
(END) I am a mountain god, and I want to marry on a whim, so I asked the little demon to catch a handsome man

author:A small bok choy

I am the mountain god of Anping Mountain, and I want to marry on a whim, so I asked the little demon to catch a handsome man

I looked at him excitedly and called out to my husband, but I didn't expect him to faint on the spot

?? I'm also a beautiful tiger in the White Tiger family


AllBright has had a big deal recently.

The mountain god on Anping Mountain outside the city suddenly wants to marry, but the mountain god doesn't want to marry any of the demons and monsters, but wants to marry a human being, and he must be the kind of graceful and dignified.

The demons said that there was a man in AllBright who met the requirements and was the eldest son of the city lord. Lord Mountain God was very tempted, and immediately sent the little demons to send a bunch of rare treasures as a dowry, saying that he wanted to bring people back.

The eldest son of the city lord was suddenly so frightened that he cried his father and called his mother, crying bitterly.

It is said that the mountain god of Anping Mountain is a powerful female monster, and it's okay to be powerful, but she's very brutal, and it's said that she is also very ugly, and she will get angry and eat people if she doesn't agree with her, and she won't even spit out bones.

Of course, the lord of the city didn't want his lone seedling to be eaten by monsters, so he thought of a way to exchange the tanuki for the prince, and found a teacher from the city who looked a little similar to his son, and caught him, and let the little demons carry the sedan chair and take it away.

Mr. Gu Ke was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and he didn't dare to move.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen monsters, alive, and still such a large group! And there is also the largest one, which is a snow-white tiger that can speak human language, and it is the mountain god Bai Youyou who is stationed here.

Gu Ke is a dignified eight-foot man, in front of this mountain god tiger, there is no difference between a little mouse in front of a cat.

Bai Youyou looked at the little man in front of her, thinking that she finally had the wishful thinking that she had mentioned in the book, and she was immediately very happy, running and jumping in circles around Gu Ke.

It doesn't matter if Bai Youyou is happy, but he pity Gu Ke, the mountain god jumped up and made him feel that the ground under his feet was shaking, and he couldn't stand steadily, he was shocked, dizzy, and almost died.

Bai Youyou noticed that her husband's face was not very good-looking, and hurriedly ran over with concern, but she was too large and almost accidentally stepped on her husband.

Bai Youyou, who realized that her husband was too fragile, hurriedly shrunk her body a little, looked at Gu Ke at eye level, and looked at that handsome face, she suddenly stretched out her paws to cover her face shyly and timidly.

"Husband, I like you so much!"

Gu Ke's face was like earth, he never expected that he had lived for more than 20 years, and the first person to say this to himself was actually a tigress.

This blow was really not small, he felt that his life was hard, and he was afraid that he would enter the stomach of the mountain god one day, and he was frightened, his eyes rolled and he fainted directly.


Looking at Gu Ke, who was unconscious, Bai Youyou drooped his ears, wondering if the human body was paper-paste? It was even more fragile than she thought.

As soon as the mountain god was unhappy, dark clouds drifted from the top of the entire mountain, and the little demons were afraid that they would not be able to bask in the moonlight at night and affect their cultivation, so they came to give her advice.

The snake spirit was the first to speak.

"Our demon pill is a precious elixir for humans, if you put the demon pill into his body, you can make his body stronger."

Bai Youyou mouth-to-mouth with Gu Ke almost without thinking about it, blowing his inner dan into the other party's mouth.

There was suddenly a foreign object exuding a fragrant fragrance in his mouth, even if Gu Kedang woke up, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a magnified tiger face, the mouths of a person and a tiger were still attached together, his face suddenly turned green, and in a shock, the demon pill slipped into his throat.

"You! What did you give me?! ”

"Demon pill." Bai Youyou tilted his head, "It's good for you human beings, it will strengthen your body and prolong your life." ”

Gu Ke breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw Bai Youyou getting closer and closer to him, he still couldn't accept the fact that a tigress had become his wife.

"Lord Yamagami...... You, do you want to think about it again? Do you want to find a kind of marriage, look at me, I am a human being, delicate and frail, and I can't protect you. ”

Bai Youyou shook his tail and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't need your protection, I'm very powerful, I'll protect you."

"But, we're of different races, and we're too different in age......"

"These are not obstacles!" Bai Youyou pounced over and licked Gu Ke's face, "I just know that I like my husband, and it doesn't matter if it's all messy." ”

She's okay, but he's okay!

