
filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life



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filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life


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Do you believe in fairy tales? Cinderella becomes a princess, and the ugly duckling becomes a white swan. In real life, can such a miracle really happen? The answer is yes! There is such a legendary actress in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and her life experience is comparable to an inspirational blockbuster.

From being forced to make a tertiary film at the age of 17, to being betrayed emotionally at the age of 32, and then marrying a showbiz boss at the age of 40, she used her own struggle to interpret what it means to "have no limits in life". This actress is Meng Jiahui. Let's take a look at how she climbed from the trough of her life to the top step by step!

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

From a tragic childhood to going astray

Meng Jiahui's childhood is simply a heartbreaking tragic drama. Imagine that when you were an innocent little girl, your father abandoned the entire family, leaving you and your sister alone to face a resentful mother. The mother not only did not give the sisters the love they deserved, but instead vented all her frustration on them.

Living in abuse and fists and kicks every day, Meng Jiahui and her sister's childhood was shrouded in haze. They are like two delicate flowers, but they have to struggle to survive in the wind and rain. What's even more heart-wrenching is that at the age of 14, my sister, who couldn't bear her mother's abuse, chose to end her young life. This is undoubtedly another heavy blow to Meng Jiahui.

Having lost her only loved one, 17-year-old Meng Jiahui fled home alone and full of painful memories. In order to survive, she had to look around for job opportunities. That's when fate played a cruel joke on her. A man who calls himself a "talent scout" shows up and promises her a "high-paying" job.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

For a young girl who has just turned 17 and is in dire need of money, this is undoubtedly a huge temptation. However, when she came to the set in high spirits, she found out that she was about to star in a tertiary film. At this time, Meng Jiahui was like a deer that had fallen into a trap, helpless and desperate. However, the high liquidated damages made her grit her teeth to complete the shooting.

Since then, the label of "tertiary film actress" has been like a curse that cannot be shaken off, clinging to her body. People's pointing and cynicism made the young Meng Jiahui almost collapse. She begins to loathe herself and loses hope for the future.

But, as the saying goes, "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?" Meng Jiahui was not completely defeated by these setbacks. She began to reflect, realizing that self-pity would only sink her deeper and deeper. So, she plucked up the courage and started taking on some print advertising work, trying to get rid of the shadow of the past.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

The road to counterattack: from a third-level film actress to a TVB pillar

Life is like a marathon, and the position of the starting point does not determine the final result. Meng Jiahui's counterattack is the best proof.

At the lowest point in her life, the god of luck finally favored her. In the Hong Kong entertainment industry at that time, there was a big star named Wang Zuxian, who was so red that he turned purple. Who would have thought that it was this big star who became the key person who changed Meng Jiahui's fate.

In an advertising shoot, Meng Jiahui's simple and stretched temperament attracted Wang Zuxian's attention. Maybe it was out of pity, or maybe it was because he saw the potential of Meng Jiahui, Wang Zuxian recommended her to star in the movie "Very Suddenly".

This opportunity is like a beam of light in the darkness, illuminating the direction in which Meng Jiahui is heading. The role of the restaurant proprietress she played in the play was not only charming and moving, but her acting skills were natural and vivid, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience. What's even more surprising is that she was nominated for "Best New Actor" at the 18th Hong Kong Film Awards for this role.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Imagine that a girl who once had an extremely low self-esteem suddenly received such a high level of recognition, and that sense of accomplishment must be incomparable. This success is like a shot in the arm, which completely awakens Meng Jiahui's love and pursuit of acting career.

However, Meng Jiahui was not satisfied. She knows that in order to gain a foothold in this highly competitive entertainment industry, it is not enough to rely on temporary luck. So, she began to study her acting skills harder and devote herself to her work.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Soon after, Meng Jiahui ushered in another important turning point - she was fortunate to work with actor Andy Lau to film.

Although there are not many scenes, being able to play on the same stage with an acting star like Andy Lau is undoubtedly a valuable learning opportunity for Meng Jiahui.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

From Andy Lau, Meng Jiahui saw what real professionalism is and what is the cultivation that an actor should have. This cooperation brought her a huge shock, and also made her more determined to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Since then, Meng Jiahui has been absorbing new knowledge and experience like a sponge. She repeatedly figured out the characteristics of each character, and tried to make her performance more natural and realistic.

This effort soon paid off, and she starred in many works such as "Wesley" and "Heart Storm", and every appearance left a deep impression on the audience.

Gradually, people began to forget her former label of "tertiary film actress", and instead appreciated her acting skills. Meng Jiahui used her strength to prove that as long as you don't give up, there is no hurdle that you can't overcome. She eventually became one of the pillars of TVB, and completely completed her gorgeous transformation from a marginal figure to a mainstream star.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Love is consummated: A sweet marriage with Ekin Cheng

While her career is booming, Meng Jiahui's love life has also ushered in a turnaround. In 2006, she met the most important man in her life - Ekin Cheng.

Ekin Cheng, this name is well-known in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. As a generation of singers and a powerful actor, his charm is self-evident. However, to the surprise of many people, such a "fifth king of Hong Kong" would fall in love with an actress who had made tertiary films.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

However, love is never something that can be explained clearly by reason. When Ekin Cheng first met Meng Jiahui, he was deeply intrigued.

Maybe it was Meng Jiahui's strength after suffering that touched him, or maybe it was her simple and beautiful temperament that touched his heartstrings. In short, Ekin Cheng has already decided in his heart that this is the person who wants to be with him for the rest of his life.

So, Ekin Cheng began his crazy pursuit of Meng Jiahui. However, at this time, Meng Jiahui had just ended a painful relationship. Her ex-boyfriend actually cheated on her best friend, and this experience made her lose faith in love.

