
The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

author:Old nonsense about history

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle. In that bloody era, there was a military wizard who scolded Fang Xuan, a general named Su Yu. He commanded heavy troops, commanded steadfastly, and created one military miracle after another on the battlefield, making the enemy fearful. But when he personally commanded the war, a distinguished general was always mysteriously absent, which was puzzling. This general is Chen Shiyu, chief of staff of the East China Field Army. Why is he always "unexpectedly absent" at critical moments? Is it because he is not convinced by Su Yu, or is there something else to hide?

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

At that time, General Su was in charge of the East China Field Army and had always commanded well. However, many generals of the former Shandong Field Army, including Chen Shiyu, the chief of staff at the time, were skeptical of his talents. For this reason, General Chen Yi had to show the telegrams exchanged between Su Yu and Chairman Mao during the Soviet-Chinese Campaign as a testimony, which recorded Su Yu's wonderful achievements in winning more with less and winning seven battles and seven victories, which convinced everyone.

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

In the major battles that followed, Su Yu showed more and more superb command skills and was highly praised. But when he personally commanded the battle, Chen Shiyu, who was the chief of staff, was always mysteriously absent. What's going on? Could it be that he still has something to do with Su Yu in his heart?

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

In fact, there is nothing, this is just a reasonable division of labor. At that time, Chen Shiyu was stationed at the front, responsible for column operations, and played his best in tackling tough battles. Su Yu, on the other hand, coordinated the overall situation at the headquarters, strategized strategically, and displayed his unique concept of "sports warfare". The two complement each other in such a division of labor, which can be described as a perfect match.

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

Back to the original question, why was Chen Shiyu not present when Su Yu personally commanded? The reason is simply because of the difference in combat styles and philosophies between the two. Su Yu advocated mobile warfare and acted when the opportunity was seen, and relied on this tactic in the Soviet-Chinese campaign to defeat the enemy's 120,000 army with only a small force of 25,000. In contrast, Chen Shiyu attaches more importance to the importance of tackling tough problems.

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

In the face of the backwardness of our army's weapons and equipment at that time, the two naturally had differences. But Su Yu's flexible movement, avoiding hard nails, and then concentrating superior forces to destroy the enemy was approved by Chairman Mao. In the end, after the merger of Central China and Yamano, everyone could only choose one mode of combat. In this case, Su Yu's style of play is naturally more popular.

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

But even so, Chen Shiyu is still a highly respected commander. In order to solve this matter, Chen Yi made a very wise deployment. Chen Shiyu went to the front line to command the low-level columns, while the main group was personally commanded by Su Yu. In this way, the strengths of both generals were greatly exploited. Sure enough, Chen Shiyu later relied on his own skills to liberate the two important towns of Kaifeng and Luoyang, and made great contributions to the final victory.

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

The study of military history should not be too one-sided. Although Su Yu is indeed a generation of military wizards, veteran generals like Chen Shiyu are also indispensable. History is never black and white, it is more of a gray area. We should not question the character and contribution of heroes because of superficial appearances. On the contrary, we should be more tolerant and understanding, and look at history with a broad vision.

The Disappeared Chief of Staff: Why did Su Yu "happen" not to be in the headquarters as soon as Su Yu fought a big battle

As the so-called "heroes are useless", Chen Shiyu and Su Yu are the two heroic generals who complemented each other back then. Their deeds should be remembered so that we can draw strength and wisdom from them so that we can move firmly towards a better tomorrow. #头条首发大赛#