
My ambassador describes the Taiwan authorities in six words! Lai Qingde asked for peace, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their words one after another

author: Ice Maple Observation Room

A few days ago, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye's statement on the Taiwan issue was extraordinary. Not only did Lai Qingde and Jiang Wanan on the island immediately change their tune, but even many countries in the international community no longer have a vague position on the issue of China's reunification!

Ambassador Lu pointed out that China's civil war has not really ended, and that Taiwan's existing regime is only "a rebel regime", and China has the right to take back governance at any time.

These words are rare in the official remarks of the past, but it is this style of daring to "show the sword" that makes Lu Shaye's words very influential. He used the same tough statement in April last year, when his remarks on the sovereignty of the three Baltic states also attracted widespread attention.

In this statement, Lu Shaye not only spoke sharply, but also defined Taiwan independence in six words: "a rebel regime"! He also pointed out the reason why China is not using force to resolve the Taiwan issue: mainly for the well-being of the Taiwanese people.

My ambassador describes the Taiwan authorities in six words! Lai Qingde asked for peace, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their words one after another

In less than 24 hours, he appeared in the Chenggongling camp in Taichung, calling for peace and stability, and the word "peace" appeared frequently in his speech!

He not only changed his words and declared that "Taiwan loves peace," but also said that "peace in Taiwan is conducive to world peace." In fact, he wanted to tie the Taiwan people to the "same front" and to give the United States and other foreign forces more excuses to interfere.

If it weren't for media reports, who would have thought that this was the same person who advocated "Taiwan independence" a month ago?

However, Lai Ching-de's appeal for peace this time does not mean that he has given up the "Taiwan independence" line. He is determined to use the pretext of peace to delay the mainland's countermeasures, and at the same time secretly accepts a new round of US arms sales to Taiwan.

At the same time, two high-ranking Kuomintang officials, Chiang Wan-an and Hou You-yi, also quickly expressed their stance, criticizing Lai Qingde and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) behind him for vainly trying to prevent cross-strait exchanges, and stressing their stance of resolutely opposing "Taiwan independence."

My ambassador describes the Taiwan authorities in six words! Lai Qingde asked for peace, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their words one after another

It can be seen that as the situation in the Taiwan Strait has become tense, the mainland's attitude has become more and more clear, and some politicians on the island, who usually have a vague stance, have also begun to make it clear that they are not "Taiwan independence" and seem to be afraid of being implicated by the undercurrent of "Taiwan independence."

Taiwan is a part of China, and no one can change that. Even if the use of force is used, the Chinese side is reasonable and legitimate, and we just want to fulfill the unfinished mission of the civil war.

The "rebel regime" is a product of the trend of history, and it is normal for China to use force, and external forces have no right to intervene.

In fact, a series of recent exercises of the PLA, such as the "Joint Sword-2024A", have fully demonstrated the mainland's determination and ability to solve the problem.

If Lai Qingde continues to be obsessed with the two-state theory, then the situation may really be as Ambassador Lu said, and China will never show mercy to the "rebel regime".

My ambassador describes the Taiwan authorities in six words! Lai Qingde asked for peace, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their words one after another

What is surprising is that in just one month, the stance of various countries on China's reunification has also changed significantly.

Since Lai Qingde took office and made "Taiwan independence" remarks, the mainland has successively adopted a series of military, economic, and legal countermeasures.

The PLA's military exercises have demonstrated a strong military deterrent effect, and the abolition of the tariff reduction and exemption policy for 134 products on the island has dealt an economic blow to Taiwan independence forces, and at the same time, laws and regulations have been promulgated to severely punish "Taiwan independence" elements, with a maximum sentence of death.

These thunderous tactics have not only deterred the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island, but also clearly conveyed China's firm stand to the international community.

Some countries that had previously taken a vague stance on the Taiwan issue have also changed their tunes, and countries such as Egypt, Bahrain, and Malaysia have all made clear their support for China's national reunification.

Their unprecedentedly firm stance shows that the international community seems to be forming a new consensus on the Taiwan issue.

Not only that, but the situation on the island of Taiwan has also become more and more tense.

My ambassador describes the Taiwan authorities in six words! Lai Qingde asked for peace, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their words one after another

According to information from Taiwan's so-called defense department, the PLA has been carrying out frequent activities recently, and PLA fighters and warships can be spotted all around Taiwan, and the fighters can reach the airspace over Taiwan in as little as three minutes.

Even the mainland coast guard has gone deep into the waters of Kinmen to patrol the waters, and the closest distance to Kinmen's Jinhu is only 5 nautical miles, a record low, and this action has also enabled our troops to reach a state of being ready to land in Kinmen at any time.

What we can foresee is that Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements will not give up easily, and the interference of foreign forces will not stop, and the struggle over the Taiwan issue will only become more intense in the future.

In the face of the current grim situation in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland has demonstrated its strong military and economic strength, and has won the unequivocal support of more and more international communities.

In the face of such a situation, Lai Qingde's desire to continue to promote "Taiwan independence" is probably a fool's dream, and the pace of China's reunification is already on the line, and we can only wait for the final answer from history.

The general trend of history is that Taiwan will inevitably return to the motherland, and the two sides of the strait will be reunified.