Gu Ke gritted his teeth and pushed Bai Youyou away.

"You're dead to this heart! I can accept anything, but I don't accept humans and beasts! Even if I die, I won't accept you! ”

Bai Youyou's ears and tail drooped down for a moment, sad and confused.

She is also a beautiful tiger in the White Tiger family, I don't know how many monsters handed her love letters, and she didn't even give those monsters a straight eye.

She has read too many books on human paintings, and there is also one called "Strange Tales from Liaozhai". There are so many beautiful love stories between humans and demons in it, she is moved and itchy to watch, so she wants to find a human husband, but, but why does her husband hate her so much?

Seeing that there were dark clouds floating on the top of the mountain again, the little demons panicked and went to find a solution to the problem for the mountain god.

The little sparrow jumped on the tree and said, "Surely humans are not used to sleeping on sandy ground, nor do they like to sleep on branches, and I have seen that humans live in houses made of wood or stone, and there is a thing called a bed in it." ”

Bai Youyou thought for a while, and felt that her husband must be unaccustomed to living here, so he lost his temper.

The mountain god suddenly waved his claws, called all the little monsters on the mountain, and commanded everyone to divide and cooperate, cut down trees, build houses, and build houses, and in less than half a day, a building was built.

Bai Youyou nervously went to find Gu Ke, and exposed a pair of ears outside the cave where Gu Ke was temporarily staying.

"Husband...... Husband, the house is finished, do you want to take a look? ”


Gu Ke was stunned, "You built a house?" ”

When he saw the crooked and ugly building in front of him, Gu Ke refused, but when he looked at Bai Youyou, who was pitifully looking at him, and a group of little monsters with the same demeanor around him, he suddenly felt ...... I was a little touched.

"Nice, good, thank you."

Bai Youyou's eyes lit up suddenly, and he rubbed Gu Ke's body with his head, "Husband is the best!" ”

Gu Ke was originally a little afraid, but no matter how he looked at the white tiger in front of him, he didn't have the domineering spirit of the mountain god, but he was like a cat with a big body, and he still liked the kind of coquettishness, and he suddenly felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Although it is a mountain god, although it is a tiger, as long as you don't eat people, it is easy to say anything.


Seeing that the method of building a house was effective, a group of little monsters suddenly became a lot more active.

"I heard that high-status humans are surrounded by attendants, and it is common for them to have three wives and four concubines."

So a group of all kinds of female monsters came to Gu Ke's side, beating his back and rubbing his legs, Gu Ke was frightened, for fear that his arms and legs would be removed in the next second.

Bai Youyou watched those little demons approaching his husband on the side, and the more he looked at it, the more angry he became, and he directly waved his claws and roared.

Her meaning is obvious: only I can touch my husband! Get out of here, all of you!

It was rare to see Bai Youyou revealing the side of the mighty and domineering mountain god, not only the little monsters were scattered like birds and beasts, but Gu Ke was also frightened by the roar.

But then he saw the white tiger shrink rapidly to the size of a cat, and looked nervously at him from a distance, crept closer, and then jumped on his knees and lay down, looking at him with wide eyes.

The little tiger looked aggrieved, "The husband is mine, I am alone, what three wives and four concubines, is it not allowed to be good?" ”

Gu Ke suddenly felt that his mood was a little delicate.

The mighty god of the mountains suddenly became such a poor little fellow...... looked strange and cute, he couldn't help touching her head, Bai Youyou was immediately comforted, and he was very happy to roll in his arms.

"My husband is the best, the best!"

Yamagami-sama's possessiveness is very strong.

Since that day, she has been eating and living with Gu Ke, never leaving a single step, staring at him stupidly next to Gu Ke during the day, and lying in the house at night, squeezing a bed with Gu Ke to sleep, holding his arm on four legs, and curling his wrist with a long tail to feel at ease.

Gu Ke was very helpless, but what he had to say was that after getting along with each other these days, he found that Bai Youyou was not at all the terrible appearance he had rumored. On the contrary, she is very simple and cute, and the greatest pleasure is to watch him tell some stories of male and female love with the monsters from outside the mountain.

He also didn't know until this time that Bai Youyou was a mythical beast white tiger, born with auspicious energy, so the demons recommended her to be the mountain god of Anping Mountain, and she has been guarding this mountain since she was born and has never left here.

In the end, she is actually just an ignorant child.

