
Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

author:Jiejie said something

: Yo, dear headline netizens, let's talk about a hot topic today - experts criticize the "pick-up tide", saying that parents picking up and dropping off their children will ruin their children, what do you think about this? Don't worry, don't worry, listen to us slowly break it for you.

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

Recently, the Internet has exploded, and some experts have jumped out and said that now parents are picking up and dropping off their children to and from school, which is simply harming children! As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens and parents. There are those who support it, and there are those who oppose it, and everyone has a lot of opinions anyway.

Expert's opinion: Will the wave of pick-ups ruin children?

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

Let's take a look at what the experts have to say. This expert said that today's children are all flowers in the greenhouse, and parents pick up and drop off from school, which is to deprive children of the opportunity to grow independently. Over time, children become dependent and lack autonomy and problem-solving skills. Oops, that's really serious, and it makes people a little nervous when they hear it.

Parents replied domineeringly: Who wants to let their children take risks?

However, as soon as this word reached the ears of parents, it was not happy. Some parents replied domineeringly: "We pick up and drop off children, isn't it for their safety? Now that there are so many cars on the road, children go to and from school by themselves, who can rest assured? Besides, just because we pick up and drop off children doesn't mean we don't cultivate their independence. At home, we also teach them how to cross the street and how to protect themselves. This expert, I really don't have a backache when I stand and talk! ”

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

As soon as these words came out, they immediately resonated with the majority of netizens. Many netizens said that parents picking up and dropping off their children are also out of helplessness, after all, the current social environment is too complicated, and no one wants to let their children take risks. Besides, picking up and dropping off children does not mean that children will not be cultivated, and the two are not contradictory.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Is the pick-up tide good?

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

This matter has caused heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens feel that this expert makes sense, today's children are indeed too dependent on their parents, and they should be given more opportunities to grow independently. However, some netizens expressed their opposition, saying that the current social environment is too complicated, and it is too dangerous for children to go to school by themselves. Some netizens feel that this matter depends on the specific situation and cannot be generalized.

Personal opinion: The pick-up tide is not all wrong, but it needs to be moderate

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

We think it's not all wrong, but it depends on the specific situation. In today's era of complex social environment and traffic congestion, it does make sense for parents to pick up and drop off their children to and from school. After all, children's safety is the most important thing! But this does not mean that parents can completely deprive their children of the opportunity to grow independently.

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

We think that parents can let their children try and explore on their own under the premise of ensuring their children's safety. For example, you can let your child take the bus to and from school by himself, buy groceries and cook by himself, and so on. This not only exercises children's independence and problem-solving skills, but also allows them to better adapt to the social environment.

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

Of course, this also depends on the age and personality of the child. For younger or introverted children, parents should worry more about giving them more companionship and support. But for those older and cheerful children, parents can let go appropriately.


Okay, okay, let's talk about it today. This topic of "pick-up and drop-off" is really emotional. We think that there is no absolute right or wrong in this matter, it depends on the specific situation. While parents pick up and drop off their children, don't forget to let their children try and explore! Only in this way can children grow up better and better adapt to the social environment!

Experts criticized the "pick-up tide"! The parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin the children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieved!

Then we'll talk about it next time! Dear Toutiao netizens, don't forget to give us a thumbs up and leave a message! We're waiting for you right here!