
Qi and blood loss, share the three flavors of Chinese patent medicine to help you nourish qi and blood, and all diseases will disappear!

author:TCM Andrology Cai Yanlei

If you want to be in good health, you should start by nourishing qi and blood, which run all over the body, which is energy and nutrition. Only when the qi and blood in the body are sufficient, the physical fitness will be improved. In the same way, qi and blood, as the energy in the body, are constantly being consumed, so we should constantly replenish qi and blood.

1. 归脾芄

Many people must have heard of it, its main effect is to strengthen the spleen and nourish the heart, invigorate the qi and blood, and nourish the heart and blood when nourishing the spleen. If you usually have palpitations, insomnia and forgetfulness, yellowish complexion, dizziness, fatigue and weakness of limbs, loss of appetite, blood in the stool, and the tongue sticks out to show that the tongue is fat and has tooth marks, and the tongue is pale and pale, then at this time you can be conditioned by returning to the spleen.

Qi and blood loss, share the three flavors of Chinese patent medicine to help you nourish qi and blood, and all diseases will disappear!

2. Bazhen Soup

Bazhen soup is a combination of Sijunzi soup and Siwu soup, Siwu soup nourishes blood, and Sijunzi soup nourishes qi, so the main effect of Bazhen soup is to replenish qi and benefit blood. If you usually feel pale or yellowish, dizzy, tired limbs, shortness of breath and lazy speech, palpitations, reduced diet, pale tongue as soon as the tongue sticks out, weak pulse or weakness, at this time you can use Bazhen soup to recuperate.

Qi and blood loss, share the three flavors of Chinese patent medicine to help you nourish qi and blood, and all diseases will disappear!

3. Black chicken and white phoenix soup

This medicine is mainly aimed at friends with serious physical deficiency, and its main effect is to replenish qi and nourish blood, regulate menstruation and stop menstruation, and nourish the liver and kidneys. If you usually have qi and blood deficiency, thin body, soreness in the waist and knees, irregular menstruation, collapse and leakage, irritability and temper tantrums, accompanied by general fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, dreams, night sweats and other liver and kidney deficiency, qi and blood deficiency, you can use black chicken and white phoenix to recuperate.

Qi and blood loss, share the three flavors of Chinese patent medicine to help you nourish qi and blood, and all diseases will disappear!

The popularization of TCM science is for reference only, and the condition varies from person to person, so if you feel unwell, you should go to the offline clinic in time.
