
[Historical Record 7] Emperor Yao's group exterminated the pretenders: abandoned Danzhu, saw through the co-workers' backbone, and broke the order to exterminate the clan

author:Notes on watching the crane


"The Book of the Five Emperors" records a great court meeting of the Emperor Yao to destroy political enemies, and there are no swords but killings everywhere. There is only one topic on the agenda of the court meeting - the successor. This is the fate that all emperors cannot escape. The dynasty needs to be continued, but in whose hands, or by which tribe, is a rather difficult question. After all, there are too many pretenders, and there are even more shackles.

[Historical Record 7] Emperor Yao's group exterminated the pretenders: abandoned Danzhu, saw through the co-workers' backbone, and broke the order to exterminate the clan

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

1. Abandon parent-child Danzhu

The greater the power, the harder the choice. Especially when facing family affection, the choice is extremely difficult. And family affection often becomes a dead end for the emperor to be manipulated. So, at that court meeting, someone challenged Di Yao, what would Di Yao do?

"Historical Records: The Five Emperors" contains: "Yao said: 'Who can follow this matter? Fang Qi said: "The heir Danzhu is enlightened." Yao said, 'Huh! Stubborn, no. ’”

At the beginning of the court meeting, Di Yao directly clarified his proposition. Rank to ask, what is the claim? Isn't it just to recommend heirs?

This can be very different, note that Taishi Gong used the word "Shun". What is "Shun"? "Shun" means to postpone. So, what is "postponement"? Some people say that the succession of father and son is not the delay? Of course not. The succession of father and son can only be said to be a continuation of blood relationship. Di Yao should have the will to inherit.

What to inherit? Not only inherit Di Yao's power, but also inherit Di Yao's governance philosophy, and ensure the continuation of Di Yao's law. What policies did Di Yao implement after he came to power?

First, Ming tame and virtuous, to pro-nine clans.

"Ming" is the meaning of highlighting and promoting; And "taming", and today's use is very different, the ancient "taming" and "training" are universal, "training" in the "Shangshu" for the meaning of "Jun", that is, grand, Hongda. This sentence is to say that Di Yao wants to promote Shengde.

Who are the "Nine Clans"? The "nine clans" in ancient times were not the "three clans of the father, the three clans of the mother and the three clans of the wife" as later generations, but referred to the nine generations of the same clan from the ancestor to the great-grandson, which was four generations more than the "five suits" mentioned in later generations. The "nine clans" that Di Yao is close to are obviously the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, or the "fourteen surnames" given by the Yellow Emperor.

These branches and Di Yao's branch have long been out of the five suits. As the old saying goes, out of the five suits is not a pro. What's worse is that these people have power in their hands, and even the power to influence the situation, such as electing the co-ruler of the world. Although in the era of Emperor Yao, the power of the clan had risen, and the change of chieftains had long been replaced by the succession of fathers and sons, but the "co-master" who held the authority of the world still had to be elected by the tribal alliance meeting.

Therefore, Di Yao had to balance the forces of all parties and harmonize the relationship between the nine clans. It can not only ensure the stability of its own power, but also open the way for future generations.

Second, the people.

In ancient times, "identifying" and "convenient" were synonymous; "Chapter" means to show the meaning. Does "the people of the chapter" mean to discern the people? This refers to the investigation.

And "the people" is not what we call the common people. In the era in which Di Yao lived, not everyone had a surname. "Surname" represents identity. At that time, surnames were given by emperors, such as the Yellow Emperor, which gave these people the power to govern the tribe and establish a clan, making them princes.

Therefore, Di Yao wanted to investigate the various tribes, and of course, the people in the tribes. The purpose of the investigation is twofold: first, to look at the form and see if there is any disrespect for the law that he has made; The second is to look at its meaning and see if this tribe has any objections.

This is the harness of tribal vassals.

[Historical Record 7] Emperor Yao's group exterminated the pretenders: abandoned Danzhu, saw through the co-workers' backbone, and broke the order to exterminate the clan

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Third, the harmony of all nations.

The nations are not the United Nations of today. In ancient times, the "country" was Guo, which means city. One refers to the national capital, and the other refers to the small city-state. At the time of Emperor Yao, it should refer to various tribes.

