
Plot reversal! The coup plot in the United States is bankrupt, and the arrest of the general is in the spotlight

author:Fun to talk about the world

Bolivia, once again in the global spotlight. **On June 26 local time, a sudden military coup attempted to upset the calm in the South American country. However, unlike the fate of former President Evo Morales in 2019, who was ousted by a coup d'état, this coup was declared bankrupt in just a few hours. Army Commander-in-Chief Zúniga, a key player in the 2019 coup, was once again targeted and eventually arrested by the military.

Plot reversal! The coup plot in the United States is bankrupt, and the arrest of the general is in the spotlight

The coup d'état was undoubtedly a severe test of Bolivia's democratic system. ** President Arce acted quickly, not only condemning the coup d'état, but also decisively replacing the army commander in order to restore order and stability in the country. This series of decisive measures has won wide praise at home and abroad. The Organization of American States, the European Union and other international institutions have also spoken out, condemning the attempted military coup and stressing that the military must obey the legitimately elected government.

Behind this coup, however, an even bigger shadow has quietly emerged – the United States. Why is the United States the biggest suspect in this coup? The answer may be closely related to Bolivia's abundant lithium resources. As the largest lithium mining country in South America, Bolivia has a pivotal position in the development and utilization of lithium resources. Lithium, as a key raw material for new batteries, has a self-evident strategic value.

Plot reversal! The coup plot in the United States is bankrupt, and the arrest of the general is in the spotlight

The U.S. concern about Bolivia's lithium resources is not groundless. ** From publicly expressing dissatisfaction to criticizing the policies of Bolivia and other Latin American countries to develop lithium mines through international cooperation, the United States' actions have revealed its desire for and control over lithium resources. And Bolivian President Arce's tough response has made the United States feel an unprecedented challenge. Latin America is no longer the "backyard" of the United States, and how to develop and utilize lithium resources involves the sovereignty of relevant countries and brooks no foreign interference.

The failure of this coup d'état undoubtedly bankrupted the American conspiracy. However, U.S. ambitions don't stop there. It is foreseeable that the battle for lithium resources will be more fierce in the future. As an important owner of lithium resources, Bolivia's status and role will become more prominent. How to defend one's own resources and safeguard the country's sovereignty and democratic system will be a long-term challenge for the Bolivian government and people.

Plot reversal! The coup plot in the United States is bankrupt, and the arrest of the general is in the spotlight

From a historical perspective, the struggle for resources has often been accompanied by changes in power and the rise and fall of states. **Bolivia's lithium resources are undoubtedly an important cornerstone of the country's development. And in the face of a strong challenge from the United States, Bolivia needs to be more united and determined in order to win this war without gunpowder. At the same time, the international community should give more support and attention to Bolivia and jointly uphold international order, fairness and justice.

The coup d'état in Bolivia reminds us once again that the competition for resources and the security of the country are inextricably linked. In the face of external threats and challenges, Bolivia needs to be more determined to follow its own path of development and defend its resources and sovereignty. At the same time, the international community should work together to uphold international order, fairness and justice, and make resources a boost to national development rather than a source of strife. Only in this way can we work together to create a more peaceful, stable and prosperous world. As an important member of the world, the United States should reflect on its own behavior, respect the sovereignty and choices of other countries, and jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!

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