Bai Youyou was very sticky to Gu Ke, and he kept calling "husband and husband" all day long, and finally one day, Gu Ke was ruthless and broke the paw that Bai Youyou was holding his arm.

"Sorry...... It's time for me to leave. ”

Bai Youyou was stunned, looking at the empty paws, his voice trembling a little.

"...... my husband"

Gu Ke touched her head.

"Listen to me, I can't be your husband, I'm a human being, you're a monster, I live for decades, but you can live for tens of millions of years, we are not people of the same world, and we won't be happy together."

He is just the most ordinary teacher in AllBright City, and he also has a woman who is attracted to him, if it wasn't for the city lord who threatened him with that woman's life, he would not be willing to come here in place of the city lord's son.

And he's been here long enough that it's time for him to go back to his own world.

The little tiger's ears suddenly drooped, and he was silent for a long, long time.

She didn't understand, why did her husband say that people and demons would not be happy together?

Xu Xian and Bai Niangniang are together.

Ying Ning and Wang Zifu are together.

Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen are also together.

So many monsters and people can live happily together, why can't she be with her sweetheart Gu Ke?

Sure enough, those stories only exist in picture books.

Bai Youyou wiped his tears, turned around and ran away quickly.

"Let's go, if you don't like me, then I won't keep you, and if I see you again, I will definitely eat you!"


Gu Ke left Anping Mountain.

He first went to find the woman who had touched his heart, and he wanted to make sure that she was safe, but when he saw her, his heart was cold.

The kind and gentle girl he remembered was smiling delicately and holding the arm of the city lord.

They walked over with a smile, and Gu Ke subconsciously hid behind the wall, listening to the laughter of the two people getting farther and farther away.

"I don't know how Gu Ke is doing now, has he been eaten by monsters?"

"Just eat, just eat, a poor teacher, it's his blessing to be able to die for his son, but the slave family also wants to thank him, because of him, the slave family and the son can have this fate."

Gu Ke stood on the street in a daze, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

He suddenly felt that he was stupid, so stupid that he only saw the skin and couldn't see through the soul underneath, those people had empty appearances, but they acted like demons, but the real demons were kind and pure.

He was walking down the street in despair, and suddenly saw a white shadow running down the street, he immediately came back to his senses, and found that the shadow form was somewhat similar to Bai Youyou, and he chased after him, thinking that she must not be caught by others.

After chasing for a long time, he found the little thing at the end of the alley, which turned out to be a white cat, baring its teeth and barking at him.

Gu Ke breathed a sigh of relief and calmed the cat, he got up and was about to leave, but found a woman in white behind him at some point.

The woman was twenty-eight years old, with a beautiful appearance, and was looking at him with a smile.

Gu Ke retracted his thoughts, thinking that this cat was hers, so he gave a salute at the moment, turned around and walked away.

He didn't notice the woman in white's lost expression for a moment.

"Why doesn't he like me even though I've changed?"

The cat licked its paws and said, "Who knows?" The human mind is the hardest to guess! ”

The woman in white is Bai Youyou.

Although she said harshly at the time, where did she be ruthless? And he couldn't let go of Gu Ke, so after thinking about it, he secretly followed him down the mountain.

It was her first time in the human world.

She saw that Gu Ke had been looking at the other woman's gaze, she had observed the woman for a long time, and finally it dawned on her.

It turns out that my husband likes this.

The monsters in the drawing book also turned into human beings when they first faced their sweethearts.

Bai Youyou seemed to have discovered a new continent, and hurriedly turned into a human body, she thought that Gu Ke would be very happy when she saw her, but she didn't expect that Gu Ke would actually leave like that.

Bai Youyou was very devastated.

A snake crawled out of a crack in the stone and hissed and spat letters.

"Don't be discouraged, adults are lustful all over the world, adults rely on this skin to slowly touch him, he will definitely take the bait!"

Bai Youyou nodded heavily and clenched his small fist.

If she doesn't get her husband, she will be a mountain god in vain!


There are three big news stories in AllBright.

First, Gu Keping, who was taken away by the monsters of Anping Mountain not long ago, came back safely and peacefully, and he didn't even lose a single hair.

The second is that there is a girl in AllBright who is as beautiful as a fairy descending from the earth, which attracts the youth of the whole city.

The third is that the fairy girl ignored a bunch of young talents for some reason, but she fell in love with the teacher Gu Ke, and also released the arrogance that she would not marry if she was not a gentleman.

Compared to the envy and jealousy of other men, Gu Ke had a headache.