When the Yellow Emperor first ascended to the Great Treasure, he was "in line with Busan", which was to declare sovereignty to the tribes and correct his identity. Those who come to the alliance are all members of our alliance, and those who do not come to the alliance, sorry, you are a non-member. Members and non-members are naturally not the same treatment, in addition to material benefits, the war is also different.

Di Yao is also doing this, but unlike the Yellow Emperor back then, he now wants to invite members to join the club, going up several generations, all of them are his own family. The terrible thing is that these people are not only of the same bloodline, but also have the qualifications to be superior.

Therefore, Di Yao asked the officials who could inherit my business, not who could inherit my power. There is an essential difference here. Because in terms of blood, there is one person who is more suitable than anyone else. That's Danju.

Dan Zhu, surnamed Ji, named Zhu, with Dan as the number. At the beginning, Di Yao married a daughter of the Sanyi tribe, named Empress, and gave birth to a son Zhu. After sealing Zhu in Danshui, the opening of the clan, so the name Dan, that is, Danzhu.

Taishi Gong used the word "heir" here. This is a title that only existed after Zhou, but it can be speculated that Di Yao did include Danzhu in the "heir training plan". Legend has it that Di Yao personally taught Dan Zhu and invented Go for this purpose, just to calm Dan Zhu's impetuous heart. It's a pity that Di Yao forgot that the country is easy to change, and his nature is difficult to change.

Therefore, when the minister recommended his heir Danzhu, Di Yao replied: "Danzhu is arrogant, stupid, and argumentative, so he is not available. ”

What kind of person is a "stubborn"?

In ancient times, "stubborn" and "fierce" were two words.

"Stubborn" has not been a good word since ancient times. In the "Zuo Biography", it is described as follows: "If the mouth is not honest and faithful, the words are arrogant, and if the heart is not good, the scriptures of virtue and righteousness are stubborn." This is to say, "If a man is not faithful with a single word in his mouth, he is called arrogant; If you don't restrain yourself with virtue and righteousness in your heart, you will be stubborn. That is to say, humanity is rotten from the roots.

"Fierce" is the ancient "lawsuit", that is, the meaning of lawsuit, similar to today's bar essence, but especially more than the bar essence. The bar spirit is just competing for strengths and weaknesses, but this "second generation" is carrying it anytime, anywhere, regardless of the occasion. The courtiers will take people for the slightest disobedience, and such a character rules the world, for fear that it will provoke a popular uprising.

It seems that the son is better than the father. Danzhu is not a person who can "be close to the nine tribes, facilitate the people, and unite all nations"; Therefore, abandoning it is a protection for him.

Second, see through the backbone of co-workers

His own son was the first to be excluded, and Di Yao's mind was enough to deter the ministers. Therefore, it will be difficult to recommend the next person. Who spoke?

[Historical Record 7] Emperor Yao's group exterminated the pretenders: abandoned Danzhu, saw through the co-workers' backbone, and broke the order to exterminate the clan

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

"Historical Records: The Five Emperors" contains: "Yao also said: 'Who can be? 'Huān dōu) said: 'Gathering cloth work next to the work, usable.' Yao said: "Kind words of co-work, its use is remote, it seems to be flattering to the sky, and it is not possible." ’”

Ludou was a famous minister in the Emperor Yao period, although there are not many records of him in the official history, but his story is still recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". He is not from the Central Plains, he should be from Dongyi, he has the same surname as Gonggong, he is a descendant of Emperor Yan, and he is also a tribal chief. Because of his convictions, he finally threw himself into the South China Sea and died. At this time, the donkey was an official in the Diyao Dynasty, which should be because of his tribe. It can be seen that the donkey still has a certain status in the DPRK.

Since ancient times, the virtuous have not avoided relatives. Who did he recommend? He worked with his fellow clansmen.

Here I want to explain that this co-worker is not the one who was angry after the defeat of Emperor Zhuan, and according to the calculation of time, he should be his descendant. Co-workers are not a name, but an official position of a water officer. Therefore, Gonggong did not live from the Zhuan era to the Diyao era, but lived for hundreds of years.

