedding: "Distinguished guests, relatives and friends, is anyone willing to say their true views on love?" This question not only shows her honesty about the relationship, but also shows her courage in the face of external doubts.

Qian Bing's speech at the wedding was thought-provoking: "In the past years, I have never been able to understand why I want to enter the palace of married life, but it was not until a sincere and profound fate came to my life that I truly understood what the power of love is.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

These words not only expressed her sincere feelings for Chen Jinghe, but also responded to the outside world's doubts about this marriage.

Chen Jinghe also expressed his heart at the wedding: "The reason why the two of us can work together is precisely because of that true love that transcends time and space. Although many people are skeptical that our love is not pure, I firmly believe that only true love can break free from the shackles of the world and show its beauty and brilliance to the world.

Although this marriage has caused many controversies, Chen Jinghe seems to have found a new direction in life. Qian Bing gave him hope for the second spring and made him re-appreciate the beauty of love.

And Qian Bing also showed her cherishment of this marriage and her firmness in this relationship.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

However, will this love that spans the age gap stand the test of time? How will Chen Jinghe and Qian Bing face the challenges that may arise in the future? The answers to these questions will probably only be given by time.

As soon as the marriage of Chen Jinghe and Qian Bing was announced, it immediately caused an uproar in society. This marriage, which spans the age difference of 25 years, has become a hot topic after dinner.

Many netizens were skeptical about the marriage. Some question whether this is a real love affair or a mere deal based on money and interests. Some believe that Qian Bing may have been attracted by Mr. Chen's wealth rather than his sincerity.

There are also concerns that such a large age gap may affect the quality and stability of marriages.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

However, the controversy is not limited to cyberspace. Chen Jinghe's son publicly expressed his opposition to the marriage, a move that pushed family conflicts into the public eye.

He believes that his father's behavior not only betrays his mother's feelings, but also introduces an "outsider" who may threaten the interests of the family.

In order to quell the family strife, Chen Jinghe took an unexpected move: he would be worth 3. 1.4 billion yuan of shares were transferred to his son. Although this behavior alleviated the family conflict to some extent, it also led to more speculation about the motives of the marriage.

The marriage has also sparked widespread public discussion about marriages with a large age difference. Some people think that true love has nothing to do with age, as long as the two are happy, they should be blessed; There are also concerns that a large age gap may lead to a conflict of values and lifestyles.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

For or against, the marriage has undoubtedly become the focus of social attention and an opportunity for people to rethink love, marriage and family relationships.

Despite the controversy, Chen Jinghe and Qian Bing's marriage is still ongoing. Chen Jinghe is full of expectations for this new marriage, and seems to hope to make up for the past debt to the family.

And Qian Bing also showed respect and love for her husband in public, and tried to play the role of a good new wife.

However, the road to marriage is never easy. How will this "old husband and young wife" balance each other's needs? How to deal with possible family conflicts? Can they truly complement each other and spend the rest of their lives together? The answers to these questions will probably only be given by time.

In 20 years, 63-year-old Chen Jinghe married young model Qian Bing: Can true love really break through the age boundary?

Society's eyes remain focused on the high-profile couple. It is expected that this marriage that transcends age boundaries will stand the test and compose a sincere and touching hymn to love.

Regardless of the outcome, the story of Chen Jinghe and Qian Bing will become a vivid footnote to the changes in the concept of modern marriage.

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