
Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

author:Tsubasa Boxin

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Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?


Now the rural development is hot, because of the new way of playing the rural revitalization project. Governments at all levels spend money and give discounts, just to make our hometown more beautiful and better-looking. However, CCTV's exposure was a big surprise, and some minor problems actually affected the quality of the project and the safety of state subsidies. In this article, we will talk about those things in the rural revitalization project and see how to solve these problems.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

Hidden dangers in the quality of the project

Rural revitalization plans to improve the rural environment so that everyone can live a comfortable life. However, there are some places where there are quality problems. CCTV reporters found that the cement of some projects is not hard enough, which will affect the life of the project and may also bring danger to the villagers. Moreover, the workers cut corners and embezzled all the money given by the state, which completely deviated from the purpose of rural revitalization.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

Hidden dangers in the quality of the project

Loopholes in the management of grants

The money that the state gives us for rural revitalization can't be spent indiscriminately, otherwise this infrastructure will be useless. According to the news, in some areas, the subsidy money is poorly managed, and the money is being diverted and spent. This not only harms the interests of the country, but also makes our rural revitalization plan difficult. Therefore, the most important thing now is to manage the subsidy well, so that everyone knows how the money is spent, so that we can truly promote rural development.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

The importance of social surveillance

In rural development projects, social monitoring plays a big role! Everyone can see it clearly, find problems in time, and raise them through various channels. Such supervision will not only enable the department to quickly correct mistakes, but also be alert to those bad tendencies and prevent them from occurring. Therefore, we need to encourage social supervision, which is the key to ensuring the smooth progress of rural development projects.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

Policy support and implementation

Government policies are a big backer to support rural revitalization. However, whether the policy can be implemented is the most critical. In many cases, good policies will turn bad when they come down, which requires strict control by the regulatory authorities to ensure that the policies can really help our rural development.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

The importance of public participation

Rural revitalization is not just a matter for the government, but also for the public. Together, we can not only bring more money and experience, but also improve the recognition of the project. Attracting more people to participate in rural revitalization through a non-governmental participation program will certainly go a long way in improving the quality and speed of the project.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

Technological innovation and application

Scientific and technological innovation can not only make the level of rural construction better, but also greatly improve the management effect! For example, the drone technology used by our CCTV reporters is very good, which can find and solve small problems in the construction process in advance and improve the quality control ability. Therefore, we need to support technological innovation, and then use good things in rural construction, so as to truly improve the quality of the project!

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

Ongoing monitoring and feedback mechanisms

Rural revitalization has to be done slowly, and we have to look at the point at all times. With good monitoring and feedback in place, we can catch problems, increase the visibility of the project, and make people trust us more.

Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?
Rural revitalization, how to ensure the quality of projects and the safety of subsidies?

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