
The rockets also rushed higher and fell back

author:The prestige of the Han Dynasty

In the comment interaction, it was mentioned that the Qianlong period pacified Jungger, and some people retorted that this was the merit of the Kangxi period, I guess these netizens probably watched the impression of the TV series "Kangxi Dynasty", Junggar spanned the three periods of Kang, Yong, and Qian, and finally it was completely ended in the Qianlong Dynasty.

At that time, it was a Zhunger infighting, and the losing side planned to lead the way for the Qing army. Almost none of the ministers in the court agreed, believing that the expedition was more auspicious than lucky. Because it was in his father's Yongzheng Dynasty that the Qing army and Junggar had broken out the battle of Tongbo, the Qing army was defeated, and only 2,000 of the 40,000 strongest elites died, and almost every family in the capital was mourned.

Now that he is going on a thousand-mile expedition, he is fighting an old opponent, and in case of failure, tens of thousands of lives will be lost, at this time, Qianlong has to resist the pressure of everyone around him and make the right decision arbitrarily, I think it is still very difficult.

There are also many twists and turns in the specific fighting process, mainly because the target is too far away, the supply is difficult, and after the rebellion, the rebellion is fought again, and many generals are killed. However, Qianlong was lucky, and a genius general named Zhaohui emerged in a daze, and in the end, he basically relied on him to completely wipe out the chaos between Zhun Geer and He Zhuo Hui.

I estimate that 99% of readers have never heard of the name Zhaohui, he is the famous general with the largest territory expansion area in Chinese history, but his popularity is far inferior to Huo, Wei, Qi, and Yue, even compared with Zuo Zongtang a hundred years later.

I think there are several reasons, one is that his methods of conquest are too brutal, and all the aliens he catches are killed; the second is that he is a Manchu general, which does not conform to the mainstream of today's Internet to praise the Ming and step on the Qing Dynasty; The third is that his army has several records of cannibalism after running out of food, and as long as he has eaten people in history, it is a major stain; Four is probably also the most important thing he killed... Now they are also compatriots, and elevating Zhaohui is not conducive to unity;

But in any case, the millions of square kilometers of sovereign territory north and south of the Tianshan Mountains were brought back by the Qing army in bloody battles, and the name Xinjiang was also decided at that time. The so-called truth has been tested by our ancestors with swords, guns and blood since ancient times.


There were not many major events in A-shares over the weekend, which rose first and then fell on Friday, and ended in a nest.

In the first half of the year, the median market fell by about 23%, and the style was polarized. Corresponding to the small-capitalization sector and the penny stock sector, the decline in the first half of the year was 30-40%, which was even worse than the two years of the stock market crash.

Therefore, in the first half of the year, there are people who feel that it is not difficult to make a profit, and there are many people who lose money to the point of collapse of their mentality, and the key is to look at your style inclination and value choice. The expansion of A-shares to more than 5,000 companies is no longer the same rise and fall of the big pot of rice in the early years, but a tragic stock involution.

The new leeks don't play, the foreign leeks run away, the old leeks lie flat, and the officials and soldiers don't pull the plates, so the market will probably fluctuate around 3000 in the short term. What the market lacks most now is confidence, but the official media teaches everyone to be patient, please let the market not rise but fall for 10 years, and talk about patience...

I think that the more stable investment for retail investors is index funds, and it is easy to fall into the trap of buying and selling individual stocks. kept selling profitable stocks, and then competed with one or two stocks that continued to fall, desperately replenishing their positions, and blowing up their losses in waves.

I have always been very cautious about making up positions, usually only losing more than 65% of the position, but also with the fundamental rebound will be seriously considered, many people lose 5%, 10% on the busy replenishment is really dangerous. There is no single stock in A-shares that is worthy of absolute trust, and neither is Moutai, only index funds, you can be ruthless and buy more and more, and it has to be 300 or 500 broad base, and that kind of industry base cannot be brainless.

In general, I think the return rate of A shares is very bad, this is not because the market is bad, even if it rebounds to 3500 points in the second half of the year, I still think that the return rate of A shares is terrible, and the long-term value of the game rate is low. But in the current China, there is no other way for ordinary people to manage their finances steadily and win, whether to deposit in the bank and eat 2.5% interest, or to pursue uncertainty in A-shares, you can decide for yourself.

Don't sell a house, take millions of cash and ask me how there is an annualized risk-free 5%, do you think you are not too demanding, dream about it.


1. The government has raised the tax exemption for shopping in Hong Kong, but it is not as high as the previous legend of 30,000, which is 12,000. In fact, as a shareholder, I am more concerned about whether the 20% dividend tax of Hong Kong Stock Connect can be exempted, if it is exempted, Hong Kong's bank stocks will be quite cost-effective, and their dividends will be 7-8% in the case of the same shares and the same rights.

2. Dongcai responded to the reporter's interview and said that everything is normal in the company. Friday's plunge is said to be because it is necessary to check whether the login IP of the employee's mobile phone number and the relative's stock account is consistent, but in fact, it is to check the proxy speculation, and if it is found, it will be fired. Not only refers to Dongcai, but the whole industry must be investigated. I said in my heart that this is nothing to do, what is the harm of low-level employees even if their families speculate, there are so many problems in A-shares now, is it useful to pick this kind of small problem? Besides, even if you check the employees, there is no harm to the company's performance, what kind of brain circuit is smashed in the securities sector inexplicably.

3. A rocket in Gongyi, Zhengzhou, flew halfway and fell down today, with a violent explosion on the ground, and the video spread all over the Internet. The project party Tianbing Technology later announced that this is a test run of the rocket power system, and the test run here is a professional term, in fact, it is to let the rocket ignite and launch on the ground, but fix the rocket with something to prevent it from really flying into the sky. The main purpose is to test the performance of the rocket in all aspects. But this time, the rocket in Zhengzhou didn't know which link went wrong, and the ground test car turned out to be really shot. Fortunately, the project team urgently shut down the system and let the rocket fall down on its own initiative, because the nearby is a cleared no man's land, so there are no casualties.

In the future, you really have to stand a little farther to see the rocket launch ...

The rockets also rushed higher and fell back

In April and June, the manufacturing PMI index was 49.5, the same as the previous month, and it contracted moderately, which is not much of a bearish.

5. The State Council issued the "Regulations on the Management of Rare Earths", which came into force on October 1, which is usually interpreted as good.

That's all, finally make a small advertisement, this year's shirt still has a batch of tail orders of a and b models back on the shelves, if you like it, you can go to Taobao store "Fortune 200 million" to see. Paragraphs C and D are gone, and there is no material to restock, sorry.

The rockets also rushed higher and fell back

As for the reader shows that have been posted in previous years, this year is really not suitable for them, because the market is getting worse day by day, and many people are losing a lot of money, and it is very unflattering to post those contents. I also figured it out, after doing this year's compassion, I won't do peripherals, and the group that loses money doesn't have the little tsundere of the past. #历史##财经##妙笔生花创作挑战#转自猫比叨公众号