
Keelung's recall threshold dispute, Ke Wenzhe angrily reprimanded Ke Jianming: Addicted to recall? Don't play Taiwan badly!

author:Wild Goose Preview


Recently, the wave of recall in the "political arena" on the island of Taiwan has intensified, causing concern from all walks of life. The Kuomintang proposed to raise the recall threshold, and Baiying Ke Wenzhe said that the threshold could not be changed, but the method of signing must be more rigorous, and the recall must not be turned into a tool for "political" struggle, otherwise it will become child's play!

Keelung's recall threshold dispute, Ke Wenzhe angrily reprimanded Ke Jianming: Addicted to recall? Don't play Taiwan badly!

Ke Wenzhe's statement aroused the dissatisfaction of DPP boss Ke Jianming, who directly threatened that if the blue and white parties join forces to amend the "Law on the Recall of Public Officials", then the "parliamentarians" of the white camp are waiting to be recalled! In the face of Ke Jianming's provocation, Ke Wenzhe shot back without showing weakness: "Why aren't you afraid of the removal of your DPP? What good is this kind of talk for Taiwan? Do you dare to guarantee that the DPP will not be deposed? Stop it! ”

Keelung's recall threshold dispute, Ke Wenzhe angrily reprimanded Ke Jianming: Addicted to recall? Don't play Taiwan badly!

In fact, the current recall threshold in Taiwan is indeed too low. In 2020, Han Kuo-yu, then of Kaohsiung City, was ousted by less than 20,000 votes, with more than 930,000 votes in favor, setting a precedent for the first time in the history of Taiwan's local autonomy that a "municipality directly under the central government" was recalled. The dismissal at every turn has seriously interfered with the normal "political" order and social life.

Ko Wenzhe expressed his strong disgust with the recent wave of recalls, saying that the recall is a serious matter, and that it is not possible to engage in "political" mobilization at every turn and turn Taiwan into a miasma. He also cited the ongoing "Keelung City Xie Guoliang Recall Case" as an example, believing that this is using political party hatred to do things, and will eventually only fall into a vicious circle of "you remove me, I will remove you".

Keelung's recall threshold dispute, Ke Wenzhe angrily reprimanded Ke Jianming: Addicted to recall? Don't play Taiwan badly!

In response to questions from the outside world about whether he was worried about being deducted by the green camp, Ke Wenzhe responded that it is the right of the people to recall, but it cannot guarantee that officials can sit back and relax for four years just because of a single election. He also advised the Green Camp to "stop blindly engaging in political "struggle" and stop continuing to toss around, and that with this effort, it is better to think about how to solve practical problems, and this is what the people of Taiwan want to see the most.

Keelung's recall threshold dispute, Ke Wenzhe angrily reprimanded Ke Jianming: Addicted to recall? Don't play Taiwan badly!

Finally, Ke Wenzhe also clarified the rumors of "blue and white cooperation". He said that the white camp has its own position and principles, and its attitude towards the "law on the election and recall of public officials" has always been clear. It seems that this recall farce will not end for a while. It is worth pondering how to bring Taiwan society back to rationality and calmness.

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