
The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

author:Zero Peak said
The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

I was really shocked, the pension of the department-level cadres is so high, I have worked hard for a year, and I can't catch up with the pension of other people for a month, this person is more than people, it is really infuriating!

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

How much is the pension

I was very curious before, how much money can these department-level cadres receive after retirement? I knew it wouldn't be less, but I never thought their pension would really blow my jaw

As far as I know, the monthly pension of cadres at the department level may range from 7,000 yuan to 24,000 yuan

But there is a case that shows that a certain department-level cadre in Hangzhou has a pension of up to 36,000 yuan a month, what is this concept?

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young


Many ordinary people work hard, and they don't count their usual consumption in a year, and they can't save this money, right, people casually get hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, how big is the gap?

The higher the level of these cadres, the greater the responsibility, the corresponding treatment will be better, and the number of years of service will also affect the amount of pension

Generally speaking, the longer you work, the more experience and contributions you accumulate, and the higher your pension will be

Those cadres who have worked in their posts for decades may have higher pensions than those who have worked for a shorter period of time

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

In addition, the level of an individual's salary will also have an impact on the pension, and there is a certain standard for the salary of cadres at the department level

But within this standard range, the specific salary of each person will still be different, and those with higher salaries will also have higher pensions

For us ordinary people, seeing that the pension of cadres at the department level is so high

You may be envious, but you have made a lot of contributions to the country and the people, and this must be admitted

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young


Some people may say that cadres at the department level have the ability and ability to sit in that position, and they should get such a high pension

There is a certain truth in this, and these cadres have indeed assumed great responsibilities and made a lot of achievements in their work, and they have paid their own painstaking efforts and sweat for the development of the country and the happiness of the people

After retirement, giving them a certain amount of material security is also a recognition and reward for their work

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

However, some people say that they still think that this gap is a bit too big, and we ordinary people are also working hard every day and are busy for life

We also want to be able to live a better life, but the reality is often so cruel, our wages are not high, and the benefits are mediocre

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

Sometimes it is difficult to meet even the basic needs of life, but those retired cadres can take a high pension and live a leisurely life, how can we balance our hearts?


In fact, we can't just see other people's income, but also see other people's efforts and efforts, everyone has their own life path, what young people have to do is to work their own road and create their own beautiful future

The pension of department-level cadres is the amount of money I save for a year, and it seems that I am still too young

If you have the ability, you will also have a high pension when you are old, everyone is old-timed, where is the young man? The most important thing is to do the things of the moment, what do you think about this? [Flash of inspiration]