
Asking Japan for help was refused, and Vietnam asked China for help in building a high-speed railway, and the Chinese side nodded in agreement, but there was one request

author:Northwest Wolves Movie 4p6e

Asked for help from Japan, Vietnam urgently needs to develop high-speed rail, but Japan ruthlessly refused! Fortunately, China's friendly neighbors immediately came to the rescue. The surprise came, the Chinese side nodded and agreed to support the construction! But not surprisingly, China made a small request...

Aid refused! Vietnam turned to China for help

Japan single-handedly rejected Vietnam's request for help, much to the surprise of many. Vietnam urgently needs to develop high-speed rail to boost economic growth and improve people's livelihoods, but Japan has chosen to close its doors to it. This situation has aroused widespread concern in the international community, and there has been speculation about whether Japan has lost its influence in the Asian region.

Asking Japan for help was refused, and Vietnam asked China for help in building a high-speed railway, and the Chinese side nodded in agreement, but there was one request

Faced with Japan's indifference, Vietnam could only seek help from other countries. At this critical juncture, China has come forward to express its concern for Vietnam and has offered assistance. This sudden change is shocking, and it also makes people happy about the friendly relations between China and Vietnam.

China nodded, but with a small request ...

While China expressed its willingness to assist Vietnam in building a high-speed railway, it also made a small request. According to reliable sources, China requires Vietnam to provide corresponding preferential policies and facilitation measures during the construction period to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises in Vietnam.

Asking Japan for help was refused, and Vietnam asked China for help in building a high-speed railway, and the Chinese side nodded in agreement, but there was one request

This request is not based on self-interest, but on the principle of cooperation and common interests of both parties. Chinese enterprises will undertake the construction of major investments and difficult projects to ensure the smooth implementation of the high-speed rail project, and bring more employment opportunities and economic benefits to the Vietnamese people after completion.

Based on the principle of cooperation, China and Vietnam will move forward hand in hand

Focusing on mutual benefit and long-term development, China and Vietnam are willing to carry out more in-depth cooperation on the high-speed rail project. China will provide advanced technology, equipment and financial support to help Vietnam achieve rapid development of its high-speed rail network. Vietnam will also be committed to providing a good investment environment and cooperation mechanism to provide more convenience for Chinese enterprises to participate in Vietnam's economic construction.

Asking Japan for help was refused, and Vietnam asked China for help in building a high-speed railway, and the Chinese side nodded in agreement, but there was one request

This cooperation will not only strengthen the economic ties between China and Vietnam, but also promote the connectivity of the entire Southeast Asian region. The improvement of the high-speed rail network will greatly shorten the time and space distance between countries, further promote intra-regional trade and people-to-people exchanges, and enhance the competitiveness of the entire region.

China's assistance demonstrates the close cooperation and friendship between China and Vietnam, as well as China's responsibility as a major Asian country. It is hoped that China and Vietnam will work together to achieve a complete success in the construction of high-speed rail and make positive contributions to the prosperity and stability of the region.

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