
Choi Yong-hee's transfer to the NBA Trail Blazers sparked heated discussions, and the real reason for this is that it is not a talent backstage!

author:Xiao Wang Sports broke the news

Wow, have you heard? Choi Yong-hee, this guy actually hooked up with the Portland Trail Blazers and became a member of the NBA Summer League! As soon as this news came out, it was like throwing a big bomb on the Internet, which caused everyone to talk about it. are thinking: Why can this Choi Yong-hee appear on the NBA stage?

Choi Yong-hee's transfer to the NBA Trail Blazers sparked heated discussions, and the real reason for this is that it is not a talent backstage!

To be honest, this Cui Yongxi can step on the stage of the NBA Summer League, which in itself is an affirmation of his strength. Being able to train himself in that kind of high-intensity training and actual combat is like a pie falling from the sky for him! But you know what? He chose the Trail Blazers not only because of how flashy the contract was, but also because of the basketball culture and upbringing.

We have to admit that although domestic basketball is also improving, it is still a little worse than the NBA. Cui Yongxi, a kid, has a long-term vision and knows that if he wants to go further on the road of basketball, he has to go to a bigger stage to practice. Therefore, he did not hesitate to choose the Trailblazers, in order to absorb more and more systematic basketball knowledge and experience.

Choi Yong-hee's transfer to the NBA Trail Blazers sparked heated discussions, and the real reason for this is that it is not a talent backstage!

Let's talk about the Trailblazers, now is the time to hire people. The rookie lineup is relatively thin, and there are no decent newcomers except for Kolingen and Choi Yong-hee. In this way, Cui Yongxi has more opportunities to play, and the competitive pressure is relatively small. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

Of course, there is an opportunity, but whether you can grasp it depends on Cui Yongxi's own performance. In a place like the NBA, it's not just talent that can get a foothold. He's got to show his defensive ability, his tackling awareness, his tactical execution, and so on. These are the capitals of the undrafted and second-round picks that stand in the league. So, Choi Yong-hee has to take advantage of this opportunity and prove himself with his strength!

Speaking of Cui Yongxi's choice, it is really admirable. You know, before the draft, many people thought that he might lose the draft and miss any contract. But the result? Not only did he get a ticket to the Summer League, but he also gained a few extra months of run-in time. This is simply a divine operation that exceeds everyone's expectations!

Choi Yong-hee's transfer to the NBA Trail Blazers sparked heated discussions, and the real reason for this is that it is not a talent backstage!

However, this summer league is not so easy to mix. Although Choi Yong-hee has a chance, he has to work accordingly. He has to show his fighting spirit and toughness on the pitch and can't be too humble like he used to. You know, on the international stage, too much humility can be a disadvantage. So, Choi Yong-hee has to show some real skills and let everyone see his strength!

Of course, in addition to Cui Yongxi's own efforts, we also have to give him some encouragement and support! After all, he represents the hope and future of our Chinese basketball! If he can perform well in the summer league, it will win glory for our Chinese basketball!

Actually, when it comes to Choi Yong-hee's choice and experience, I can't help but think of a Japanese player - Yuta Watanabe. That guy is still chasing his NBA dream at the age of 30! In the end, he not only received a formal contract, but also rotated steadily in the team. After returning to China, the commercial value has skyrocketed, which can be called a model of career planning!

Choi Yong-hee's transfer to the NBA Trail Blazers sparked heated discussions, and the real reason for this is that it is not a talent backstage!

So, we also have to give Cui Yongxi some confidence and support! Maybe he can make a name for himself in the NBA like Yuta Watanabe! Of course, Yi Jianlian is also the pride of our Chinese basketball! Although his NBA journey is short, his perseverance and hard work are also worth learning from!

Now, this Cui Yongxi has taken an important step towards a broader world! Although the road ahead is full of unknowns and challenges, he is ready to take on it all! Let's wait and see what kind of style he can show in the NBA Summer League!

At the same time, we also have to thank the fans who have been with Cui Yongxi! Without your support and encouragement, he might not have the courage and determination to pursue his dreams! So, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as you have a dream in your heart and a road under your feet, it will be wonderful enough!

Finally, I want to say: Come on, Choi Yong-hee! Let's go Chinese basketball! I hope to see more young players like you who are brave enough to pursue their dreams in the NBA in the future!