
Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally



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Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally


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Oh, ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? The teacher Zhao Zhongxiang, who used to talk eloquently on the screen and was serious, was actually planted in the "peach-colored trap"!

The host, known as the "first brother of CCTV", was revealed to have an underground affair that lasted for seven years. Tut-tut, this world is really getting more and more interesting. But wait, is it really that simple? Perhaps, we should look at this farce from a different angle.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

After all, in this age of information explosion, the truth is often more complex than we think. Let's take a look at this "old and young" gossip and see what kind of story is hidden behind it.

First acquaintance: the ambiguous beginning of the doctor-patient relationship

2004 was an uneventful day. Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang, the host who was at the peak of his career at the time, found a health care doctor named Rao Ying because of some minor problems. Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary medical experience would become the fuse of a peach scandal that caused a sensation across the country in the future.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Rao Ying, this name sounds ordinary at first glance, but she is not a simple master. She has a delicate figure, a gorgeous appearance, and claims to be good at massage. Tsk, how does such a combination sound like an advertising slogan for some indecent place? But we can't judge people by their appearance, can we?

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

At first, the relationship between the two was quite normal. After all, it's the doctor and the patient, so there's always a little contact. However, as time went on, the relationship seemed to become more and more ambiguous. Rao Ying began to have some thoughts about Zhao Zhongxiang that he shouldn't have. And what about Zhao Zhongxiang? As the "first brother" in the hosting industry, it is not uncommon to be surrounded by beautiful women.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally
"Mr. Zhao, are you a little uncomfortable here? Do you want me to press more? "
"Oh, Dr. Rao, what a wonderful way you do it!"
Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

In this way, in the contact that came and went, Zhao Zhongxiang gradually fell into the gentle township of this charming woman. The two quietly started a secret lover relationship, deceived his wife, and regrettably made Zhao Zhongxiang feel the seven-year itch. This relationship lasted for 7 years, and it was a miracle in the entertainment industry!

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Scandal erupts: Rao Ying's public accusations

In 2006, a thunderclap exploded in the entertainment industry. Rao Ying suddenly let out a pig-killing howl on the Internet, calling herself Zhao Zhongxiang's "underground lover" for 7 years. She has published three consecutive "Emotional Game Diaries" on her blog, and the content is so powerful that it is simply jaw-dropping.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally
"Zhao Zhongxiang sexually abused me and mentally tortured me for a long time, and even used black means to force me to have an abortion!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Internet exploded. Everyone said:

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

"Oh my God, is this true?"

"Teacher Zhao seems to be so upright, how could he do such a thing?"

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

"I don't believe it, someone must be spreading rumors!"

However, Rao Ying is not joking. The content of her revelations can be described as earth-shattering: Zhao Zhongxiang not only has extramarital affairs, but also some outrageous "special habits".

What is even more outrageous is that she claimed that she was pregnant with Zhao Zhongxiang's child, but was forced to have an abortion shortly before the child was born. The reason for her miscarriage was Zhao Zhongxiang's overly open sadistic behavior.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

As soon as the allegations came to light, they immediately caused an uproar online. Some believe, some don't, some gloat, and some are angry. For a while, Zhao Zhongxiang changed from a respected host to a street rat that everyone shouted and beaten.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Zhao Zhongxiang's response: Firmly deny

In the face of such a major accusation, Zhao Zhongxiang naturally will not sit still. Their response can be described as quite "official":

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally
"I don't know Rao Ying at all, let alone being framed by the other party. The relevant audio recordings, photographs and written materials were deliberately concocted by later generations, and the purpose of achieving them was kept in the dark for the time being. "
Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

These words sound quite tough, but the hesitation and uneasiness revealed between the lines inevitably make people question the reputation of the old host. After all, these days, "not knowing" is an almighty excuse!

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Legal strife: a duel of verbal swords

"I was ruined by Zhao Zhongxiang! I'm going to let the whole world know what this beast is! Rao Ying's resentment that she had been holding back for three years exploded and completely lost her mind. She has threatened to take Zhao Zhongxiang to court several times, but she has not been able to take action.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

It wasn't until 2010 that the "irrelevant" duo finally decided to fight against the odds and set off a huge lawsuit. In court, the two sides can be described as-for-tat, arguing with each other.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Rao Ying took out the recording evidence, IOUs and diary pages, and tearfully told about the devastation she had suffered. Zhao Zhongxiang reprimanded her for fabricating evidence and spreading rumors. The whole trial process can be described as exciting, comparable to a bloody drama.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

However, after several months of hearing, the judge finally ruled that Rao Ying's evidence was not enough for the court to redefine Zhao's right to reputation. This result has surprised many people.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Aftermath of the incident: public opinion reaction and family pain

Although the lawsuit is over, the impact of this incident is far from over. Although Zhao Zhongxiang won the lawsuit in law, his image has suffered a lot in the field of public opinion.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Some people firmly believe in Zhao Zhongxiang's innocence, thinking that Rao Ying is just a villain with a sweet mouth and a sword, and he is trying every means to discredit celebrities. But some people have doubts about Zhao Zhongxiang's ethics, believing that "there is no wind and no waves".

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens believed: "Zhao Zhongxiang has maintained a good public image for so many years, I don't believe he would do such a thing." "

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Some netizens also believed: "Although the court ruled that Zhao Zhongxiang won the lawsuit, it does not mean that he is completely innocent." After all, why would Rao Ying make up such a lie? "

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Some netizens believed: "No matter what the truth is, this incident has brought great harm to Zhao Zhongxiang's family." We should respect their privacy and not pay too much attention to such private matters. "

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

More radical netizens said: "This kind of public figure should be subject to stricter moral scrutiny." If Zhao Zhongxiang really did this kind of thing, then he should pay the price for it. "

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

There are also voices of reason that point out: "We should believe in the judgment of the law." If there is no hard evidence, there should be no moral judgment on others at will. "

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Others look at the issue from a broader perspective: "This incident reflects the excessive attention of our society to the private lives of public figures. Shouldn't we reflect on why we are so keen on this kind of gossip news? "

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

The turmoil brought untold pain to Zhao Zhongxiang's family. His wife, Zhang Meizhu, couldn't bear to say in an interview:

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally
"Stop hurting us! My wife is a good person, he has been selfless and brave all his life. If you have to kill someone, you might as well kill me, an old woman, first. "
Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

These words are really poignant to hear. Once upon a time, Zhao Zhongxiang and Zhang Meizhu were a loving couple who were envied by thousands of families. Now, the evening scene is only suffocatingly bleak.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Reflections and Conclusions: Truth and the Myths of Human Nature

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

By now, perhaps the truth has long since turned into a whirlpool, floating at the bottom of the dark sea. What we see is not real, what we hear is fictional, and we onlookers will eventually find it difficult to distinguish between right and wrong.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

However, this event leaves us with a lot to ponder: why are we so interested in the private lives of celebrities? Should we give public figures more privacy? Do we have the right to judge the morality of others without hard evidence?

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Perhaps, each of us should reflect on this: if one day, our privacy is made public, how do we want others to perceive us?

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Finally, let's end this article with one question: how should we balance the public's right to know and the right to personal privacy in this era of information explosion? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your views.