
Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking

author:Old nonsense about history

Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking. During the war years, there is a touching friendship story that allows us to relive those eventful years. One is Chen Geng, who is at the helm of our party's intelligence agency, and the other is Li Kenong, the king of the party's agents. They met in the Shanghai Concession, were like brothers and sisters, and worked together all the way to fight and live and die together. Chen Geng saved the life of the Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek regardless of gains and losses, and then was arrested and tortured several times, and finally died in Shanghai at the age of 58. Hearing the bad news, Li Kenong was in pain, raised his glass and fell to the ground, and sighed: "Chen Geng is not here, and drinking is no longer tasteless." A decades-long friendship has come to an end. Those heroes who were heart-to-heart in the past have now turned into shining stars in the sky, guarding the era of peace.

Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking

In 1928, Chen Geng had just returned from being wounded on the battlefield, and when he was recuperating in Shanghai, he was sent to the party's intelligence agency to be in charge of intelligence work. Suddenly, he actually became Wang Yong, the most famous "intelligence dealer" in Shanghai. As long as something happens and can't find a clue, he will turn to Wang Yong for help. Once, a British detective even came to Chen Geng recklessly, saying that he wanted him to help arrest an underground CCP member, but Chen Geng almost saw through his true face. Chen Geng later recalled this experience, and always laughed and said that the British detective found Wang Yong, but he didn't expect that Wang Yong was the target he wanted to arrest.

And Li Kenong is an intelligence officer under Chen Geng. The two hit it off at first sight, and they both loved to drink, so they quickly became acquainted. Once, Li Kenong was ordered to infiltrate the enemy to carry out a mission, and Chen Geng became his one-line contact. The fates of the two are tied together. After the task was completed, Chen Geng invited Li Kenong to drink to celebrate, and the friendship between the two became even deeper.

In the following decades, the two participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, went to the national disaster together, and shared weal and woe. Once, Chiang Kai-shek learned of Chen Geng's whereabouts in Shanghai and planned to wipe out the underground party in Shanghai. Fortunately, Li Kenong got the news in time and notified Chen Geng as soon as possible, allowing them to avoid this catastrophe. But no one expected that two years later, Chen Geng would be betrayed by a traitor and arrested by the Kuomintang.

Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking

Chiang Kai-shek actually considered executing Chen Geng, but remembered that Chen Geng had saved his life, so he finally let him go. It turned out that it was during the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army in 1925, Chiang Kai-shek's direct troops were defeated, and he himself was wounded by a shell, and he was about to pull out his gun and commit suicide at that time. No wonder Chiang Kai-shek's wife and cronies later interceded for Chen Geng, and finally barely saved his life.

But since then, Chen Geng has been in a slump, not only leaving the root of the disease, but also physically and mentally devastated. But he still insisted on fighting to the end until the founding of New China. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Geng was in charge of national defense construction, and also served as the head of the intelligence department of the Military Commission. Li Kenong has also served as vice minister of foreign affairs and leader of intelligence departments.

Although the two have parted ways, they are still close friends. Whenever I have free time, I will gather with wine and talk about the past. Chen Geng once quipped: "If I hadn't saved Chiang Kai-shek back then, maybe he would have become a revolutionary martyr a long time ago, and we wouldn't have to worry about it." Hearing this, Li Kenong laughed. They are such friends who hate each other and tease each other.

Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking

In the late 1950s, both were forced to recuperate at home for some reason. Chen Geng's health deteriorated, and Li Kenong's wife Zhao Ying also died of illness, and he was even more physically and mentally exhausted. Despite this, the two still often meet to drink alcohol to comfort their grieving hearts.

On March 16, 1961, Chen Geng died in Shanghai at the age of 58. When Li Kenong learned of this terrible news, he was very sad. Just two days ago, the two agreed to have a drink together a few days later, but fate ruthlessly separated them like this. Li Kenong ignored his daughter's dissuasion and insisted on going to Chen Geng's house to see him off, which shows the depth of the friendship between the two.

Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking

After bidding farewell to Chen Geng, Li Kenong seems to have lost the motivation to survive. Because of the loss of this close friend, he can no longer find the joy of drinking. Once when he was drinking alone, he suddenly slammed the wine glass on the ground and reprimanded: "Chen Geng is gone, and there is no taste in drinking!" In fact, he didn't really dislike the smell of alcohol, but he had lost all interest in life.

In this way, only a year after losing his best friend Chen Geng, Li Kenong also passed away one after another at the age of 63. The heroic spirits of the two were finally reunited together in Heaven, continuing that touching friendship.

The story of Chen Geng and Li Kenong tells us that true friendship needs to go through the baptism of time and the test of life and death. They have been fighting for the cause of peace for the country all their lives, and their friendship has reached the supreme and pure realm. In the current impetuous era, it is not easy to make such a close friend. But as long as you treat others with a sincere heart, you will definitely be able to form an eternal friendship like Chen Geng and Li Kenong.

Chen Geng died young, and Li Kenong broke the wine glass: After Chen Geng was gone, there was no taste in drinking

The story of Chen Geng and Li Kenong is like a bright pearl, illuminating the magnificent chapter of the heroes in those years. They forged a priceless friendship with their blood and lives, and they made great strides along the way, and finally became legends in the annals of history. Let us remember the spirit of our ancestors, inherit the flame of their friendship, and ignite the ordinary and great life of the present. #头条首发大赛#

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