
The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

Many people believe that the root cause of high blood sugar is eating too much sugar and sweets.

But recently, a study broke through this conventional wisdom and uncovered two unexpected "culprits".

This discovery came as a surprise to many and made people rethink their eating habits.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

Ms. Zhang, who just celebrated her 30th birthday, is one of them.

Some time ago, she found that her blood sugar level was high during a physical examination, and the doctor told her that she might have prediabetes.

This made Ms. Zhang both worried and puzzled, she has been paying attention to controlling her diet, how can this still happen?

Concerned about her health, Ms. Zhang decided to take a closer look at the issue.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

She carefully consulted the relevant medical literature and found that the latest research actually pointed out that

High blood sugar is not entirely caused by excessive consumption of white sugar and sweets, there are two unexpected "culprits".

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

The first one is meat.

It turns out that animal proteins, especially red meat, contain a lot of leucine and valine.

These two amino acids may stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar.

Not only that, but red meat also contains a substance called carnitine, which also has the potential to affect glucose metabolism.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

Another "culprit" is eggs.

The rich lecithin in egg yolk has a certain impact on the function of liver, intestines and other organs.

May interfere with the secretion and utilization of insulin, which can lead to blood sugar abnormalities.

These findings surprised Ms. Zhang, who thought she had been paying attention to her diet, but it turned out to be the case.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

Thinking about it carefully, she found that she did eat some meat and egg foods regularly recently, so it was no wonder that her blood sugar was high.

Ms. Zhang, who had just discovered this problem, immediately collected her mood and began an in-depth investigation and research.

She reviewed a large number of relevant Chinese literature and found that these latest findings have a relatively strong medical basis.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

For example, a study published in the Chinese Journal of Diabetes pointed out that long-term high intake of meat and eggs,

It can adversely affect the function of the liver and pancreas, which can lead to an imbalance in insulin secretion and cause hyperglycemia.

This was confirmed by another article published in the Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

Through these academic papers, Ms. Zhang is even more convinced of the reliability of this new discovery.

She realized that she did have some problems with her previous eating habits and needed to make appropriate adjustments.

However, Ms. Zhang also found that simply avoiding meat and eggs does not necessarily cure high blood sugar.

She found that a reasonable combination of these ingredients and eating them in moderation may have certain benefits for blood sugar regulation.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

For example, choose lean or white meat and pair it with some fiber-rich vegetables;

Or when eating eggs, you can appropriately reduce the intake of egg yolks.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the balance of various nutrients, such as appropriate supplementation of vitamins and minerals that help insulin work.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

In accordance with these suggestions, Ms. Zhang carefully adjusted her diet and insisted on exercising.

After a period of hard work, her blood sugar levels finally returned to the normal range.

This not only relieved Ms. Zhang, but also made her realize that

To cure high blood sugar, it is not enough to limit sweets.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

This experience made Ms. Zhang realize that for the prevention and treatment of diseases, personal experience alone is far from enough.

It is necessary to combine the latest medical research results to find more effective solutions.

She is determined to share this valuable experience and knowledge with her friends.

We hope to help more people better manage their health.

The "root" of high blood sugar has been found! It's not sugar sweets, it's related to these 2 things, don't be greedy

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)