
Don't look for me in the war, I'm poor and have to go to work to pay off the mortgage? When war comes, who will defend the motherland

author:Fun facts about Xiao Chen

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Editor|Xiao Chen's interesting facts

Text: Xiao Chen's interesting facts

In the vast world of the Internet, the sentence "Don't look for me when you fight, I'm poor, I have to go to work to pay the mortgage!" "It was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up ripples. This seemingly light-hearted sentence actually touched the sensitive nerves of society and sparked a profound discussion about the responsibility of the individual and the state. The purpose of this article is to delve into the hidden issues behind this and call for the deep affection and selfless dedication of every citizen to the country.

Responsibility for war and collectivism

War, this heavy word, carries the blood, tears and sacrifices of countless martyrs. They pledged their lives to their country in exchange for the peace and tranquility of today. In the face of potential crises, what the country needs is the firm support and joint resistance of every citizen. Using personal economic pressure as a shield to evade responsibility is not only a great disrespect to the heroes of history, but also a contempt for the future security of the country. We should bear in mind that in the face of war, there are no bystanders, only comrades-in-arms who advance and retreat together.

Don't look for me in the war, I'm poor and have to go to work to pay off the mortgage? When war comes, who will defend the motherland

The correlation between poverty and patriotism

Poverty has never been a measure of a person's patriotism. It may limit the choices of life, but it cannot restrain a heart that loves the motherland. True patriotism comes from the deep recognition and gratitude of the country, which is reflected in every action in daily life, whether it is a small act of kindness or dedication at work. Poverty should not be an excuse to shirk responsibility, but should inspire us to cherish peace more and contribute to the prosperity of our country.

Citizens' social responsibility

Living under the protection of the state, we enjoy freedom and rights, but at the same time, we also bear an unshirkable social responsibility. The security and peace of the country is the common mission of every citizen. When the country is facing trials, the interests of the individual should give way to the well-being of the country. If everyone chooses to escape, how will the country deal with itself? We can't rely on others, we can only build an impregnable line of defense by starting from ourselves.

Don't look for me in the war, I'm poor and have to go to work to pay off the mortgage? When war comes, who will defend the motherland

The value of national security goes beyond money

Some people may think that wealth can solve all problems, but the security and stability of a country are far from being measured by money. In times of crisis, money can provide temporary shelter, but it cannot ensure the long-term peace and stability of the country. National security requires the wisdom, courage and dedication of every citizen, not mere material accumulation.

Diverse patriotic expressions

Joining the army to serve the country is undoubtedly one of the noble forms of serving the country, but it is by no means the only way to be patriotic. Working diligently in their respective positions, abiding by the law in social life, and constantly exploring in the ocean of knowledge are all concrete ways to show patriotic feelings. Every ordinary post is an indispensable cornerstone of the national building; Every hard work and sweat has gathered into a powerful force to promote the country forward.

Don't look for me in the war, I'm poor and have to go to work to pay off the mortgage? When war comes, who will defend the motherland


Let us put aside our narrow individualism and regain our deep friendship with our country. No matter where we are, whether rich or poor, we should practice the patriotic spirit with practical actions and contribute our modest efforts to the prosperity and security of the country. When everyone can shoulder this responsibility and glory, our country will be more brilliant and stand tall in the east of the world.

Don't look for me in the war, I'm poor and have to go to work to pay off the mortgage? When war comes, who will defend the motherland

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