"Girl, there are countless good men in this AllBright City, why do you just fall in love with me?"

Bai Youyou replied without thinking, "Because you're the best." ”

Gu Ke was very devastated, what kind of world is this? Just got rid of a white tiger mountain god, here is another fairy girl, is he parasitic by the peach blossom tree?

No matter how the truth is said, the fairy girl will not leave, and she has made up her mind to follow him, if Gu Ke speaks more ruthlessly, she will cry, and the soft-hearted Gu Ke will have to compromise.

What the hell is going on......

Bai Youyou was also very depressed, because she found that after becoming a human body, every time she wanted to get closer to Gu Ke, Gu Ke would subconsciously avoid it. But when she was still in the form of a white tiger, her husband would obviously touch her, and sometimes he couldn't help but hug her.

And she turned into a human body, just to attract her husband alone, why are there so many flies around her?

Bai Youyou looked at the so-called young talents who came to his side, and he was very bored.

In the end, there are still people who are brave and daring.

Gu Ke went to teach in a private school, Bai Youyou was waiting for him not far from the private school, and a salty pig hand suddenly came out from behind him, put her on his back and left.

Of course, Bai Youyou's strength will not be so weak, when she originally wanted to stun this dead pervert with one paw, she suddenly came up with a plan, so she gave the little sparrow in the tree a look.

So the little sparrow immediately flew down the tree and turned into a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, and cried out: "Miss, Miss! Come on! Save my young lady! My young lady has been kidnapped by thieves! ”

This cry can be described as earth-shattering, Gu Ke glanced out the window, and just saw the appearance of the fairy girl wiping her tears and shouting for help.

Barely thinking much about it, he rushed over and punched the thief in the face, protecting Bai Youyou behind him.

Of course he wouldn't say any kind of that "in broad daylight", he fought with the man, and it stands to reason that his weak body of the teacher would definitely not be able to beat the tall and strong man, but for some reason, he easily knocked the other party unconscious.

While he was still in a daze, the fairy girl had already thrown herself into his arms with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for saving me, the little woman is grateful, why don't you just make a promise with your body?"

Because the fairy girl has always been obsessed with Gu Ke alone, Gu Ke committed public anger, and the first person to punish him was Duan Yan, the son of the city lord.

Duan Yan led a group of family members and thugs to Gu Ke's house, he felt that all the good things in this AllBright City belonged to him, and women were of course no exception.

Looking at the black pressure on a bunch of people outside the door, Gu Ke had a little headache, but no matter how much he couldn't accept the fairy girl, he couldn't watch an innocent woman being kidnapped by that kind of person.

So he stood in front of Bai Youyou, stood out, and faced those people.

Bai Youyou looked at the man in front of him and wiped his tears with emotion.

Of course, she couldn't let others hurt her husband, she said that she would protect him, so she turned into a huge white tiger and roared viciously at Duan Yan.

A bunch of people were frightened by her, including Gu Ke, who never thought that the fairy girl who had been following his ass would be the tigress on Anping Mountain.

Scared away the messy people, Bai Youyou's tail wrapped around Gu Ke's waist and threw him on his back, carrying him back to the mountain.


Gu Ke and Bai Youyou stared at each other for a long time.

This is the second time he has come to Anping Mountain, the first time he was carried up by a group of little monsters in a sedan chair, and the second time he was carried back by Lord Mountain God himself.

Gu Ke's mood was very complicated, because he suddenly found that he couldn't accept the White Tiger Mountain God or the Heavenly Fairy Girl, but he found that they were actually alone...... It seems that he still has a little happiness in his heart.

It's just that before I could be happy for a while, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly came from down the mountain.

A little monster came to report with a complicated expression, "Lord Mountain God, someone has come to propose!" ”

Bai Youyou suddenly became angry, "Who is it?" Who dares to propose marriage to my husband? ”

"No, no, my lord, they are here to propose to you!"

Bai Youyou was stupid, and Gu Ke was also stunned.

The person who came was Duan Yan, he was riding a tall horse, wearing a red wedding dress, and a funny big flower on his chest.

"Lord Mountain God, Duan Yan, the son of the city lord of Xia Jintian City, is here to propose marriage."

Bai Youyou snorted disdainfully, leaning into Gu Ke's arms, "I already have a husband, you are the oldest, why don't you hurry up and roll down the mountain!" ”

Duan Yan wasn't angry, he just glanced at Gu Ke with a smile.

