
In a month, Xiaohongshu has increased from 0 to more than 1,000 fans, how did I do it?

author:Yanran growth notes

I am Yanran, a post-85 growing mother, focusing on reading, writing and personal growth, and is trying to rely on self-media to achieve both work and baby! Follow me and witness the growth together!

In a month, Xiaohongshu has increased from 0 to more than 1,000 fans, how did I do it?

Hello everyone! I'm Yanran~

I haven't shared dry goods with you for a few days, and I've been busy with the update of Xiaohongshu and my mother and baby side hustle recently, plus the child is on summer vacation, and I need to tutor homework every day, and the time is really tight. I can't wait for someone to want a doppelganger!

On May 18th, he reopened the Xiaohongshu side account, and has been insisting on continuous daily updates, publishing three popular notes, with more than 1,000 fans in a month, and more than 2,800 fans in a month and a half. The number of fans continues to increase, and the drainage effect is also very good.

I think that the results I have obtained are mainly the result of my continuous updating and improvement. At that time, when it was updated for almost half a month, the traffic was not very good, so I tried another video display method in the way of explosive models, and the traffic was particularly good.

I think everyone is different, some are suitable for graphics and texts, and some are more suitable for popular models, and it is important to find your own way of creation.

Let me share with you my experience of increasing more than 1,000 fans a month. I hope you can give you some inspiration!

In a month, Xiaohongshu has increased from 0 to more than 1,000 fans, how did I do it?

1. Find your own strengths

No matter which self-media platform you do, you must find your own advantageous positioning, and the positioning of Xiaohongshu is to find what you are good at and have strong monetization capabilities.

At the beginning, I made a Xiaohongshu reading blogger account, and I received more replacement books, and there were also some paid books, and the monetization ability was relatively weak. Later, according to my own situation, I turned to a woman to grow up ➕ and raise children, and I also arranged advertising space, and I received a lot of advertisements.

Including the side hustle number I am doing now, I am positioned based on my own advantages, I am better at children's education and teaching aids, and I also like to do various learning developments for children. So this piece is what I'm good at, so it's a little quicker.

If you are doing a self-media account, you must find your own advantageous positioning. In this way, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

2. Listen carefully to the lectures and study

The fastest way to make progress is to pay to learn from people who have results, and I especially agree with this method, so when I open a new account of Xiaohongshu, I follow the system course to learn, and if I encounter a problem with stuck points, I will listen to it repeatedly until I understand it.

After listening, I will also directly follow the teacher's steps to practice, because I have also taken Xiaohongshu courses before, so it is not difficult for me to draw and find a topic, it is rare to be able to continue to adhere to the execution, but I am also full of execution.

There is a saying that if you kiss her teacher, believe in her way, and learn from this teacher, you will follow her method and you'll be done. Don't try to innovate on your own, just follow his method and you're done.

In a month, Xiaohongshu has increased from 0 to more than 1,000 fans, how did I do it?

3. Continue to brush Xiaohongshu every day to select popular topics

Whether it is an official account or Xiaohongshu, this is the work that must be done every day, brush the popular models on the platform, Xiaohongshu has established a special collection of popular topic selection files, and all topics with more than 100-200 likes can be used as their own popular topics.

4. Insist on accumulating popular topics, imitating popular topics

Accumulate 2-3 popular topics every day, collect them in folders, and don't be afraid that you will have nothing to write about.

In addition, it is useless to collect alone, you have to analyze, why did this note explode, and what attracted you? Is it a cover image, a title, or an image title? What is the drawing of the inside page? What structure is the copy written in, and why do you want to like it after reading it?

You have to analyze them one by one in detail, summarize them, and use them in your own creations, imitating them to the extreme, and you can still write them out of the popular styles. That's how I write hits.

In a month, Xiaohongshu has increased from 0 to more than 1,000 fans, how did I do it?

5. Constantly update the creative method that suits you

In fact, sometimes the popularity is also related to luck, such as the release time, the weight of your account, and whether the form of your first image is attractive. At the time I . . When the day was more than half a month, the traffic was still not very good, so I changed my strategy, and everyone else was posting pictures and texts, why can't I try the video?

In fact, I'm right, my video traffic is particularly good, generally the bottom of the small eyes are more than 300-400, and the good traffic is in the thousands.

So sometimes the teacher's teaching method is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is necessary to be flexible according to the overall situation of your account! Continuous improvement in order not to be eliminated!

6. Insist on thunder every day

This time I was 100% determined to do a side hustle, I must make a career, I told my teacher. In fact, I did do so, I couldn't move to the day to change the account, I was envious of others at the time, and now I have become the object of envy of others, and the traffic has exploded in a month!!

Therefore, if you do self-media, persist to the end, and continue to improve, you can get the results you want!

Finally, I would like to share one of my favorite passages, which is what Mr. He said: "If a person wants to get, he must give, and if he wants to pay, he must persevere, if you find it difficult, you can give up, but if you give up, don't regret it, everyone gets the life they want through their own efforts." This sentence has been inspiring me and encouraging you together!


About the Author:

I am Yanran, a full-time mother born after 85, with more than 10,000 fans on the whole network, focusing on the official account and Xiaohongshu platform, focusing on reading and writing and personal growth, with the goal of achieving financial independence through self-media and living as you like!