However, sincere love always has the power to melt the frost. Facing Ekin Cheng, who has both talent and appearance, Meng Jiahui's mental defense was gradually broken. Under Ekin Cheng's fierce offensive, she finally agreed to the relationship.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Interestingly, because of the influence of the previous relationship, Meng Jiahui proposed the idea of "only falling in love and not getting married" to Ekin Cheng. Surprisingly, Ekin Cheng readily agreed. This move fully shows how deep Ekin Cheng's love for Meng Jiahui is. He is willing to respect Meng Jiahui's ideas and give her enough time and space to heal the wounds of the past.

In this way, the two fell in love for 7 years. In the past 7 years, Ekin Cheng has proved his sincerity with his actions, and also allowed Meng Jiahui to regain her confidence in love.

In 2013, they finally achieved positive results and officially announced the good news of their marriage. This news caused quite a stir in the entertainment industry. Many people are speculating, what made Ekin Cheng so persistently in love with Meng Jiahui?

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Perhaps, the answer lies in Meng Jiahui's life experience. She grew up in a poor family, experienced the betrayal of her relatives, and also fell into a low point in her life. However, she was not defeated by difficulties, but relied on her own efforts to succeed step by step. This kind of strength and resilience is the quality that Ekin Cheng admires the most.

Today, they have been married for 11 years. The two gradually withdrew from the big screen and chose to move to Japan to live a leisurely retirement. Meng Jiahui often shares her daily life on social platforms, and from her sharing, we can feel how full and happy her life is now.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Netizens are hotly discussed: from doubts to admiration

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think:

"Meng Jiahui's experience is simply a realistic version of a Cinderella fairy tale! From a third-level film actress to a TVB pillar, and then to marrying Ekin Cheng, her life is simply open! "
filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Some netizens also said:

"I have to admire Meng Jiahui's courage and perseverance. was able to climb out of such a low valley, relying not only on luck, but also on her own efforts. "

Some netizens expressed their appreciation for Ekin Cheng's choice:

"Ekin Cheng is really discerning! What he liked was not Meng Jiahui's appearance, but her strong heart. This is true love! "
filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Of course, there are some doubts:

"I still think it's a little incredible. Ekin Cheng is so good, why did he choose an actress with a 'stain'? "

In this regard, more netizens stood up to defend Meng Jiahui:

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life
"What do you mean by 'stain'? People are being deceived, okay? And Meng Jiahui later relied on her own strength to wash her white, which is the most respectable! "
"Yes, we should look at the problem from the perspective of development. Meng Jiahui was able to get out of that predicament, which is already remarkable. Her experience is not a stain, but a medal! "

From these comments, we can see that although some people questioned Meng Jiahui's past at first, as her story was known by more people, more and more netizens began to express their admiration and support for her. Her experience has also become a positive story that inspires many people.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Write at the end

Meng Jiahui's life experience can be called a realistic version of an inspirational blockbuster. From her bullied childhood, to her girlhood when she was forced to shoot tertiary films, to later becoming a TVB pillar, and finally reaping a happy marriage, every step she took was extremely difficult, but it was also extremely exciting.

Her story tells us that there is no eternal trough in life, as long as you have hope and work hard, you will definitely be able to usher in your own sunshine. Meng Jiahui proved with her own actions that the haze of the past will eventually be dispelled, and the light of the future will eventually come.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

At the same time, Ekin Cheng's choice of Meng Jiahui also gave us a lot of inspiration. What he values is not Meng Jiahui's past, but her spirit of overcoming difficulties and striving for progress. This kind of love, which transcends the world's vision, shows true tolerance

and understanding.

Meng Jiahui's story is not only a successful counterattack by an individual, but also a mirror that illuminates the path of life. It tells us not to give up on ourselves easily, no matter what difficulties we encounter. Everyone may encounter low points in life, but as long as we maintain hope and face it bravely, we will definitely find our own light.

So, how do you feel about Meng Jiahui's experience? What would you do if you hit a low point in your life? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area, and let's explore the wisdom of life together.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Extended thinking: Looking at the value of life from Meng Jiahui's story

Meng Jiahui's legendary experience is not only an inspirational story, but also provokes us to think deeply about the value of life.

First of all, her experience tells us that the value of life does not lie in the starting point, but in the persistence and hard work in the process. Meng Jiahui came from a poor background and went astray when she was young, but she did not give up on herself. Instead, she chose to work hard to change the status quo and eventually succeeded in turning her life around. This brings hope and strength to those who are at a low point in their lives.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Secondly, Meng Jiahui's story also reflects the problem of society's evaluation criteria for people. Many people are prejudiced against her past at first, but as she continues to work hard and improve, these prejudices fade away.

This reminds us that a person should not be judged by one-sided standards, let alone a person's past as an eternal label. Everyone has the possibility of change, and we should give opportunities and tolerance.

Moreover, Ekin Cheng's choice of Meng Jiahui shows the qualities that true love should have. What he values is not Meng Jiahui's past, but her spirit of overcoming difficulties and striving for progress.

This kind of love transcends the eyes of the world and embodies true tolerance and understanding. It tells us that when choosing a partner, we should focus on the inner qualities of the other person, rather than the superficial glamour or the shadows of the past.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Finally, Meng Jiahui's story also triggered our thinking about the ecology of the entertainment industry. In this circle where appearance and traffic are king, Meng Jiahui finally gained a firm foothold with her strength and hard work. This shows that even in a flashy environment, real talent and real learning are still the foundation of the foothold.

So, in the face of Meng Jiahui's legendary experience, do you have any new insights? How do you think we should properly evaluate a person's value in today's society? Feel free to share your views in the comment section and let's explore the true meaning of life together.