
36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

author:Jiajia chatted

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36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

Editor: Jia Jia chats

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

At the Magnolia Film Festival that ended last week, one of the highlights of the attention was the appearance of the two fairy sisters on the same stage.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

42-year-old Wan Qian and 36-year-old Liu Yifei appeared in the same frame, which sparked heated discussions among countless fans.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

In the face of the top Yan bully Liu Yifei, Wan Qian did not show weakness, and used her beauty and temperament to live without losing to her opponent, which is well deserved.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

When it comes to these two fairy sisters on the same stage, we have to review how they appeared together. It turned out that the two appeared at the Magnolia Film Festival on behalf of the same movie "The Story of Rose", and they appeared with Zhang Xiaofei, Tong Dawei and Lin Yi. The five-member lineup is star-studded and unforgettable.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

In this heavyweight lineup, Liu Yifei is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. She was wearing a haute couture white dress with a romantic and flowing skirt, like a noble girl walking out of an oil painting. Her beautiful facial features, fair and delicate skin, and charming eyes all reveal the beauty of the aura. The staff around her followed closely and arranged her skirt from time to time, showing her senior status as a star.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

In addition to her well-dressed style, Liu Yifei's necklace and other single pieces of jewelry are worth as much as 30 million, highlighting her luxurious temperament. Her noble and elegant every move seems to be releasing her unique charm and becoming the focus of the audience. In front of such a dazzling existence, many people are ashamed of themselves, for fear that the slightest loss of etiquette will destroy the harmonious atmosphere around them.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

However, Wan Qian, who is in the same frame as Liu Yifei, unexpectedly calmly coped with it, and gradually showed her edge with her unique temperament. is different from Liu Yifei's bright and moving dress, Wan Qian chose a black slim dress this time, which is low-key and introverted and elegant and generous. Standing together, they seem to be representatives of two completely different beauties, but they inexplicably have a taste of harmony and unity.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

Wan Qian's charm lies first in her perfect face that is the envy of countless people. Her beautiful facial features, jade-like skin, and charming and sultry eyes all show the unique charm of oriental beauty. Especially in the close-up of the camera, the delicacy of Wan Qian's skin is even more amazing, and she will not show her stuffing in front of the high-definition camera at all. This beauty is really enviable.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

In addition to her superb appearance, Wan Qian's hairstyle this time is also very eye-catching. She has waist-length long hair that is casually scattered over her shoulders, looking refreshing and temperamental. This is in stark contrast to her previous neat short hairstyle, with a different kind of charm and charm. Although the overall shape is low-key, it reveals a unique ethnic style, which is unforgettable.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

No wonder some netizens joked that even if she stands next to Yan Ba like Liu Yifei, Wan Qian is definitely a well-deserved existence. With such a temperamental beauty by her side, even the male gods will be envious. Sure enough, Tong Dawei and Lin Yi, who are in the same frame as Wan Qian, are indeed handsome and compelling, and they are even more heroic against her background.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

On the red carpet, Wan Qian and Liu Yifei's same frame did attract too much attention. However, it is worth mentioning that in addition to their two stunning beauties, the other members of the crew are also popular artists. For example, Tong Dawei, as a senior and powerful actor, his eternal youthful baby face is much loved by the audience. Although he is 45 years old, he still maintains a tall figure and a sunny and handsome appearance, which is simply a portrayal of an ageless male god.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

Looking at Zhang Xiaofei again, this new generation of Xiaohuadan is also the most eye-catching member of the entire lineup. Her insanely long legs are undoubtedly the most eye-catching part. However, many netizens expressed regret for her style, feeling that Zhang Xiaofei's eye makeup is a bit old-fashioned, and the overall shape is not very harmonious and unified. However, as a newcomer, she still has a lot of room for growth, and I believe that she will be even better next time.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

In contrast, it is Lin Yi, who is the oldest in the crew. He wears a neat suit and leather shoes, and his clean and neat image is very cool, which well shows the importance of an old actor to appearance. On the whole, the appearance of this crew can be described as a group of people competing for beauty and gathering clouds, which makes people look forward to what kind of amazing performance their new work will bring.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

However, as far as the red carpet itself is concerned, netizens are most concerned about the beauty of Liu Yifei and Wan Qian.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

The appearance of the two powerful factions on the same stage has attracted enough attention, and some details have been infinitely amplified by netizens and have become the focus of discussion.

36-year-old Liu Yifei and 42-year-old Wan Qian are in the same frame: In the face of the top Yan Ba, Wan Qian didn't lose at all!

For example, some people found that throughout the ceremony, Wan Qian intentionally or unintentionally dyed her hair emerald green, which made people think about it.

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