
Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

author:Xiao Wang Sports broke the news

**Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Showdown, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs? **

Speaking of the "80 Five Tigers" in the snooker world, they are all heroes and heroes, and they are famous all over the world. Among the five tiger generals, Ding Junhui is a special existence. The other four have all won Grand Slam titles, but he has not yet reached the top, but that doesn't mean he is not strong. Today, let's talk about the strength duel between these five tigers and see whose style can dominate.

Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

**1. Selby: Ding Junhui is a hero of snooker**

Let's talk about Selby first, this guy is the leader of the "80 Five Tigers", holding two sets of Grand Slams, and there are too many championship trophies to count. He commented on Ding Junhui and said: "Ding Junhui, this guy's contribution to snooker is great!" Without him, where would we players get such a huge bonus? He is our snooker hero, he can play how he wants to play, and no one else cares! ”

Selby and Ding Junhui have been on domestic variety shows and exhibition competitions together, and both of them have made a lot of money. It can be said that without Ding Junhui's promotion, these good things would not have been our turn. Therefore, Selby's evaluation still carries a lot of weight.

**Second, Robertson: Changed snooker with Ding Junhui**

Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

Let's talk about Robertson again, this guy is one of the people who understands Ding Junhui best. Why? Because neither of them is from the British Isles, both broke the long-term domination of snooker by British players. Robertson once said: "I have won more than 60 championships with Ding Junhui, and it feels amazing!" Both of us will be remembered by the snooker world. Snooker used to be a national game, we have changed that, and I am honored to share this glory with him. ”

But then again, although Ding Junhui and Robertson are both outstanding foreign players, their contributions are not the same. Ding Junhui has been a great contributor to the development of the Chinese market, introducing a large number of Chinese players, and now the ranking tournaments held in China every year account for one-third of the annual competitions. This is Ding Junhui's significant contribution! As for Robertson, he is still a lone ranger, although he is also powerful, but his influence cannot be compared with Ding Junhui.

**3. Trump: Ding Junhui is the best Chinese player**

Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

Trump is also a great player, he and Ding Junhui are only two years apart, but the time to fame is ten years apart. Ding Junhui won two ranking championships at the age of 18 and also won the British Championships. **Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Who dominates the ups and downs? **

In the world of snooker, there is such a group of shining stars, they are affectionately known as the "80 Five Tigers". These five tigers, each with their own unique skills, galloped on the green snooker battlefield. However, among the five tigers, there is a special existence - Ding Junhui. As the only Tiger from the East, he wrote the legendary chapter of snooker with four other British local masters.

Today, we are going to talk about this special "Tiger" Ding Junhui, as well as the strength duel and style collision between him and the other members of the "80 Five Tigers".

Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

**1. Selby: Ding Junhui is a hero of snooker**

Speaking of Selby, he is definitely a leader in the snooker world. Two Grand Slams and 22 trophies, these accolades are enough to prove his quality. is such a top master, but he is full of praise for Ding Junhui.

Selby said: "Ding Junhui, this guy's contribution to snooker is too great!" Without him, how could we snooker players get such a huge bonus? He is definitely a hero of snooker! And ah, the way he plays is also unique, he has the right to choose his own way of playing, and no one else has the right to interfere. ”

The relationship between Selby and Ding Junhui doesn't stop there. The two of them have also participated in many domestic variety shows and exhibition competitions together, and they can attract the attention of a large number of audiences every time. The success of these activities is inseparable from Ding Junhui's promotion. So, Selby's evaluation is not just a casual statement, he has real evidence!

**Second, Robertson: Share the glory with Ding Junhui**

Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

Robertson is another member of the "80 Five Tigers" who has a close relationship with Ding Junhui. "I have won more than 60 championships with Ding Junhui, which makes me very proud," he said. Both of us broke the long-standing domination of snooker by British players and breathed new life into the sport. I am honored to share this honor with him. ”

Compared with Robertson's maverick style, Ding Junhui pays more attention to teamwork. He has successfully opened up the Chinese market and introduced many Chinese players to join the snooker family. Today, ranking tournaments held in China account for one-third of the year's competitions. This is all the credit of Ding Junhui!

**3. Trump: Ding Junhui is the best Chinese player**

Although Trump and Ding Junhui are close in age, their paths to fame are very different. Ding Junhui emerged as early as 2005 with his outstanding performance, while Trump has only gradually emerged in recent years.

Ding Junhui VS80 Five Tigers: Strength Duel, Who Dominates the Ups and Downs of Style?

For Ding Junhui's achievements, Trump spoke highly of him: "Ding Junhui is a very rational player. Although he hasn't won too many titles yet, I have always considered him the best Chinese player. Although Trump's words are simple and straightforward, they are full of recognition and respect for Ding Junhui.

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