
Zelensky proposed a third-party negotiation model, and Putin may agree, but who can be a third party

author:The name is too long

On June 30, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview that negotiations with Russia could adopt the model of separate negotiations with third parties.

Third-party negotiation is an indirect model that uses an intermediary to reach the goal of a bilateral compromise between Russia and Ukraine.

For the Ukrainian president, it is rare to have made a series of relevant negotiation remarks recently.

Zelensky proposed a third-party negotiation model, and Putin may agree, but who can be a third party

Two days earlier, on June 28, Zelenskyy said he was drafting a comprehensive plan for peace talks with Putin, saying it was important to show a plan to end the war that would be supported by the majority of countries around the world.

These remarks show that Zelensky is indeed actively thinking about Russia-Ukraine peace talks with Putin.

So why did Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky choose this indirect model?

It is estimated that this is a last resort, and for both Russia and Ukraine, the best way to end the war is for both sides to sit down and negotiate directly.

Zelensky proposed a third-party negotiation model, and Putin may agree, but who can be a third party

But at present, Zelensky and Putin have no trust in each other, and their intentions are at opposite directions, and they cannot communicate directly.

What to do? We had to seek an intermediary that could be agreed upon by both parties.

As for Putin, will he accept third-party negotiations as an indirect approach?

This is possible, Putin has repeatedly mentioned the topic of peace talks, saying that Russia does not reject negotiations, although the Russian army currently occupies a certain advantage on the battlefield, but it is also relatively difficult, especially now that the United States and the West have increased their support for the Ukrainian army, the Russian army continues to "lose blood" on the battlefield every day.

Zelensky proposed a third-party negotiation model, and Putin may agree, but who can be a third party

Putin has a desire for negotiations, and this model is not the first time that it has been adopted, and the previous model of the Black Sea grain agreement between Russia and Ukraine did not adopt direct negotiations, but the two sides negotiated with the United Nations and Turkey and signed a tripartite agreement.

Since then, both Russia and Ukraine have complied with it, which is in each other's interests.

As an intermediary negotiation method, this can be a useful exploration to solve problems.

It's just that even if Russia and Ukraine accept this third-party model, it will definitely be difficult to reach an armistice agreement, because the truce touched by Russia and Ukraine in this negotiation is overall and fundamental, and there are too many countries involved, and it is no longer as simple and pure as the grain agreement.

Zelensky proposed a third-party negotiation model, and Putin may agree, but who can be a third party

Especially on the territory, Putin has repeatedly stressed that the peace talks should be based on the principle of reality, and he will never give up the land in eastern Ukraine, and Zelensky will never back down on this territorial issue.

Therefore, even if negotiations are conducted through a third party, it will be very difficult to achieve the goal of an armistice.

In addition to this, there is a very tricky problem.

If the third-party negotiation model proposed by Zelensky is adopted, who will act as this third party? This is quite a difficult challenge.

To meet this third-party standard, first of all, both Russia and Ukraine recognize it, and secondly, other countries at least do not oppose it, and once again have considerable strength and are willing to become such a third party.

Zelensky proposed a third-party negotiation model, and Putin may agree, but who can be a third party

Looking around the world, such a third party is really hard to find, maybe the United Nations, or Turkey?

Zelenskyy said that the mediators of such negotiations could be not only the United States and Western European partner countries, but also countries in Asia, the Pacific region, Africa and Latin America, among others.

Although the scope of the Ukrainian president's prescription is extensive, but no one is really willing to take this hot potato?