"Gu Gongzi came here instead of me, he is just a teacher, I am the real first son of AllBright City, Lord Mountain God, the person who should be your husband is me."

Gu Ke was very angry when he heard this, "Duan Yan, you don't really like her, why do you have to get her!" ”

Duan Yan sneered, "The best should be mine, and of course the most beautiful woman is also mine, even if she is a mountain god, what can she do?" I can rob your woman once, and naturally I can rob you a second time, what can you do with me? ”

Bai Youyou, who had been watching it for a long time, was about to die of anger.

"You are really shameless! I only like my husband, you can't even compare to a hair of his hair! ”

The mountain god was angry, and the little demons were naturally angry, and directly threw Duan Yan and the people he brought down the mountain.

Duan Yan was very unwilling, thinking that only he rejected a woman's share, how could a woman refuse him?

He went back to his home and dressed up well, the whole person became more and more handsome, and he also brought a lot of gold and silver treasures, and led the greeting team to Anping Mountain again.

Bai Youyou had been leaning on Gu Ke's shoulder, annoyed by Duan Yan.

She hasn't been addicted to her own husband, Jun, yet, this nasty human has come to disturb again.

Lord Mountain God unceremoniously threw Duan Yan down the mountain this time, so the son of the city lord, who had never been disobeyed, was broken several bones, and was smashed with gold and silver treasures.

An Pingshan finally quieted down again, Bai Youyou turned into a little tiger, and jumped into Gu Ke's arms with his tail and begged for a hug.

Gu Ke was very helpless, but he had to admit that such a Bai Youyou really made him unable to refuse.

Bai Youyou touched and rubbed as much as she could, she was so happy, she glanced at her husband from time to time, and couldn't help but be.

"Husband is so good-looking."

"I'm not as good-looking as Duan Yan." Gu Kedao, this point of self-knowledge is still there.

"Who said that? My husband is the most handsome! The bravest! The most domineering! ”

A burst of white light lit up, and the little tiger turned into a beautiful woman like a fairy.

When she was still a little tiger, she was in Gu Ke's arms, and now that she has turned into a human body, she is naturally like this, but she is still a little dissatisfied, and stretches out her soft and fair arms to wrap around Gu Ke's neck.

"Husband, I like you so much."

Gu Ke blushed instantly, and the moment Bai Youyou kissed his lips, his heart beat like a drum.

He really never dreamed that there would be such a day, and he, a human with good roots, would actually be attracted to a tigress.

Bai Youyou couldn't help but think beautifully, the vixen who often mingled around human men was really right, and humans really liked this set.


Gu Ke already liked the days in the mountains.

To be precise, he fell in love with the simple and cute little tiger.

When he realized this, he was catching fish in the river with Bai Youyou in the form of a little tiger, and somehow the two of them started to play with each other and began to splash water on each other, and when they were having fun, the little tiger suddenly threw himself into his arms, and the next moment turned into a human form.

As soon as Gu Ke lowered his head, he saw the beautiful woman in his arms, her white clothes were already soaked, wrapped around her delicate and delicate body, Gu Ke immediately looked away in a panic, and his face turned red.

Don't look at indecent things...... He thought to himself.

I don't know where Bai Youyou learned these tricks...... He really couldn't resist it.

A white fox behind the tree smirked triumphantly and winked at Shiroyo.

Bai Youyou snickered and hung himself on Gu Ke.

However, the mutation suddenly occurred at this moment.

Heavy firelight appeared in the forest, and a group of people with various weapons surrounded Anping Mountain, as well as more than a dozen people dressed as Taoist priests.

Gu Ke and Bai Youyou rushed to the valley, and saw that most of the little monsters were controlled by the Taoist priests, and Duan Yan also appeared, he limped beside the Taoist priest with a resentful look in his eyes.

"What I can't get, others can't think of it, since you don't want to follow me, then you can die with Gu Ke!"

The burning rain of arrows and all kinds of Dao methods overwhelmingly attacked Gu Ke and Bai Youyou, Bai Youyou roared angrily and turned into a huge white tiger, almost without hesitation, it stood in front of Gu Ke, resisting all attacks with its own body.

The pure white hair was scorched by the flames, and the arrow feathers shot into her flesh, and Bai Youyou was in a lot of pain, but she knew that she couldn't go, because her husband was still behind her.

Gu Ke saw the blood flowing from Bai Youyou's body, and his eyes were about to split.

"Yoyo, you're a mountain god, how can they hurt you so easily?"

