
The main force of the U.S. military evacuated the Ryukyus! The ending of Taiwan and Japan is destined in advance?

author:Fun to talk about the world

Recently, a news about the large-scale withdrawal of US troops stationed in Okinawa has aroused widespread concern. It has been learned that the withdrawal of this group of US troops will begin in December this year, and the number of US troops will be as high as about 10,000, which will sharply reduce the number of US troops stationed in Okinawa. This move has undoubtedly brought new variables to the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, and in particular, the security environment in the Taiwan Strait and Japan may undergo profound changes as a result.

The main force of the U.S. military evacuated the Ryukyus! The ending of Taiwan and Japan is destined in advance?

1. The strategic considerations behind the withdrawal of US troops

Zhang Yanting, former deputy commander of the Taiwan Air Force, pointed out that the main reason why the US military has reduced its troops in Okinawa on a large scale is that it feels the growing threat of strength from Chinese mainland. Okinawa is only 700 kilometers off the coast of Chinese mainland, and its strategic depth is severely insufficient, allowing the PLA's firepower to easily cover this area. The PLA's short-range missiles have a range of up to 1,200 kilometers, not to mention cruise missiles and various types of military aircraft. Against this background, the US military garrison in Okinawa has undoubtedly become a "live target."

The withdrawal of US troops this time is not an impulsive move, but a deliberate strategic adjustment. They realized that the first island chain was incapacitating for Chinese mainland and could no longer serve as an effective containment. Therefore, the U.S. military chose to withdraw its main forces to Guam and other places in order to seek deeper strategic depth and more response time. This move undoubtedly reflects the US military's reassessment of the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and the adjustment of its strategic deployment.

The main force of the U.S. military evacuated the Ryukyus! The ending of Taiwan and Japan is destined in advance?

2. The impact of the withdrawal on the Taiwan Strait and Japan

The withdrawal of US troops from Okinawa will have a far-reaching impact on the security environment in the Taiwan Strait and Japan. For Taiwan, the withdrawal of US troops has undoubtedly weakened its military support in the Taiwan Strait, making Taiwan even more isolated in the face of the mainland. For Japan, the withdrawal of U.S. troops has eased the military burden on its homeland, but it has also made it more vulnerable to potential threats.

What's more, after the withdrawal of US troops, more responsibility will be shifted to its "allies". This practice undoubtedly exposes the strategic intention of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region: that is, to use others first to attrition and retain the strength of the US military to the greatest extent. And the United States clearly does not care what will happen to the regions that are drawn into the conflict. Such a self-serving approach will undoubtedly exacerbate tensions and instability in the Asia-Pacific region.

3. New changes and prospects in the Asia-Pacific region

The withdrawal of US troops from Okinawa indicates that the situation in the Asia-Pacific region has ushered in a new change. The disability of the first island chain has led to a major adjustment in the strategic layout of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region. They began to focus more on the second island chain and beyond, trying to counter potential threats through new modes of warfare such as the Littoral Combat Group.

The main force of the U.S. military evacuated the Ryukyus! The ending of Taiwan and Japan is destined in advance?

However, it remains to be seen whether this tactic of fragmentation will be effective in the confrontation between great powers. At the same time, although the US military's retreat of the main force to Guam can enhance security, it also gives up the initiative to a certain extent. For the PLA, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity. They can further control the maritime situation by intensifying military activities in areas east of Taiwan and other areas, and effectively strike at US military bases such as Guam by means of medium- and long-range missiles and strategic bombers.

To sum up, the withdrawal of US troops from Okinawa is an important juncture in the development of the situation in the Asia-Pacific region. This move not only reflects the US military's recognition of the mainland's strength and its reluctance to accept the disability of the first island chain, but also brings profound changes to the security environment in the Taiwan Strait and Japan. In the face of this new change, we need to keep a clear head and cool judgment. For the PLA, this is a rare opportunity and challenge; For the entire Asia-Pacific region, this is an important moment to reassess and adjust the strategic layout. In the days ahead, we look forward to seeing a more peaceful, stable and prosperous Asia-Pacific region.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!