
Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

"Why is this dish so unpalatable?" Aunt Wang frowned and pushed the greens in the bowl aside,

Recently, she has always lost her appetite and her appetite has become very poor, and her favorite braised pork is now tired of smelling it.

What worries her even more is that her bowel movements have become irregular recently, and she is often constipated.

Occasionally, I have diarrhea, and I always feel that my stomach is swollen even though I haven't eaten anything.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Aunt Wang's son, Xiao Li, looked at the recent changes in his mother, and his heart began to feel uneasy.

He remembered that some time ago he saw a popular science article about bowel cancer on the Internet,

As mentioned in the article, the early symptoms of bowel cancer are not obvious, but when symptoms such as loss of appetite, diarrhea and constipation alternate, it is necessary to be vigilant.

Xiao Li couldn't help but worry, could it be that her mother really had bowel cancer?

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Bowel cancer, a cold-sounding disease, has been increasing in incidence in recent years and has become an "invisible killer" that threatens human health.

It has a long incubation period, and the early symptoms are not obvious, and often by the time obvious symptoms appear, it has developed to the middle and late stages, which is more difficult to treat and the prognosis is relatively poor.

So, how can bowel cancer be detected early and treated in time?

In fact, some seemingly inconspicuous eating habits may hide early warning signs of bowel cancer.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

1. Loss of appetite and loss of interest in food

Aunt Wang's loss of appetite is a typical symptom in the early stage of bowel cancer.

When there is a lesion in the intestine, intestinal peristalsis will be affected, and digestive function will also be reduced, which in turn will lead to loss of appetite and loss of interest in food.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

2. Frequent diarrhea or constipation, change in bowel habits

The intestinal mucosa of patients with bowel cancer is eroded by cancer cells, resulting in intestinal dysfunction and symptoms of diarrhea or constipation.

Some patients may also have blood in the stool, mucus in the stool, etc., which are typical symptoms of bowel cancer.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Of course, the above are just common symptoms of bowel cancer, and not everyone who experiences these symptoms is a bowel cancer patient.

If similar symptoms occur, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time to identify the cause of the disease so that it can be detected and treated early.

In addition to eating habits, the following aspects are also worth noting:

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Age: As you age, your risk of bowel cancer increases. People over the age of 40, especially those with a family history of bowel cancer, should be screened for bowel cancer regularly.

Lifestyle habits: Long-term high-fat, high-protein diet, lack of exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol and other bad lifestyle habits will increase the risk of bowel cancer.

Genetic factors: People who have bowel cancer in their family are also at increased risk.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Maintain a healthy lifestyle: regular work and rest, moderate exercise, quit smoking and drinking, and control weight.

Eat a reasonable diet: Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, reduce the intake of red meat and processed meat, and avoid eating too salty and spicy foods.

Regular check-ups: People over the age of 40, especially those with a family history of bowel cancer, are advised to get screened for bowel cancer once a year.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

Early detection and treatment of bowel cancer is crucial, not to ignore any signals sent by the body.

If you have symptoms such as loss of appetite, diarrhea and constipation, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time to rule out the possibility of bowel cancer.

At the same time, it is necessary to develop good living habits and regular physical examinations to better prevent bowel cancer and protect health.

Can intestinal cancer be detected by eating during the incubation period? Reminder: People with bowel cancer will have 2 manifestations when eating

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)


[1] Chinese Anti-Cancer Association. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer (2020 edition)[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2020, 47(16): 1179-1187.

[2] Sun Yinghao, Sun Tieying, Feng Xiaohong, et al. Research progress on early diagnosis and screening of colorectal cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery, 2019, 39(10): 901-905.

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