
Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

author:Lian said Kan History


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Remember "Customs Front", which was influential in the film industry? The film was star-studded and star-studded in recent roadshow events.

Nicholas Tse, Jacky Cheung, Lin Jiaxin and Liu Yase and other first-line celebrities have appeared one after another to build momentum for the film.

However, in this feast of big names, there is a particularly eye-catching figure who is not a person in the film industry, and that is Yang Shoucheng.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

What's even more remarkable is that his wife, Lu Xiaoman, with her unique ladylike temperament and demeanor, has undoubtedly become the focus of this event.

Lu Xiaoman, this name is now not just Yang Shoucheng's wife, she has become a symbol of some unique wealth and status.

At this premiere, her every move attracted the attention of the media and the public.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

Especially in that scene, Lu Xiaoman walked in front, while Yang Shoucheng took a photo with other ladies on the side, which quickly sparked heated discussions on social media.

Lu Xiaoman did not show displeasure because of this, but calmly left the camera with an extraordinary elegance, which undoubtedly showed her extraordinary emotional intelligence and unique style.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

This subtle move is not only a display of Lu Xiaoman's personal charm, but also allows the outside world to have a deeper understanding of her background and personality.

Compared with other wealthy families, Lu Xiaoman's independent and strong temperament is more significant.

Her short hair, neat and firm, reveals her leadership and far-reaching influence in the family.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

This kind of leadership temperament is not deliberate, but stems from her personal experience and family role, which makes her more and more dazzling in the public eye.

Time flies, and as their upcoming 40th wedding anniversary approaches, people can't help but think back to that 30th anniversary celebration ten years ago.

It was a grand celebration that brought together many stars and wealthy families, which was enough to highlight Yang Shoucheng's status in the social circle.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

However, under the bright light of his wife Lu Xiaoman, Yang Shoucheng's status seems to be slightly bleak.

Lu Xiaoman holds more than 50% of the shares of Emperor Group, and this business power makes her the real power behind the scenes.

Of course, the story of Yang Shou himself is also quite legendary.

He was suave when he was young, and he was involved in peach news many times, which aroused widespread concern in the society.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

His marriage to his first wife, Ren Manling, came to an end due to a careless act at a chance party.

Despite his best efforts to cover up the fact that he was having an affair, he eventually couldn't contain the fire, which led to the two parting ways.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, the encounter between Yang Shoucheng and Lu Xiaoman seems to be arranged by fate.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

Lu Xiaoman is not only rich in five cars, but also has a deep background in the banking industry.

The two soon entered the palace of marriage.

Although Lu Xiaoman knows that Yang's amorous nature is difficult to change — he even admits in public that he has other confidants — she doesn't seem to care.

Because in this relationship, the real initiative is always firmly in her hands.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

The relationship between Lu Xiaoman and Yang Shoucheng seems to be an elegant and independent dance, but behind it lies a deeper power and decision-making game.

Their stories reveal how to maintain grace and individuality through life's twists and turns, and show the intricacies of power and emotion.

In this contest of love, power and status, Lu Xiaoman has become the undisputed winner with his unique charm and wisdom.

Yang Shoucheng's second wife rarely appeared, she was noble, good and dignified, holding high shares and letting her husband be romantic

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