
The S36 season has been updated for 4 days, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and the hundred miles of observance will be won when they are selected

author:King's information commentary

After four days of testing, everyone is already familiar with the new season of the king, the strength ranking of 120 heroes has been determined, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and you will get twice the result with half the effort with these heroes.

The S36 season has been updated for 4 days, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and the hundred miles of observance will be won when they are selected

The development path has changed a lot, and the two shooters who were once difficult to reach the pinnacle have now become the most popular shooters in the pinnacle competition. The winning rate of Baili Shou is exaggerated, jumping from the previous 47% to 54.6%, and his appearance rate is as high as 31.7%, basically winning when he chooses. Today's Baili Shou Covenant players don't like sniping, and the commonly used skill is actually basic attack. The basic attack speed of Baili Shou is fast, the distance is long, and the damage is high, which is better than sniping. Marco Polo did not have a speed threshold and is now a hot shooter, but the win rate is not ideal.

The S36 season has been updated for 4 days, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and the hundred miles of observance will be won when they are selected

The changes of mages are relatively small, and the heroes that were popular before are still popular in the new season. There are two heroes who are suitable for scoring points, one is Fire Dance and the other is Zhen Ji. These two heroes have a wide range of applications, whether they are ranked or pinnacle, they are both T0-level mages. As for Sima Yi, although he is also a mage, Sima Yi players use him as a jungler hero, strictly speaking, the only strong mages are Zhen Ji and Fire Dance.

The S36 season has been updated for 4 days, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and the hundred miles of observance will be won when they are selected

Against the road, Lu Bu did not rise, and his weaknesses still existed. He can be used to fight tanks, but he still can't beat warrior heroes. The experience server has increased the endurance of Lu Bu's second skill, which may be able to save Lu Bu. The hero who really rises against the road is Liu Bang, and like Baili Shou Covenant, he can basically win if he chooses it. Players don't need to be too skillful, as long as they can lead the line and use ultimate. The strong side of the S35 season is still strong in the new season, with Yalian, Sikong Zhen, Ma Chao and so on.

The S36 season has been updated for 4 days, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and the hundred miles of observance will be won when they are selected

Jungler heroes, the changes in the map make the old jungler heroes very passive, and the win rate of heroes such as Mirror, Lan, and Monkey continues to decline, and only the unique brother is currently playing. Those heroes with high mobility have all risen, and there are only two stronger heroes, namely Sima Yi and Pei Baohu. Other jungler performances are decent, such as Twilight, Baili Xuance, Miyamoto, etc., and the upper score is also available.

The S36 season has been updated for 4 days, and the strong heroes of each branch are determined, and the hundred miles of observance will be won when they are selected

There are relatively few changes in support heroes, and everyone's enhancements are the same, all of which are based on the improvement of basic data, and there are also auxiliary equipment to pick up gold. The strong support in the S35 season is still strong in the new season, and the first sister is still Doria, and Da Qiao is no longer an assistant. As for the hard auxiliary, Zhang Fei Bull Demon is still the representative, and everyone can use the above heroes to score points. As for heroes such as Zhuang Zhou, Sun Bin, and Yao, they are also very strong and can play a greater role in the right lineup.