Although he boasted that his fellow sect was a "side gathering and blessing gong", that is, gathering a wide range of people to show merit. But Gonggong was also an official in the court at this time, and his character was obvious to everyone, how could a wise monarch like Di Yao not notice it? So Di Yao only gave Gonggong an eight-word comment, and he saw through his backbone at a glance.

First of all, good words, use secluded.

This is to say that co-workers are skillful and eloquent, and their intentions are desolate, and in today's parlance, they are called unscrupulous.

Besides, it seems to be flattering.

"Man" is used here as "concealment", that is, deception and cunning.

Di Yao said that co-workers are deferential on the surface, but in fact they are full of evil.

Sure enough, emperors are masters of knowing people. The co-workers are submissive on the surface, but in fact they are rebellious. From this point, it can be seen that there is still a grudge between the two clans of the Yan Emperor, at least it shows that the Yan Emperor clan is dissatisfied with the Yellow Emperor clan's long-term control of the position of the co-leader of the alliance; Or maybe it's the careful thinking of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. In short, from the beginning of Zhuan Xuan to the Yao Shun period, all the descendants of Emperor Yan were strictly guarded.

3. Assert that the Kun is destined to destroy the clan

Di Yao vetoed the recommendation of Fang Qi and Lu Dou, and then it was the turn of the old minister Siyue to appear. Siyue's position in the court is very important, and he has appeared many times in the historical books related to Emperor Yao.

"嶽" is an ancient Yue character. At that time, Siyue was a high-ranking official responsible for supervising the princes of all parties, similar to the "left and right eunuchs" during the Yellow Emperor period, or the imperial historians of later generations. Siyue is not four people, but one person.

"Historical Records: The Five Emperors" contains: "Yao also said: 'Oh, Siyue, the soup and the flood are monstrous, the vast mountains and Xiangling, the people are worried, and there is a person who can make the ruler? 'It's all called Kunke. Yao said: 'Kun is ordered to destroy the clan, don't do it. Yue said: "It's strange, it's just that it can't be used." Yao then listened to Yue Yong. At the age of nine, it is useless. ”
[Historical Record 7] Emperor Yao's group exterminated the pretenders: abandoned Danzhu, saw through the co-workers' backbone, and broke the order to exterminate the clan

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Di Yao asked a sharp question, do you either recommend those with noble status or those who hold real power, can these people do practical things? We now have a top priority, and whoever can solve it will have the possibility of ascending to the throne.

What is the priority? Flood.

Before Dayu controlled the water, floods have always been a big disaster that threatens the Central Plains tribes. No matter how invincible the army is, no matter how impregnable the city, it is useless, and when a flood comes, they all fall down and start all over again. This is the most terrifying.

During the period of Emperor Yao, it caught up with the flooding of the Mother River again, how serious was it? "Huaishan Xiangling" means that the flood surrounded the mountains and annihilated the hills, which is equivalent to backfilling, and the people have no way to live. What to do? It can only be rescued by the line of fire, and those who are capable go up, and those who are mediocre go down.

So, Siyue recommended 鲧 (gǔn).

He has the chief of the Chong tribe, surnamed Ji, called Chongbo, the father of Xia Houyu. There are Chong's tribes for generations to control water, with a complete engineering team and talents, almost mastered the most advanced water control technology at that time, which is also his later plan to compete for the world's confidence, after all, in the era of raging floods, to be able to control water is equivalent to stuck in the throat of the world.

However, Di Yao's impression of Kun was not good. He only gave a four-word evaluation: "Negative life and ruin the clan". This evaluation is to the point, this is to say that Kun has a good personality and is far from the fate of the sect, and sooner or later he will destroy his fellow clan.

But the matter is urgent. The co-ruler can wait, but the flood can't, let alone the peoples. So Siyue persuaded Di Yao, saying that it was better to try Kun first, and after the trial, if it didn't work, he would be removed.

As a result, Di Yao was forced to adopt Siyue's suggestion and appoint Kun. As a result, after nine years of water control, there was no result.

The defeat of Kun is inevitable. But it also once again verified Di Yao's wisdom of knowing people! He can give up the bonds, which can be described as a blessing to all the people in the world.