
Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

author:Star Rambler
Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

Other intelligent life that has ever existed on Earth is a topic of mystery and imagination. Scientists speculate that there may have been a human-like low-tech civilization before humans, or that new species may have been born to continue to evolve in place of humans. The possibilities of these conjectures are explored, and let's revisit what happened in this land.

It is hard for human beings to imagine that there may be other intelligent life on this planet on us, and it is not limited to us as an intelligent species. We survive here because our ancestral ape-man came down from a tree by chance and began to multiply here. The emergence of other life forms can also be accidental opportunities, as long as the environment suitable for their survival appears, the birth of intelligent life is just around the corner.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

Some scientists believe that other intelligent life on the earth may have been born before humans, and even low-tech civilizations similar to humans appeared, but they later became extinct for some reasons. This theory seems absurd to us, because there has never been any other intelligent life on earth except humans. Most of the sightings of aliens have been unresolved, and there has never been any evidence of their existence.

But science is such a thing, and without a certain amount of courage and imagination, it is difficult to discover it. While we can't be sure of the validity of these theories, they do give us a new perspective on what has happened in this land.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

In the future, if human beings leave the earth, intelligent life may be born on the earth to replace the human ecological niche, which is also an interesting imagination. If we could turn back the clock and let our ancestors leave here and continue to evolve from other lives, how would they inherit this land?

Maybe it will be a glorious history, creating its own civilization and technology; Maybe it will be an endless fight, because the evolutionary law of life determines that only the strong can survive.

We can't answer this question because the mechanism by which intelligent life came into being is so mysterious. It's like all walks of life in human society, where every job is done by a specific person, and if no one does it, the job will not automatically find another undertaker.


In addition, NASA scientists have also proposed the "Silurian hypothesis" to explore whether there was an industrial civilization on Earth before humans, but for various reasons, we have not found any evidence so far. This is also a bold conjecture, if there really were ancestral civilizations, then how did they disappear?

It is completely erased by time and space, as we now imagine; Or as depicted in some science fiction works, the ancestors successfully migrated to other planets and continued their history there.

Judging from the current knowledge and technology of human beings, the "Silurian industrial civilization" is not an untenable theory, because the Silurian period is about 4.6 billion years ago, and the evidence that can survive on the earth is not so long.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

But one thing we know for sure is that other intelligent life on Earth, whether it is the civilization that preceded human beings or the new species that continued to evolve in place of humans, will be born in ways that we cannot imagine.

Perhaps we have seen in many science fiction novels that these beings use a completely different genetic model from humans, or have achieved genetic modification of their own genes through some kind of technical means. Beyond the possibilities, we need to imagine and explore it ourselves.

At present, we lack conclusive evidence that there is other intelligent life beyond Earth. We are no strangers to extraterrestrial exploration, and space agencies and researchers from various countries conduct various experiments and experiments every year.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

Although some interesting information has been found, such as microbial traces from the surface of Mars, the ocean hidden beneath the ice on Titan, and the ice plume that Europa sprayed into space.

But this information is still far from proving the existence of extraterrestrial life. Even in our own solar system, there are not many environments suitable for life to thrive.

Finding extraterrestrial life will only have to wait until our descendants are able to travel back and forth between other planets.

It is much easier to search for traces of other intelligent life on Earth than it is to extraterrestrial life. Traces of buildings, roads, cities, etc., are everywhere, and if we pay a little attention, we can discover the mysteries.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

For example, some biologists have suggested that life may have started on Earth many times, rather than 1.3 billion years as we do now. They base their argument on signs of carbon in zircon crystals found in Western Australia.

The reason why so many species can be bred on the earth and form their own unique living environments and habits may be because different evolutionary paths have occurred between different lifeforms.

For example, there are some species that have not come to this point, they have appeared in various eras, and then completely disappeared in some way; Another example is that some species could have embarked on the same path of creating civilization as humans, but were forced to abandon this goal for some special reasons.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

If humanity accidentally goes extinct, a new species will be born on Earth to replace humanity and create its own civilization and history; Or humanity has not come this far at all, and new species have been successfully born.

Both of these scenarios are a good explanation for the signs we are seeing. If there really is such a group of intelligent life on the earth that has been forgotten by time, what kind of posture will they appear in front of us?

What is certain is that they will never inherit everything that humans have created. Eventually those buildings and cities will be eroded, buried, or submerged, becoming part of a deep sedimentary layer that will disappear over time.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

Even intelligent life, as alive as we are now, and standing at the top of the evolutionary pyramid of species, is still unable to thoroughly record the traces it has left behind. It can be said that the assertion that "time obliterates everything" is not an exaggeration.

Compared to the long history of the earth, human beings only exist for a moment. Even if there are too many things that have happened during this time, it seems to us that it is wonderful and long enough; But when viewed on the timeline of the entire universe and the evolution of species, it seems very insignificant.

It's important to keep track of the path we've traveled and the things we've created, and if that record ends up leaving no trace of it, it's as if we never existed.

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?


The history and mystery of the earth, and the existence of other intelligent life on earth make us wonder endlessly. Perhaps in this land, there were once life forms that we could not imagine. Do you think there ever been other intelligent life on Earth? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

Before the advent of human civilization, was there another intelligent life on Earth?

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