
Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak

author:Drunk Arhat 19,000 likes


In the dazzling entertainment industry, the aura of stars is always desirable. However, when the halo fades, the cruelty of reality is relentlessly revealed. Angelababy Yang Ying's recent experience is undoubtedly the epitome of this cruel reality. was a popular actress in the past, but now she was humiliated in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrities, and she had to lower her eyebrows in order to survive. This incident not only triggered the public's reflection on the ecology of the entertainment industry, but also made us think: In this rapidly changing era, how long can the halo of stars last? It's easy to become famous, but it's hard to stay hot, will Angelababy's experience be a portrayal of the future of many stars?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak

1. From a proud girl to a down-and-out star: Angelababy's bleak current situation

Angelababy Yang Ying has not worked for 9 months, which is undoubtedly a long ordeal for a former popular actress. During this time, her life and career development have fallen into a trough. In order to maintain exposure and earn income, she had to lower her profile and choose to participate in activities such as online celebrity live streaming.

However, even so, what happened to her in the live broadcast room was not satisfactory. In the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, Angelababy tried to liven up the atmosphere and called on the colleagues next to him to call Simba "Mr. Xin", but in exchange for a cold "roll". In the face of such humiliation, Angelababy had to continue to smile, and even said that she wanted to work in Simba's live broadcast room, which was embarrassing.

This scene not only shows Angelababy's current predicament, but also reflects the harsh reality of the entertainment industry: the aura of former stars seems so fragile in the face of commercial interests.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak

2. The rise of Internet celebrities: the reshaping of the entertainment industry pattern

Angelababy's experience is not an isolated case, it reflects the changes in the entire entertainment industry. With the advent of the Internet era, the rise of the Internet celebrity economy has challenged the status of traditional stars like never before.

Big Internet celebrities like Li Jiaqi and Simba have surpassed many traditional stars in terms of income and influence. They have the absolute right to speak in their live broadcast room, and they can even call and drink to the visiting stars. This phenomenon has sparked heated discussions among netizens, and some people lamented that "Internet celebrities swear at female stars, and female stars have to carefully maintain the scene", which is undoubtedly a satire of the traditional star status.

However, we also need to think: does this transfer of power mean the healthy development of the entertainment industry ecology? Is there some potential problem behind the boom in the influencer economy?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak

3. The Road to Rebirth After the Breakdown of Marriage: Why Is It So Difficult?

Angelababy's predicament is not only reflected in her career, but also in her personal life. After divorcing Huang Xiaoming, Angelababy seems to have lost its former aura and fallen into a slump that she can't get rid of.

A few days ago, the news that Angelababy and Huang Xiaoming took their son Little Sponge to play Disney together sparked speculation among netizens, and some people thought that the two might get back together. However, the reality is that Huang Xiaoming has gotten along sweetly with his new girlfriend Ye Ke, and recently won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Actor. In contrast, Angelababy's situation is more isolated.

This comparison can't help but make people think: Why was Huang Xiaoming able to quickly regain his career and love after also experiencing divorce, while Angelababy fell into such a long trough? Is it related to the role orientation and personal development of the two people during the marriage?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak

4. Plastic Sisterhood: The Truth About Friendship in the Entertainment Industry

During the period when Angelababy fell into a trough, her relationship with her friend Yang Mi also attracted the attention of the outside world. The two have reportedly lost touch and the friendship once known as the "plastic sisters" seems to have come to an end.

This phenomenon can't help but make people reflect: how fragile is friendship in the entertainment industry? Is it true, as some people say, that "the hustle and bustle of the world is all about the exchange of interests"? In Vanity Fair, is there still room for sincere friendship to survive?

However, we can't generalize either. There are also many friends in the entertainment industry who have persevered for many years, and they support each other when their careers are low. The changes in the relationship between Angelababy and Yang Mi may reflect more the differences in personal circumstances than the general state of friendship in the entertainment industry.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak

5. Back to the top: Where is the future of Angelababy?

In the face of the current predicament, the future development of Angelababy has sparked many speculations. Some people think that she should temporarily retire from the entertainment industry and focus on self-improvement; It was also suggested that she try to transform and open up a new career direction.

In fact, Angelababy still has a considerable fan base and commercial value. What she needs may be the right opportunity and the right strategy to reposition herself in the entertainment industry. Whether she continues her acting career, or transforms into an entrepreneur or public welfare person, it may become her path back to the top.

The key is that Angelababy needs to find a position that can give full play to its strengths and at the same time meet the current market demand. It takes wisdom as well as courage.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status quo of the Phoenix that landed was bleak


Angelababy's encounter is undoubtedly a microcosm of the cruel reality of the entertainment circle. From a proud girl to a down-and-out star, her experience allows us to see the difficulty of becoming famous and the difficulty of maintaining popularity. However, it also gives us an opportunity to think: in this era of rapid change, how should celebrities maintain their value? How should the audience rationally look at the halo of stars?

Perhaps, Angelababy's story can become a mirror for us to re-examine the ecology of the entertainment industry and our expectations of stars. What do you think Angelababy's future will be? Does she still have a chance to return to the top? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.