
The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

On a cold winter night, 23-year-old Xiaohong ushered in the last moment of her life.

She clutched a photo by her pillow, slowly closed her eyes, and left this world forever.

This young girl, who was supposed to have a bright future, ended up on the road of no return because of some of her own indulgence.

According to the hospital, Xiaohong eventually died of colon cancer, which was also an old enemy that she unfortunately could not defeat during the long treatment process.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

The real cause of her suffering from this malignant tumor is not purely physiological factors, but from some extremely unhealthy lifestyles that she has been suffering from for a long time.

In Xiaohong's circle of friends, people can find some extremely inappropriate behavioral records of her during her lifetime.

For example, she once visited the "857" Internet celebrity restaurant that claims to be able to lose weight three times a week for several weeks.

This kind of high-fat, high-sugar junk food was frequently eaten by her in large quantities, which can be said to have laid the groundwork for the later tragedy.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

And just a few months before Xiaohong finished the last journey of her life, she also publicly shared her "857" restaurant check-in record in the circle of friends.

Friends dissuade her over and over again, reminding her that this lifestyle can be extremely harmful to her body,

But Xiaohong was unmoved, but repeated this extreme eating habit again and again.

But not long after, Xiaohong's physical condition began to deteriorate dramatically.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

During a chance visit, the doctor found out that she had colon cancer.

This undoubtedly plunged Xiaohong and her family into great despair.

"I really can't believe it, I've always been healthy, why did I suddenly have such a terrible illness?!"

Xiaohong once posted angrily in the circle of friends, but it was obviously too late.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

Over the next year or so,

Xiaohong underwent various medical surgeries and treatments, but in the end, she was unable to resist the ravages of this malignant tumor.

In the end, accompanied by her family, she completed the last journey of her life in the cold winter.

According to the relevant Chinese medical research literature, the reasons behind Xiaohong's case are indeed worth paying attention to.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

Studies have shown that long-term consumption of high-fat, high-sugar junk food,

It can put a great burden on the gastrointestinal and digestive systems, which increases the risk of colon cancer.

This "857" style of eating is the key to Xiaohong's eventual fall.

Excessive diet can lead to a long-term hyperactivity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which can trigger a series of chronic inflammatory responses.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

These chronic inflammations will become important prerequisites for the occurrence of bowel cancer.

It is precisely because of this factor that Xiaohong finally embarked on the road of no return.

It can be said that Xiaohong's tragic life is not only a tragic song of personal fate, but also reflects the common problems in the lifestyle of some young people.

They are too obsessed with some so-called "influencer" diets, and despise the consequences of their own health, which eventually leads to irreparable tragedy.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

This kind of overindulgence and unhealthy living conditions undoubtedly bury a heavy hidden danger to the health of the younger generation.

We must attach great importance to it and take effective measures,

Help them develop good eating and lifestyle habits at the root, and stay away from behaviors that may be harmful to their health.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

Only in this way can we truly avoid more tragedies like Xiaohong's recurrence.

For young people, protecting their health is undoubtedly the key to seizing the future of life.

They should always remember that a good lifestyle is the key to a better life.

The post-00s girl "857" 3 times a week, died of bowel cancer: the price of indulgence, you simply can't afford it

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)