
Fire Dance Zhen Ji is certainly strong, but it is not the two of them who make a lot of money, Zhou Yu is the winner

author:King's information commentary

The mage strength in the new season has not changed too much, and as at the end of the S35 season, Zhen Ji and Fire Dance represent the tool man mage and the magic thorn respectively, becoming the strongest mage. Many people only have Zhen Ji and Huo Wu in their eyes, and they will choose heroes like Angela and Xiao Qiao when they retreat, and they have never considered Zhou Yu. In fact, Zhou Yu is the biggest winner in the new season, and Zhou Yu players are making a fortune in silence. Whether it is a qualifying match or a pinnacle match, Zhou Yu's winning rate is around 55%, which is quite explosive!

Fire Dance Zhen Ji is certainly strong, but it is not the two of them who make a lot of money, Zhou Yu is the winner

In the middle lane, except for the lane of troops becoming four, there are no other changes, and the adjustment of heroes has also improved the base data. There is a Chang'e who has changed a lot, but she has not made a name for herself in the new season, and the weakness of hurting gua sha still limits her appearance rate. Zhen Ji is a strong hero, has strong self-protection ability, is not afraid of some assassins, and is much easier to use than Wang Zhaojun. As for Fire Dance, her adjustment was before the season, the change of the fan made her clear the line faster, and her consumption capacity became stronger.

Fire Dance Zhen Ji is certainly strong, but it is not the two of them who make a lot of money, Zhou Yu is the winner

Zhou Yu is amazing, just talking about the ability to clear the line, no one in the middle lane can be stronger than him. Three lanes or four lanes have little impact on Zhou Yu, his skills are all area damage, and no matter how many lanes there are, they can be dealt with together. The current Zhou Yu is suitable for playing the booster game, because his support is relatively fast, and he can walk when he sets fire, which can help the development path to play an advantage and liberate the development path early. The support speed of the jungler in the new season is not as fast as before, and the support of mages has become particularly important, which is one of the reasons for Zhou Yu's rise.

Fire Dance Zhen Ji is certainly strong, but it is not the two of them who make a lot of money, Zhou Yu is the winner

The rise of Zhou Yu is also related to the jungler, which was a fast-paced version last season, with the return of the assassin jungler, whose development rate even surpassed that of the shooter. As a crispy skin, Zhou Yu is especially afraid of those assassins in the jungle, as long as there is a poor economy, Zhou Yu is a lamb to the slaughter, and he has no power to fight back. Now that the wild area has become larger, the development rate of jungler heroes in the traditional physics department has slowed down, and it is difficult to play a large economic difference in the early and middle stages, without the economic difference, they can't kill Zhou Yu in seconds, Zhou Yu's fault tolerance rate has become higher, and the winning rate has naturally become higher.

Fire Dance Zhen Ji is certainly strong, but it is not the two of them who make a lot of money, Zhou Yu is the winner

With Zhou Yu, there is the right to line in the middle lane; With Zhou Yu, the enemy easily did not dare to harass the wild area; With Zhou Yu, his ability to press the tower has been improved, and the role is even greater than that of Wang Zhaojun and Zhen Ji, especially the Shunfeng Bureau, which is very terrifying to operate. At the same time, Zhou Yu can also be a highland security guard, and he plays a great role. Zhou Yu is not a difficult hero to play, at present, he only has a high win rate but a low appearance rate, it is recommended that everyone practice Zhou Yu and use him to score points, and when everyone finds out that he is strong, you will not be able to eat benefits.

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