Bai Youyou didn't speak, it was the white fox who had been hiding in the corner who opened his mouth.

"The source of the mountain god's strength is the demon pill, and the demon pill of the lord was given to you as early as when I first met you."

Gu Ke froze, watching Bai Youyou, who was covered in bruises, lose all his strength, and finally turned into a small tiger, curled up on the ground like a cat.

Gu Ke hugged Bai Youyou with trembling hands.

Not long ago, Bai Youyou was still naughtily pestering himself and laughing, he never thought that he would see Bai Youyou's appearance appear in front of his eyes.

"Yu Yu......"

"Husband, don't be sad...... Bai Youyou used his last strength and turned into a human form, "The first time I saw you, I liked you, but it's a pity, I'm a demon, shemales have different paths, and God won't let us ...... together"

"Who said that?" Gu Ke held Bai Youyou in his arms, tightly, as if holding a treasure.

"I like you too, no matter what form you are, no matter what kind of appearance you are, no matter what your identity is, what can you do if you have different paths? No one can separate us. ”

When Arrow Feather and Dao Fa attacked the two of them again, Gu Ke turned around, carefully protected the woman in his arms, and faced everything with a not wide back.

"You've protected me too many times, and this last time, I'm here to protect you.


AllBright has another big event.

The son of the city lord said that he wanted to marry the mountain god and come back as a daughter-in-law, and he went to Anping Mountain three times: the first time he was thrown out by the little monster; The second time he was thrown out by Lord Yamagami; Gu Ke, who was demonized for the third time, was thrown out, along with those family members and the old Taoist priest.

Gu Ke has Bai Youyou's demon pill in his belly, and he has part of Bai Youyou's strength, in order to protect the mountain and his beloved, he turned into a red face with a red face, and changed from a weak teacher to a white-haired and red-eyed monster.

At the moment when he was about to transform, Bai Youyou weakly stopped him.

"Husband, don't use this power, if you become a demon, you will never be able to be a human again!"

Gu Ke smiled softly: "That's better, since you can't become a human being, then I will be a demon, and there will be no such thing as a demon in the future." ”

At this moment, he is extremely determined, he wants to protect Bai Youyou and protect Anping Mountain, even if he turns into a demon, what can he do? He just wants to be with his beloved.

Duan Yan was so frightened by his demonization that he cried and called his mother, and even peed his pants, thinking that he was so frightened that he didn't dare to come here again.

Gu Ke returned to the wooden building in the mountains, where a poor, wounded little tiger was waiting for him.

Holding Bai Youyou in his arms, Gu Ke gently stroked her and looked at the little demons around him.

"When will she get better?"

The little demon said: "The adult has the demon pill of the mountain god, as long as the adult is closer to the mountain god, the mountain god can get better soon, our mountain god is a divine beast white tiger." ”

Bai Youyou and the white fox outside the door glanced at each other, and immediately snorted and chirped.

"Husband, husband, did you hear it, you have to be with me all the time, people are so painful."

Gu Ke couldn't help laughing, and his voice became more and more gentle.

"Okay, you are my lady, how dare you not listen to what your husband says."

Bai Youyou was satisfied, if it weren't for the pain of the wound, she would definitely be rolling happily.

It seems that the stories in those picture books are true, who said that humans and demons can't be together? In the future, if I hear someone say something about "shemales", she will definitely be the first to stand up and refute it!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly look at Gu Ke.

The more I look at it, the better I look at it, and the more I look at it, the more I like it.

Sure enough, she still has the best vision, and she found the best man in the world when she fell in love for the first time.

"What do you see me doing?" Gu Kedao, he found that now he not only blushes in the face of the beauty Bai Youyou, but also can't help but beat his heart faster in the face of the little tiger, "Hurry up and take care of your body, our wedding is not over yet." ”

"Isn't the wedding done?" Bai Youyou blinked, didn't the wedding end on the first day that her husband came here?

Gu Ke chuckled and kissed Bai Youyou lightly on the forehead.

"It seems that the lady doesn't know that there is another very important step in the wedding, which is called the cave room."

Bai Youyou looked puzzled, obviously not knowing that there was such a step that I didn't know what it was.

So Gu Ke was helpless.

It doesn't matter, if you don't know, you don't know, it's better for him to work hard as a husband then, who let him have such a confused little wife?


(END) I am a mountain god, and I want to marry on a whim, so I asked the little demon to catch a handsome man