
BRICS pauses expansion, China and Russia have foresight! Avoid repeating the mistakes of NATO and the EU!

author:Fun to talk about the world

In today's ever-changing global political and economic landscape, every major decision may affect the direction of the international order. Recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced during his visit to Minsk that the BRICS countries have decided to temporarily suspend the admission of new members, a decision that has undoubtedly caused waves in the international community.

BRICS pauses expansion, China and Russia have foresight! Avoid repeating the mistakes of NATO and the EU!

BRICS, as an important platform for cooperation between emerging markets and developing countries, has attracted the attention of more and more countries in recent years. However, in the face of the influx of applications for membership, the BRICS countries have chosen to suspend the admission of new members, a decision that contains profound strategic considerations.

Currently, at least 34 countries are lining up to become full members of BRICS. The rise of this craze not only reflects the reality of the accelerated decline of US and Western hegemony, but also highlights the strong attraction of the BRICS countries' ability to resist risks. However, an increase in quantity does not mean an increase in quality. The BRICS countries are well aware that blind expansion will only weaken the cohesion and action of the organization, and may even become a "vegetable market". Therefore, it is a wise choice for BRICS countries to suspend the recruitment of new students and focus on internal construction and institutional improvement.

The expansion of NATO and the European Union has provided profound lessons for the BRICS countries. The blind expansion of these two organizations after the collapse of the Soviet Union led to many internal contradictions, strict restrictions on political and military positions, and finally on the verge of "brain death". BRICS countries must learn from this and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

BRICS pauses expansion, China and Russia have foresight! Avoid repeating the mistakes of NATO and the EU!

Especially given the complexity of the current international situation, it is possible that the United States and the West will "lay mines" in the process of BRICS expansion. Back then, American companies helped Greece make false accounts and sent them to the European Union, which directly triggered the later European debt crisis. This historical lesson reminds the BRICS countries of the need to rigorously screen new members to ensure the stability and healthy development of the organization.

After the suspension of recruitment, the BRICS countries will focus more on "concentrating on big things". Among them, the highlight of the second half of this year is the establishment of the BRICS internal settlement system. This system will be a key step in promoting the de-dollarization of the Third World and is of great importance for the economic development of the BRICS countries and the countries of the Global South.

With the participation of a number of oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Iran, coupled with the economic and resource strength of China and Russia, the BRICS countries have the ability to "untie" the price of oil from the dollar. This will be a powerful challenge to the hegemony of the US dollar and an important milestone in the common development of the BRICS countries.

BRICS pauses expansion, China and Russia have foresight! Avoid repeating the mistakes of NATO and the EU!

The decision of the BRICS countries to suspend the admission of new countries reflects their mature and prudent strategic considerations. Today, the global political and economic landscape is constantly changing, and the BRICS countries have chosen a path of steady development, focusing on internal construction and institutional improvement. This decision is not only conducive to the long-term development of the BRICS countries, but also provides new impetus and opportunities for the rise of the countries of the Global South.

BRICS countries will continue to uphold the principles of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and promote the reform and improvement of the global economic governance system. At the same time, BRICS countries will also strengthen cooperation with other developing countries to jointly address global challenges and promote the building of a more just and equitable international order. Today, when the minds of the people of the world are changing, every step of the BRICS countries is particularly important and forward-looking. We have reason to believe that BRICS countries will play a more important role in the international arena in the future and make greater contributions to global peace and development.

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